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MvM Stuff for those who care -- I don't get involved with drama, I just play the game
Two Cities:
Couple Notes - I used to believe in the badge resetting for better loot and I have since given up on that. I have reset my badge 2 times in increments of 100 tours, therefore I have 200 more tours than my badge says. I have only done this for two cities.

Tour #2: Australium SMG
Tour #9: Australium Rocket Launcher (4box)
Tour #13: Australium Grenade Launcher (4box)
Tour #171: Australium Frontier Justice
Tour #181: Australium Frontier Justice
Tour #256: Australium Minigun
Tour #366: Australium Axtinguisher
Tour #411: Australium Minigun
Tour #439: Australium Medigun
Tour #459: Australium Grenade Launcher

Gear Grinder:
Tour #12: Australium Ambassador
Tour #18: Australium Tomislav
Tour #47: Australium Stickybomb Launcher

Mecha Engine:
Tour # 17: Australium Axtinguisher

Total Australiums: 14
Longest Dry Streak: Its been a long time, I lost count
Recent Activity
2.2 hrs on record
last played on Jun 17
69 hrs on record
last played on Jun 17
6,366 hrs on record
last played on Jun 17
Funny Business May 30 @ 6:19pm 
Thiago Ciogiucul May 28 @ 8:46pm 
A Cuppa Cat May 13 @ 4:30pm 
you annoy me to no extent you're a good sniper tho
Hangwire May 7 @ 12:51pm 
hey added :)
AwesomeSause May 6 @ 5:18am 
burning impaler, +rep either way for cool demo loadout
Slizardd May 4 @ 7:41am 
+rep, your profile looks awesome! looking forward to our friendship lol