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Hertz Gamerschnitzel 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 86.1시간 (평가 당시 11.1시간)
Honestly for this one I would give it a Neutral review, however due to the recent Wastelanders update the game has improved significantly. I've been playing since the closed Beta, and the game has definitely came a long way since then. The game is still best enjoyed with friends for the best experience, but due to the Wastelander update the game finally has what feels like a proper single player experience.

As an aside the game features a better reputation system than Fallout 4 which is hallarious, and also features a overall better dialog system with actual skill checks. Wastelanders has somehow surpassed Fallout 4 in someways. Although at least that one can be modded to be more proper.

I still recommend this one only if you have friends to play with, or are just a big fan of the Fallout series. Don't get me wrong there are still tons of bugs, and the feeling of nothing to do does often set in. But at least the game has more going on with the latest update. This is coming from someone who defended this game, and then completely dropped it when they came out with Fallout 1st. So this update convinced me to give it a second chance, so maybe you will too.
2020년 4월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.6시간
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Never played a game quite as fun as this. It takes concepts from similar co op shooters such as Left 4 Dead, and Payday and improves on them to such a point to where they become perfection. This is the greatest co op shooter ever made.
2018년 12월 24일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.2시간 (평가 당시 4.2시간)
Sonic Forces, a game I was very excited for, turned out to be a mixed bag in terms of how "good" it really is. I've always enjoyed playing the Sonic series, even games such as the infamous Sonic 06. The only game in the series I have not enjoyed was Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric. However Sonic Forces honestly is the first game in a long time that has truly disappointed me with it's level of unpolish. It seems from the time the game was revealed to now there has been very little done in the realm of polish leading to some very glaring issues. The physics come to mind as one thing that really throw me off (Litterally). Moments where boost sections lead into me being shot in an opposite direction for no reason, trying to do the ever so extremely repetitive 2D platforming with controls almost as slipery as though I was on ice at all times, and also just the Classic Sonic stages in general. Basically, it's no Sonic Mania (Clarification: I do not own Sonic Mania on Steam, I own it on the Switch because I enjoy taking games like that on the go). The legnth of the game is also almost mind boggolingly short. Like I know there's bonus challenges, but those really don't add much to the overall legnth of the game since all they do is focus around a single quick gimick. The only long lasting life (and the reason why I'll be keeping this game) is from the hopeful modding support.

However you may notice that I reccomend this game? Yes, I do indeed. Addressing the negatives first is just something I personally do. Anyways, the game however offers the return of the boost gameplay style. For many, including myself, this is the best style of gameplay that suits the Sonic series. Regardless of the poor handling of the style in this new title, I still found a lot of enjoyment out of the few times I got to go the speed of sound. Another thing I found myself enjoying was actually the AVATAR stages. Oh yes the DeviantArt The Fan Character itself is one thing I haven't mentioned in the negatives for a good reason. Honestly the Avatar stages are some of the better ones in the game, they offer a good mix of platforming and speed all in a equal manner. The wisp gimick has honestly never been fun to me, but you can pretty much ignore it for the most part. However the "Wispins" are a really interesting addition to combat, and make it pretty fun. Probably the best part about this game was the music however, I really enjoyed the trance like tracks in the Avatar stages, the music of the Modern Sonic stages, and even the Genisis Sound Font of the Classic Sonic stages. All of the compositions sound nice, and are something I will probably listen to occasionally on their own. The overall sound design of the game is very well done, and the voice acting of course is spot on. Especially Mike Pollock's Eggman.

Final thoughts, I'm probably going to keep this game for future modding support if any. I overall had a mixed experience, but if you're a Sonic fan I'd say go ahead and grab it. It's a decent game for a Sonic fan, but for the general audiance it'll probably have no lasting appeal at all. If you're a non Sonic fan then grab Sonic Mania instead, it's a much better game for anyone who is a general fan of platformers. Anyways, that is all. Thanks for reading!
2017년 11월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 648.9시간 (평가 당시 543.3시간)
Overkill has most definetly fixed a lot of the problems I had held previously, so I figure I must make a review to update my thoughts.

