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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 147.6 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 27, 2019 @ 4:00am
Updated: Jul 20, 2020 @ 12:09am

I will update this review as I have barely started. I was just reading some reviews about people saying it's a Survival game and this and that. I personally haven't looked into it that much, but I haven't seen the word "Survival" anywhere where I've read stuff about this game. It's an action/Adventure game in an open world. Non Apocalyptic/semi Apocalyptic. The whole world is not in ruins thus making "finding stuff everywhere" isn't really that bad. And while Sweden does have a lot of gun laws/restrictions, We still have a whole lot of weapons/guns in normal core non-PC/Feminist/Vegan homes. Don't have the exact numbers of legally owned weapons here in front of me but it's still a lot. And it makes sense these are "lying about" when we've been attacked and the people who owned them are gone/dead.

Although, since it's a Swedish game, made by swedes It's obvious they've been infected by the Politically correct / Diversity disease. Now I'm not going to complain too much about this, I don't like it when games developers take a political stance and I don't really care if you can play black, white, chinese and whatever in any game unless I want it to feel realistic. Ie. I wouldn't want to be able to play a black or white dude as a Samurai in a Japanese Historically based game if it's developed to be a historical game.

So with that in mind, I'm 39 years old, I grew up moving around in the country and went to 7 different schools from the age of 6 until ~17, totally 6 different Citties/Towns near/outside "Big" citties. I've seen how Sweden looked like back in the 80's
We basically had no black people in Sweden by then, certainly not in small towns/out in nowhere. We did have a bunch of South american migrants, European migrants and Asian migrants. But actual black migrants where more or less non existent. I think I only knew (was friends with) 1 who was of African decent but migrated from New zealand, He was a cpl years older then everyone in my class I was in 3rd grade I think. He was like a UFO to everyone, no one had even seen a black person in real life, this was in Eskilstuna (one of Swedens top 6 largest cities I think) Our friendship ended about a year later though, as he started molesting the girls in our class and he got into trouble which ended with the parents moving.

Again, I wasn't going to complain, I have yet to enjoy this game (hope I will because I've been having my eyes on it for some time) And to play a game taking place IN SWEDEN! wow, I've wanted that for a long time.

It was all just a cpl of Hmmz, and Buts I wanted to add to the review flow.

Will edit this review/add stuff about the actual game after playing it for some time.

P.S. So far I'll put a vote up (recommend this) As I don't want to not recommend it when I don't know how it is yet.



First edit/addon I think is of an urgent type. I don't like playing FPS games with Gamepad, but I do have a wireless xbox 360 gamepad connected. I first started the game when the gamepad was turned on, and realized I could not use the mouse at all other then in the menues (buttons still don't work though) I had to use the gamepad.

So I quit the game, turned off the gamepad and started the game again, It still registers as Me having a gamepad. There's no setting to turn this off as what I can find. So do I need to completely unplug my gamepad to play this game with mouse, hmmz?

*Edit #2* Just read their last update, and it was a known problem with a workaround, gonna try that :)

*Edit #3* Having played this game now for 130 hours, most of it together with my older brother and my girlfriend, in the last month. I have to say that this game is probably one of the best Co-op lootshooter/open world games I have enjoyed.

THey have improved a lot since it first got out, and that's when I reviewed it the first time. It has some occasional disconnects and odd bugs but it's not alot or anywhere near annoying.

It's a bit hard/tricky, and if playing in a group of 3+, it can get really difficult from time to time. But I gotta say, what used to force us to use up all our medkits, 5-10 radios and deaths in the 20's (Fighting 6-8 big robots + a mix of small and medium ones adding on over and over) Is far easier now, when you've learned how to take them down. Which I myself really love, it's not a typical braindead "Just hit the fire button and Reload" to win type of game. You truly need to use tactics to be successful, at least when it matters.
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