Nessuna informazione.
Shy_DrizzzyFPS 31 dic 2021, ore 22:49 
🦎 +rep good player🦎
Mercy 22 lug 2021, ore 19:10 
lol hi 👋 how you been?
niels 11 lug 2021, ore 5:18 
Still get a friend request about it sometimes but yeah no comments in a while.
(ㆆ_ㆆ) 10 lug 2021, ore 15:10 
Oh the comments are from 2018 LOL they probably don’t care anymore
niels 10 lug 2021, ore 10:56 
Pls don't threaten me
(ㆆ_ㆆ) 10 lug 2021, ore 7:29 
yall gotta prove to him how bad you want dat id