Now that Microtransactions are on the way out I feel that complaining anymore is unwarranted for me personally. Other than that the game is good, and I have no complaints other than the fact that we still have no Jiro heists.

Payday 2 is a fun co-op 4 player heist game where you use all kinds of weapons, and characters while badass music plays in the background. The game makes for a good time waister, and I myself have really enjoyed myself while playing it.
2015년 10월 17일에 게시되었습니다. 2016년 6월 6일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
This is my literal favorite DLC, and for good reason as well. Lets get started!

The Heists

The Bomb Dockyard: This is easily my favorite heist in the game. Stealth is usually not my cup of tea, but I actually find this stealth quite tolerable due to the set paths of the gaurds. However the real fun in my opinion comes from the amazing Loud. The Loud is handled very well, in fact so well I make it a point to play this heist every time I return from my break sessions from Payday 2. The whole aspect of moving the ship, and then searching for the bomb just feels to right. Also the Enemy AI actually functions on the map, so everything just feels so perfect! Overall best heist in my opinion.

The Bomb Forest: Now this one to some is hated, but I actually found myself warming up to it. Whenever I first opened up the Bomb I had very little hopes for it, and the heist I chose first was Forest. Now this might have given me a not so good awakening as I found myself about to puke as well as confused. Overkill really needs to work on the verticality in their heists I suppose. But after seeing all of the references, and the fact there was no drill, I really began to love this heist. My major gripe however is the Enemies often get stuck on logs or other things at the bottom of the hill, and if you dont get the Helicopter escape then you will be up for a rude awakening at the bottom.

The Gun

This DLC provides easily the best pistol in the entire game, the legendary god/demon/everything slayer...


The LEO is a very good gun stat wise, and just a overall AMAZING gun. The guns in Payday 2 even if I love them always let me down sometimes, but the LEO has NEVER let me down EVER. The LEO made me change to a pistol centric armored Mastermind build.

The Masks

The masks in this pack are rather lacking in my opinion. I really like the Doctor's mask as it reminds me of No Mercy in PDTH, but that's about it. I am not a fan of the default mask design (As I am a wearer of the legendary Rainbow Chef Hat), so not much fun for me here other than that. And yes, I did put a rainbow material on that mask.


BUY THIS DLC! BUY THIS DLC! BUY THIS DLC! BUY THIS DLC!, it's better than the Chivalry Pack. You know what, everything is better than the Chivalry Pack.
2015년 10월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.8시간 (평가 당시 1.6시간)
The first Sakura game with actual Hentai scenes! (With the patch)

I may or may not have had an "enjoyable" time playing this...

♥♥♥♥ it I had an amazing time with this!
2015년 9월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 5.7시간 (평가 당시 4.9시간)
I'm a wanna-be-author currently writing a novel(An actual novel), and I must say this has been the best program I could possibly use to test out my concepts! Not only is it very easy to use, but it even allows you to distribute the games you make! What an ingenius concept! All my love goes to the amazing creator of this program!

10/10 -Possibly the best thing I've ever used on Steam.
2015년 3월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 9.5시간 (평가 당시 6.9시간)
One of the best games I've ever played. I played Oblivion whenever it came out on console, and played it to death. My second favorite adventure game only behind "The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker". The story is amazing, and the graphics while dated now are still impressive for the time when it came out. The gameplay is as good as it gets for combat, in fact I say it's better than Morrowinds combat. I may dare say that this game entirely is better than Morrowind, but hey thats my opinion. The magic system is a bit clunky however, and is the reason why I generally avoid magic in this game. Skyrim most deffinetly improved on that that.

9/10, Would play to death again.
2015년 2월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.3시간
Birds, 10/10
2015년 1월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.8시간 (평가 당시 3.5시간)
It's fapolicious!
2014년 10월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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