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3.5 hrs last two weeks / 1,620.4 hrs on record (583.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 16, 2022 @ 2:46pm
Updated: Aug 29, 2023 @ 7:43am

Do you enjoy the thrill of roguelikes, learning enemy attack patterns and finding powerful items? Are you fond of rhythm games and hitting notes perfectly on-beat? Well, what if I were to tell could enjoy both of these things AT THE SAME TIME?

Crypt of the NecroDancer does exactly that, it has features from both rhythm games and roguelike games, allowing you to attack and move to the beat, clearing zone after zone getting better and stronger gear, to take down boss after boss and finish each characters' storyline.

[Characters] - There are a total of 10 characters to choose from. Each character has unique traits about them that changes how the game is played. Some are more difficult to learn than others, and some change the way the game is played completely!

[Weapons] - From daggers, swords, spears and rapiers, all the way to many different bow/crossbow variants and even guns, you have a wide selection of weapons to come across which each have unique attack styles. Weapon qualities include gold, blood, titanium, obsidian, and glass, which each have unique effects!

[Spells] - If close quarter combat isn't your thing, NecroDancer offers a variety of spellbooks and scrolls (both rechargeable and one-time use). These include offensive spells such as a horizontal fireball and a diagonal pulse, and supportive spells including a fully protective temporary shield, or a self-heal.

[Shopkeeper] - A staple of roguelike games, the shopkeeper can sell you up to three items per floor. Except, this shopkeeper sings! But be careful about attacking him, as I'm sure you're aware of the trope surrounding shopkeepers in various games...

Crypt of the NecroDancer is 100% my favorite game of all time, as I believe it combines rhythm and roguelike perfectly into one hell of a masterpiece. I can see myself playing it for many years to come.
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