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Nylige anmeldelser av Vectif

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10.4 timer totalt (9.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A casually competitive first-person hero shooter with a striking art style where luck and preparedness work in tandem. Lots of chaos, lots of fun.
Publisert 22. september. Sist endret 22. september.
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69.4 timer totalt (22.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Despite the rough launch, the game has certainly come a long way since the open beta. The new stealth mechanics allow for a lot more versatility, and the loud aspects of the game are also an upgrade compared to the previous entry in the series. I've only got very minor complaints, the game surely has a way to go still, and it just needs more heists and content, but it is a pretty fun and enjoyable experience as it is currently. I am looking forward to seeing them continue working on the game.
Publisert 17. juli. Sist endret 17. juli.
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0.0 timer totalt
If variety is the spice of life, Silver Lion is a must. The Silver Lion campaign is one of the most varied and experimental Arma campaigns, and for that reason alone, I'd recommend it to any Arma enthusiast. While it may lack a story arc, it makes up for it in features, gimmicks, variety, mechanics, and uniqueness. If you want something new and fresh, or maybe even just ideas for your missions, Silver Lion is a gem worth looking into, and it will keep you entertained, and surprised, for a while.
Publisert 16. desember 2022.
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0.2 timer totalt
Operation Crimson Lance is a rather short singleplayer campaign which is set after the events of Operation Arrowhead. It consists of four simple missions, which I personally only enjoyed the first two. By the time you feel as if you are getting into something, it ends, providing little story. You get to see Brian Frost's background prior to the events of Black Gauntlet, and the aftermath of Operation Arrowhead. It's an ok campaign but really it feels like your average scenario with a few lines of dialogue, it ain't bad, but it ain't great either, and it's definitely not in-depth. This campaign could've easily been entirely a COOP campaign, but you can at least play Mission 3 ("Heat") from the campaign in Multiplayer separately from the singleplayer campaign.
Publisert 12. desember 2022. Sist endret 12. desember 2022.
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1.2 timer totalt
Operation Black Gauntlet is one of the best campaigns in the Arma series in terms of singleplayer campaigns, let alone being my personal favourite for a COOP campaign. It has about 10 scenarios, some of them with multiple choices, and different endings, including a special COOP-exclusive one. The events of the campaign are also tied with Operation Crimson Lance (from the British Armed Forces DLC) and the events of Take of Helicopters, and I'd consider it a good story for getting into to the Armaverse. It is fun, and it functions surprisingly well compared to other official campaigns from the Arma 2 era, requiring little to no troubleshooting from the user. It's a worthwhile fun experience, and it definitely deserves some praise for the level of quality of both the content and the campaign for being made in such short amount of time.
Publisert 12. desember 2022. Sist endret 12. desember 2022.
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8.4 timer totalt (4.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
an invitation into introspectivity through a visual experience. life tastes like cardboard openly explores a lot of disturbingly relatable thoughts and feelings. accompanied by surrealist visuals and embracing sounds. i appreciate being alive a little more now, and it's given me a lot to think and reminisce about. it is certainly an experience worth having, even more so, if you feel as if life tastes like cardboard.
Publisert 9. desember 2021.
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26.9 timer totalt (16.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The mission structure of PAYDAY: The Heist combined with the gameplay elements of Left 4 Dead 2 join forces in a medieval high fantasy world. A 4-player objective-based COOP experience, if this sounds fun for you, you know what to do!
Publisert 7. juni 2021.
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10 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.3 timer totalt
An incredibly cutesy 'shmup-style game that will definitely entertain fans of the genre. The artstyle and theme is rather unique and very pleasing to look at, and the gameplay also takes a unique spin: not much health, no checkpoints, slow movement. It is a short, yet very fun and memorable game. Would absolutely recommend it for some fun! Would really like to see more from these developers in a similar fashion.
Publisert 26. mars 2021.
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124.9 timer totalt (42.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
No Man's Sky is an interesting and fulfilling proof-of-concept type of videogame that tests the strengths and weaknesses of a procedurally generated videogame. For those who are fans of survival, space, exploration, and seeing whacky things - No Man's Sky will be just about the right game. No Man's Sky is a multi-layered game that rewards those who devote and work towards achieving their goals, this is showcased throughout the game in all the vehicles, weapons, bases, pieces, modules, and upgrades you can get for nearly everything you can use in this game. The possibilities for loadouts and playstyles are endless - you wanna just build a base? Wanna just get a cool dog-fighting space ship? Wanna explore cool planets? Want to discover new plants and species? Want to be a trader, or even crash the economy of a planet? Want to just follow along the story-line? Want to go explore underwater in a submarine? Want to do mini-missions and side quests? Want to just get the best gear in the game? Wanna be a space explorer, an alien, a small bird-like raptor, a robot, a shark, an iteration? All these are possibilities in the game.

No Man's Sky, despite it's lacking launch, is nowadays a very complete game full of possibilities for those who seek it and get past the initial steps of gameplay, which leave a bit to be desired and isn't very welcoming to new players, but it's extremely rewarding to those who invest into actually seeing the full picture of the game. COOP & Multiplayer implementation could be better, and it's OK once you unlock the missions, or if you just wanna explore together, but mostly it seems to be a singleplayer game with multiplayer elements. Nonetheless, aside from that being one of it's only downsides, the game is very solid. And for sure I'd say it's among the best in the genre.
Publisert 1. oktober 2020.
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33.5 timer totalt (4.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a fun game that takes a lot from the first State of Decay and takes it on for a new spin. The integration of a COOP possibility is nice, albeit it is extremely unrewarding for the guests of the host, who will make little to no-progress throughout the game. It's a better COOP experience if you've previously beat the game, otherwise you'll be stuck with starter characters and so on so forth. It's a fun game nonetheless, just very poor COOP integration. The game also just constantly crashes at every opportunity it gets, and it being a game made for Windows performs very poorly on Windows, and doesn't support even built-in native Windows features.

2023: a lot of things seem to have gotten better. But if you like to have your Windows taskbar at the top of the screen, everything in the game will be offset.
Publisert 30. juli 2020. Sist endret 19. januar 2023.
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