Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
I get around
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1,424 hrs on record
last played on May 28
813 hrs on record
last played on May 28
197 hrs on record
last played on May 26
MOTORCYCLE_MASTER666 May 3 @ 5:08pm 
thanks for the gold kind stranger, a heckin updoot to you!
ҪФЏSЇИ ЇVДЙ May 3 @ 5:06pm 
lol I'll settle for good old-fashioned regular autism then.

This has been fun. You and your beautiful beau have a blessed rest of your day. :praisesun:
MOTORCYCLE_MASTER666 May 3 @ 5:03pm 
no, you only have regular autism.
ҪФЏSЇИ ЇVДЙ May 3 @ 5:00pm 
I'm super proud of you. And yes. I have a terminal case of gamer-autism. And you're right to blame Reddit, I'm a mod on at least 7 different subreddits (and their corrosponding Discord servers.)

Also I might have buttcrack cancer. :undyne:
MOTORCYCLE_MASTER666 May 3 @ 4:55pm 
also we've killed like 13 more blues since you've been complaining
MOTORCYCLE_MASTER666 May 3 @ 4:53pm 
do you have an autism tic where you have to punctuate all of your sentences with undertale emotes?