Touma Hoshogoki   Auburn, Washington, United States
Gundham Tanaka Kinnie - :Gundham_DGR:
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Super Danganronpa 2 (Localized to :: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) is a master-class in the Visual Novel genre alongside Despair Fiction. Telling an immensely compelling and interesting story, that's both easy to understand & reasonable within the universe of Danganronpa.

{= Atmosphere of Super Danganronpa 2 =}
Not strolling far off from the path of the original Danganronpa, the game has a unique charm to it's atmosphere. Whilst removing the grit and realism from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc in place for a more comedic tune, the game never gets overbearing with this drastic change in moments of comedy. In-fact fine-tuning it with it's overall character and world building. The atmosphere never feels out of place, because the characters and settings make it feel natural. Compared to the lonely confinement of Hopes' Peak Academy. This change was well-needed and made the game a pleasant surprise. I do not feel that the atmosphere of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc- or even its predecessors- would've worked in the context of Super Danganronpa 2. However, for the people who claim that this atmospheric change was a deal-breaker for them are absolutely fair in their reasoning for doing so. Not only does Super Danganronpa 2 have some of the most egregious scenes of "cringe comedy." But sometimes features scenes revolving around trauma that are plainly not funny and disgusting at it's finest. Whilst I said it wasn't overbearing, some of the comedy is a hit-or-miss. I find the comedy funny, outside of the instances that I mentioned above.

{= Characters of Super Danganronpa 2 =} {Spoilers for Ultimate Talents up ahead!}
I wanna take a moment to mention the sheer diversity of the cast. The diverse character personalities allow for interactions that flow much more freely than the first game. This is in no way shaming Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc for having a "bad cast," it's mostly that the personalities and tropes used feel outdated and quite a lot of the cast fails to really have personality outside of Free Time Events. Super Danganronpa 2 changes this for the better!.. at-least, for the most part. The cast is so superb that I find myself getting roped back in to play it some more.

Here are some of my favorite characters in Super Danganronpa 2:
= 1. Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder
= 2. Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer
= 3. Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician

This cast honestly has a lot of meaning to me and has helped me through so much in my life, honestly these three characters can be disliked at any capacity and I wouldn't care. These characters have brought a smile to my face with their comedy, personality and charm, to the point that I adore them.

I would go into more depth especially surrounding the story, but the review is getting lengthy and the story beats leave way too much room for spoiler territory for any potential newcomers looking to engage into the franchise more.
Definitely worth the purchase, my favorite game of all-time. Might become one of yours too. 10/10
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brazilianphonkbrawlstars Dec 5, 2022 @ 9:46am 
fred Aug 28, 2022 @ 11:08pm 
Hope you're doing well! :tobdog:
Meijer Aug 27, 2020 @ 12:41am 