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Posted: Jun 22, 2019 @ 5:47am
Updated: Jun 27, 2019 @ 2:17pm

I will start with the bad: this game is by no means a good game in the sense of it's word. I mean, the puzzles range from simple and boring to frustrating and not in a good way. The combat is mediocre at best. Hellblade would be better classified as a walking simulator. But oh boy, is it an amazing walking simulator.
It's a really great game, if not the best to date, on psychosis and how it feels to be affected by it. The game can, and probably will, make a dent on you. It did a big one on me.

Do have in mind that the game is about 6-9 hours long, and again, the combat feels more like a fill up then actually good gameplay, but sometimes it is used to enhance the feeling of a person with any kind of psychosis might go though, and there, it does really shine.

The video feature, which you should see after you completed the game, is just the cherry on top of the cake.

While I wouldn't call this game a masterpiece, mainly do to combat sections which after the first couple hours just feel boring, I would still say this is a game that everyone should play and has become one of my Favorites: the Sound FX is one of the best in the industry, the atmosphere is top-notch, the story is interesting, not to short nor too long, and the best: it does REALLY show and give you an insight on why and how psychosis can be aggravated by those around you and how someone affected by some sort of psychosis can see a complete different world then you.

"The hardest battles are fought in the mind, not with a sword."
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