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Recent reviews by Noctover

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2 people found this review helpful
766.4 hrs on record (527.9 hrs at review time)
Played this for many years on and off, its come a long way. Nothing currently like it within the genre.

Difficulty settings highly customisation, nice graphics very detailed uboat and is a total steal right now for £7.49.

Devs are highly active, updating frequently and its amazed me the degree to which they listen and even respond to the community. The fact that this game is highly mod-able is going to make it the premiere sub-sim for the foreseeable future.

Highly recommended.
Posted August 4, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
For the price i'll say "Yes" but... Its a multiplayer DLC. It needed better communicating that much of the DLC was locked behind MP, and that it was exuded from the main campaign.

Main issue is now the performance, its taken a total nose dive now that its been ported over Unreal Engine 5 as opposed to 4, great if you have a nice PC but if you don't.....

Maybe if i make it look like Minecraft i can play it now, i kinda feel like the game i purchased has been taken away from me.

Void, you need to update the system requirements on the DLC and the main game, as good luck playing this on a 1060 with 8GB RAM and an i5.
Posted July 24, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
341.7 hrs on record (54.1 hrs at review time)
Wait a few weeks. Great game. Server issues currently.


Servers seem much more stable now, AFK kick timer implemented and cap increased to 700,000, i can recommend at this point.
Posted February 18, 2024. Last edited February 25, 2024.
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174.9 hrs on record (49.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So i guess i should leave a more in depth review after playing all of EA and 1.0 since the start.

There seem to be 2 types of people, the fanboys and the "haters" but if you read a little of each you'll probably find the truth.

1.0 is quite buggy, but not too buggy. A hotfix or two should fix most of these. The "Trailer" units never come, sometimes you cannot stop bleeding when shot so you eventually die... SWAT AI path finding sometimes goes off the rails when they use shields, the restart times are a bit ridiculous and even if you fail a mission your team still take the hit despite the fact technically it "never happened" as you go back to where you were.

The main issues i see are the AI. Suspect AI are all tier 1 operators chewing coffee beans on Ritalin with training the likes we've never witnessed in real life. Or to be more specific they have aimbots and know how to wallbang. Slow and steady is the only real way to play, you cannot go aggressive generally as they know you're coming before you round the corner. The game can be very frustrating and i know its supposed to be hard but i feel that SWAT 4 had the balance perfect.

The other issue is suspects do not surrender enough. To get a suspect to surrender the way i see it is they must be flashed, gassed, tasered or some sort of tactical intervention. Its VERY rare a suspect will surrender on their own accord, be it vets with a grudge or your local methhead/gas station thief. The sight of seeing 5 officers baring down on them, 2 with shields and 3 with high power rifles, will rarely deter your local cash register thief from charging at you holding his 9mm sideways doming you 4 times before you put them on their back. SWAT 4 had a great way of making suspects think twice when at barrels end of 3 trained SWAT officers.

The wallhack is very prevalent when using CS GAS. Whilst GAS should be great if they are a little out of the pool, you give them a nice shooting gallery. I used it on Post Office in the main room and ended up just watching my AI and the suspect AI trading fire through this wall of smoke...I was a spectator i could see nothing.

Commander mode is also...Interesting. SWAT tend to be very sensitive in Los Suenos... The mere sight of of a suspect will put them on anxious on missions end. The commander mode is not really an RTS aspect of the game its just an exercise in click-and-swap.... Every mission just move out your anxious/stressed/critical units who are upset because an arrested suspected used a profanity and put in a new one.

Sort out the glaring bugs, then REALLY focus on sorting this AI out in my opinion. I am enjoying it still but the frustration level is also high.

Performance wise, runs fine for me on ultra using a very much mid range rig...Id say 80 FPS. Some FPS slowdown issues (especially arresting suspect with hair!) but nothing to speak of.

Lovely graphics, animations and gun models. Also good sounds. Nice atmosphere in the levels themselves before john wick the meth cook domes you from 2 rooms away because there was a crack in the door between the hinge.

Id say for perspective buyers...watch some vids then choose. I have faith these issues will be looked into however.
Posted February 5, 2022. Last edited December 15, 2023.
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17 people found this review helpful
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32.2 hrs on record (31.2 hrs at review time)
Good game, great physics, and has (mostly) full wheel support. Played with a G27, had a good time especially in MP working together.

Recommending the game however not at full price, i got it on sale for just over £12 and its well worth the money.

For the full price additions id expect are:

TrackIR support
Better map plotting
Attention to detail (why are the headlights clientside...)
Truck specs: Truck roulette is annoying, they all look similar no stats or support equiptment information.

TLDR; Good little niche game, improvement over first; good controller support, worth grabbing on offer but full price is a little steep.
Posted August 27, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
4.5 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Don’t do reviews often, but as this is such an anticipated title I feel its important to alert people to the issues the game has, mostly 1 issue.

I am aware this is Early Access, and therefore would never make a review based on....well pretty much anything as it could easily be fixed/implemented/removed or whatever, however, this issue has been in since day 1, is still in now, and for reasons i will explain, is unlikely to he resolved.

What is that issue? It runs like a fat kid in a pit of treacle....The performance is horrific to the likes i have never seen before, i recently upgraded my rig (not for this game) but did decide for science, to try out DayZ and the performance was identical. I am running an I2600k OC'd, 2x 720 TIs, 32gig of RAM. This rig eats up the likes of Metro, Arma 3, ARK, Mad Max, and pretty much any other game i can throw at it.....And why not? With exception of the CPU, which is getting on the rig is quite a beast.

DayZ however, is another matter...

1. Even on the lowest of settings you can make the game look like Minecraft and still get the most appalling FPS which gives you a headache within 30 minutes.

2. Its pretty much impossible to benchmark it, you can make it run nicely out in the middle of nowhere but the minute you get to a town, it tanks again depending on the size of the town etc. The only way to improve this is to go to the biggest and demanding city (Cherno maybe?) and tinker with the graphics until its playable, this will mean going as low as you can go and still getting a headache.

3. You need a PHD to use the graphics menu, its not intuitive, it dosent make much sense and certain options are in menus they shouldn’t be, not to mention after explaining to a friend what the scaling meant he was going mad about how he didn’t realize he could make the game look NOT blurry, and hes been playing it for over 6 months...

The reason that this is a problem, is because it dates back to Arma II. Arma II ran like a dog, it always has, and DayZ uses a slightly modified version of the engine which has exactly the same issues, even now you can run Arma 3, which looks leagues better, at a higher frame rate than Arma II. With the added high res textures thrown into Day Z iiI promise you even the finished release will be plagued with these problems mark my words.

The reason it ruins the game is because i cannot think of a game that is harder to aim in than the Arma series, and having a 15 FPS is like dragging a challenger two around your mouse mat, it means you KNOW you are going to lose an engagement if you get into one, which ruins the entire game.

Game would have promise if not for the extremely poor performance.
Posted September 19, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
9.5 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
If you are really into TAC shooters like me then you'll...........HATE this game, its an insult, so buggy and a game designed to be played with friends in a strict COOP environment...DOSENT LET YOU PASSWORD A SERVER! The AI is the most broken thing i've ever seen in a game, the animations and graphics are bad (that was expected though).

Best game ATM in regards to tac shooters is Insurgency, this game is garbage that the dev has no intention of fixing.
Posted February 18, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries