Grid Sage Games
A one-man operation specializing in roguelikes and tactical games.
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Grid Sage Games Feb 12, 2017 @ 5:39am 
Thanks Mad Dog Torx, nice to see friendly faces around already! Does feel weird to be here since I've never really used Steam before, but should definitely start getting used to it. I guess that's another reason to throw Cogmind on Greenlight before Valve switches to the new service. (I do actually have a personal account--Kyzrati, which I imagine I'll probably be using instead of this one once things get rolling, if only because that's the name I usually go by, but figured I should publish games under a company name/account. I've never really used that account either, though :P)
Mad Dog Torx Feb 12, 2017 @ 2:03am 
Great to see you on Steam, Josh! Can't wait for Cogmind to hit Steam! I know, you'll release it when you're ready and not before :happypug: