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yhteensä 38 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 7.5.
yhteensä 14,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 7.5.
yhteensä 255 tuntia
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Lord of Hell 18.3. klo 13.52 
+rep thx for game
[ZeroAudioOutput] 22.10.2023 klo 2.51 
It's time to be scared! Why? Oh, you'll find out soon enough.
[ZeroAudioOutput] 25.10.2022 klo 5.30 
I hear you don't watch many horror movies... good.. good. That means you don't know about all the things that you should be scared of in the dark of night. Makes things much easier for them....
[ZeroAudioOutput] 6.10.2021 klo 1.43 
Do you believe in ghosts? No? Well fine... but they believe in you.
[ZeroAudioOutput] 15.10.2020 klo 11.35 
My goodness, look how much you've grown! Oh don't mind me, just talking to the virus I created last year...
[ZeroAudioOutput] 23.10.2019 klo 8.50 
You can run and you can hide. Alright, now that we have the rules set, let the manhunt begin!