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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 172.0 hrs on record (125.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 7, 2018 @ 5:29pm
Updated: Nov 29, 2018 @ 11:13pm

DARKWST DUNGEON IS NOT A DUNGEON COMBAT GAME, it is a MANAGEMENT game. (Skip to the end if you want tl;dr)

I noticed a lot of reviews citing the game as ‘too hard’ or ‘all about rng’ and I can tell you exactly why: those players were expecting a generic dungeon crawler where you can kerbstomp every boss with high level and super gear, and the managerial risk mitigation required in Darkest Dungeon (DD) is foreign and alien to them.

All the RPG nowadays features the player as this, omnipotent chosen one who is out to save the world single handly, DD subverts that 100%. Your team sports heros with mortal characteristics of strength and weakness, vices and fears that is nothing like the “chosen one out to save the world”.

That is fine, we have seen that in lores before but here is the kicker - You got to manage those flaws in DD! In fact, if you have worked in a corporate environment DD will be a piece of cake for you, since it is all about risk assessment and human resource (HR) management.

What about the rng?

Let's cover the risk assessment: to put it simply, you look at the LIKELIHOOD (rng) and CONSEQUENCE of a RISK to get a risk score, and you assign CONTROLS to reduce the two aforementioned factors.

Say if my vestel is highly prone to stress in dark due to quirks, we have “RISK” of her getting psyched out and become incapable to heal. The “CONSEQUENCE” of that would be wiping and losing the juicy trinkets your squad has (catastrophic) and the chance of me having no torch may occur in long dungeons (possible).

So now, the typical gamers have two response : Vestel heal is weak, or negative quirks are too strong. They look at problems NOT solutions.

To a thinking gamer, a CONTROL will be applied.
I can reduce the likelihood (rng) by
-Curing the quirk (if time permits)
-Bring more torches
-Have a man of arms to guard her
-Have ranged damage that can wipe out stressors on round 1, IE dogs and highwayman

To reduce the consequence by
-Strict retreat protocol- if the healer is not coping, escape combat
-Have a crusader that can reduce stress
-Have stress reduction camping skills
-Have self heal on dps to reduce healer workload

Now we have applied control, we have reduced the likelihood (rng) of healer getting psyched out from possible to unlikely level. And even if the healer does get psyched out we have controls to reduce the consequences from catastrophic to minor (if they retreat they go to town have a break no biggie).

It is understandable that risk management skill do not exist in the immature adults or children who have been fed with hero complex and unable to accept compromise, it is easier to just blame it on rng.

While the game does have certain shortfalls like slow combat animation, overall it has pioneered a new type of dungeon crawler that's a fresh breeze compared to the old and outdated ‘grind to max level and save the world’ model.

In Conclusion:
Not saying you have to like the game or agree to the review, but this is just not the typical game where god gear will win you 100% of the games, and if challenging games isn't your thing, you may need to reconsider purchasing it. However if you do enjoy real challenges like me, you are in for helluva treat!
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Thrilluminator Jun 2, 2022 @ 11:38pm 
excellent review. If there were a class people had to take before playing Darkest Dungeon, your review would be a good example of the type of content it should contain
t9 Apr 10, 2019 @ 4:59am 
Good read
USED Apr 5, 2019 @ 2:10pm 
You may know how to avoid some strategy mistakes, but what about some instant death with no sign? This kind of situation frequently shows up in the late game, when you have averagely spend hours training a hero. And the red hook made a few tweaks, making this game has more "tension", and less solutions. They did it, only to tell me how poorly they understand what makes this game interesting and playable.
USED Apr 5, 2019 @ 2:09pm 
In fact, the difficulty is not the biggest problem. Given sufficient time, most player would find out the best solution, by either trying or simply learning it from someone else. The biggest problem is, from my point of view, the unbalance between the slow pace of the game and the unreasonably frustrating punishment. In the late game, most stressing or damaging monsters with high speed usually take you 2-3 turns to wipe them out, but that's enough for them to deal enough damage to put your team in a dangerous situation, and sometimes get one hero killed(sometimes it only takes one hit to get yourself killed).
Your Neighbour Dec 16, 2018 @ 4:27pm 
Glad it helped wfolta!
Druitt Dec 16, 2018 @ 10:42am 
Marked helpful. I was at first interested in the game, then read all of the "you're crawling over broken glass" reviews and forgot about it. (But left it in my Wish List, for some reason.) I happened upon your review, and that changed everything. Now it's nearing the top of my Wish List and I'll get it in turn, or immediately if it goes on sale.

I've now noticed a couple of other reviews like yours as well, and now I get it. I am copying/pasting these reviews into a document that I'll try to read before every playing session to remind me not to let bad habits formed in other games come back to bite me.

Leviathan88 Nov 26, 2018 @ 1:58pm 
@Foxion No he doesn't it's just a game. He's making counterpoints to peoples complains, it's like people crying over the outcome of a molopoly game. Saying it's not fun because they can't win every time, failure and dying is a part of the game.
Foxion Nov 26, 2018 @ 1:38pm 
You use some major strawmen and sound very arrogant. Work on your attitude dude
Rodel Ituralde Nov 21, 2018 @ 7:17pm 
Great review. Spot on.
Your Neighbour Nov 16, 2018 @ 3:13pm 
Antiquian increases the loot cap as well, having an antiquian and just give her as much dodge as you can and a self heal team you would be drowning in money.