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0.3 hrs last two weeks / 3,085.1 hrs on record (748.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 7, 2021 @ 7:18pm
Updated: Jun 7, 2022 @ 3:33pm

Overall a very good program. It is what you make of it and the program itself won't make you good at pixel art, nor will it not make pixel art any easier. Being good at pixel art requires many hours of raw practice and grinding to make any sort of gains with the art form.

I bought this program with absolutely no prior knowledge or experiences with art asides from trying to learn digital art, and giving up at it. Yet when I started doing pixel art, the art form just... stuck with me in my life and it became very addicting to the point where I constantly have Aseprite open in the background of my pc while I do my work. There are countless tutorials on how to do pixel art using Aseprite which can be helpful.

Would I say that there are any advantages to using Aseprite over a free paint program? I'd say that yes there is one. In my experience with other free software, it's pretty difficult to make animations with them. That's about all I could think of with over 1000 hours in this program.

The great thing about this program is that it's very easy to figure out and probably within a week, you'll have a pretty solid understanding of on how all the tools and menus work.

I have had occasional run ins with glitches that happen out of no where with no explanation whatsoever, basically, out of no where, your ability to place down pixels can just... stop out of no where. Usually this is because you have the selector tool iseelecting some random spot of your picture, so removing the selection usually helps out, but sometimes that's not the issue causing that, but in my experience, saving your work and restarting the program should fix it.

There really isn't much more to the program. It's sweet, simple, but overall, I'd say that there are many free alternatives that are just as good if you don't want to spend the 20 bucks. Afterall, Aseprite is what you make of it. .
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Developer response:
dacap  [developer] Posted: Jan 11, 2021 @ 8:01am
Hi Branny, thanks for your review. About the keyboard shortcuts, we are not aware of this issue but it might be related to Windows keyboard layout (e.g. if you have multiple keyboard layouts configured in your Windows configuratioin.)

Check this thread just in case: https://steamcommunity.com/app/431730/discussions/2/1752402219405855107/
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