
Foster 最近的評論

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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 70.4 小時 (評論時已進行 5.1 小時)
Already knew the game was good.
The port is bordering on flawless with only a few minor technical issues for me so far, that don't seem to be universal and are likely due to my rather mediocre CPU, which is an Intel i5-12600KF.

Buy it if you want a really good romanticized samurai movie in video game format, in the vein of Kurosawa films. But you likely knew what to expect in that regard anyways, you just wanted to know if the port was good.

PSN is only required if you want to play Legends (co-op) which runs off of PSN servers to begin with so it's not an unreasonable thing to require a PSN account for that, that's just how servers work, people.
I've also seen fearmongering about Sony's lackluster account security, just make a throwaway email and password for your PSN account or something if you're really worried about it, you don't have to have a credit card or anything to have a PSN account and on top of that, and I cannot stress this enough:
張貼於 5 月 16 日。 最後編輯於 5 月 16 日。
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總時數 58.0 小時 (評論時已進行 17.7 小時)
Edit again: Sony still have the game blocked in the nations that were blocked by the account link fiasco, I personally refuse to stand for them denying sales to people as a roundabout salty punishment against the consumer for their respective nations not letting them force things down their throats.

Don't let them take an inch, Sony's already proven to tug at an inch until it eventually gets parsecs out of us.
張貼於 3 月 7 日。 最後編輯於 5 月 10 日。
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總時數 19.0 小時
Robot bullet hell with expertly animated weapons and fantastic gunplay, movement's real good too.
Loads of replay value and general content, also skill based enough to where you never feel "too weak" because of a missing upgrade or item.
張貼於 2023 年 11 月 28 日。
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總時數 51.3 小時 (評論時已進行 21.5 小時)
Good game, really makes you feel like Nicolas Cage in Lord of War, but this time he's fighting crispy ass critters.
張貼於 2023 年 2 月 23 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 28.0 小時 (評論時已進行 4.9 小時)
DMC of the Necrodancer
Your DT lets you do stuff like surf around on your guitar and kill enemies with a powerslide guitar sweep
The game is great, play the game if you like character action
張貼於 2023 年 1 月 25 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 178.3 小時 (評論時已進行 50.1 小時)
Countless gameplay ruining bugs, performance issues, baffling gameplay design decisions, lack of features promised in marketing and promotional material as well as an INTENTIONAL lack of basic features fundamentally core to every co-op game (private lobbies, primarily) keep this game rooted firmly in a shallow grave.
Shame too, the gameplay is really fun when the AI Director isn't actively bullying you by spawning hordes with crushers and bulwarks and maulers directly on your head while spamming disabler units on you.

Pass on it for a year or so, wait until a deep discount of 50% at the least as well, wait until they actually finish their game.
張貼於 2022 年 12 月 4 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 6.9 小時 (評論時已進行 5.5 小時)
張貼於 2022 年 9 月 6 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 11.0 小時 (評論時已進行 9.5 小時)
Shart version: Best Stealth-Action game on the market right now, buy it if you're a fan of Splinter Cell and/or Metal Gear Solid. 10/10 would throw empty mags at enemies again.

Despite initial appearances giving way to obvious Hotline Miami comparisons it is in no way a Hotline Miami clone, it stands entirely on its own merits; To wit, Intravenous contains some of the best stealth gameplay I've seen in any game in years allowing a plethora of tactics ranging from pure ghost stealth without even taking any weapons at all and using nothing but your wits and strategy to avoid everything and everyone, to outright guerrilla warfare where you use the enemies tactics in an alerted or even outright attacking state against them to set up ambushes and death traps while leaving absolutely no survivors in the entire level.
Additionally, out and out firefights are not only possible but entirely fair, if you get killed in one it is almost certainly because the AI outwitted you or simply outgunned you and you didn't prepare adequately for the fullscale battle you received in return, they will try to flank you and won't wait a turn to fight you, they will go hard and fast attacking from all angles with as many fighters at once as they can possibly get to you at the same time.
Notably the levels are set up perfectly to allow both playstyles without leaning too heavily into one being better than any other given option, and you are never penalized for doing things the way you want to do them, at least in-game (I don't personally care about nor pay attention to achievements so I don't know for sure about those.)

Additionally, the game just had the launch of its level editor, which includes workshop integration, so there's effectively potentially infinite content now if that's up your alley.
張貼於 2021 年 11 月 25 日。
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30 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 3.0 小時 (評論時已進行 1.0 小時)
Not an original game design concept, another two button combo gameplay system, but said system is of course a proven one that is highly addicting and works will with that "just one more go" hook that every game goes for.
I feel this is one of the more fair and fun instances of such a gameplay system though, because enemies are so distinct from each other visually that you can get into the rhythm of instantly killing each one perfectly much faster than you can in other games of its ilk.
A big draw, in my opinion, for this game is its very visually appealing art style and the neat character designs, which are used to great effect to make it easier to tell what's going on and what enemies are which, even amidst a sea of them charging you during fury mode. Plus it's free, always a big bonus.
張貼於 2020 年 5 月 11 日。
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7 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 91.7 小時 (評論時已進行 12.1 小時)
I want to clarify something to anyone looking at this particular review;
This game is a very very different beast to any previous entry in the franchise, even Doom 2016.
It has very different resource mechanics, it has a different feel to the gunplay, you prioritize things far differently, you do things differently in every regard.
If you come into this trying to play it like Doom 2016 you will die. If you come into this trying to play it like any other Doom game you will die.
The only things that really carry over are as follows: Chainsaw = Ammo geyser, Glory Kill = Health geyser, SSG good, Archvile mean, Mobile Sentry mod on the chaingun is extremely fun, weapon mods, grenades, don't stop moving or you'll die.

The game tried new things and personally I think it succeeded at making them work.
There was plenty of forewarning that this game was NOT going to be like Doom 2016, a decent sized lot of these negative reviews are from people who somehow failed to get that memo and unfortunately got the feeling that they'd been burnt as a result.
It's not for everyone but the sheer speed at which this game goes is unprecedented for an FPS game, really.
If you play on Nightmare a single slip-up could be a death easily, whether it be failing to keep on top of your resource juggling or simply clipping a wall at the worst possible moment.

To me, it feels insanely gratifying and satisfying to play and conquer each battle, each new demon, figure out how to most effectively and efficiently use each weapon and on what demons, etc.
Please, do yourself a favor and look into this game if you're thinking about grabbing it, and if you like what you see then absolutely grab it.
If you don't get rock hard watching gameplay of it, then I think you'd hate what the game has to offer as a result, I'm pretty sure this is one of those games with no middle ground. Love it or hate it.

Just keep this in mind while looking at other reviews, keep all the information you can get your hands on in mind and try to make as informed a purchase as you can on this one.
Fully recommend it if you like what it offers.
張貼於 2020 年 3 月 20 日。
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