Call me Ghost

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Stuff I've gathered from around the workshop that could be neat
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Created by - TVGhost
Miia Jul 14, 2023 @ 7:56pm 
[dragon screech] DragonBall Z! Huagh! Dragon Dragon, rock the dragon, DragonBall Z! [dragon screech] Dragon Dragon, rock the dragon, come get me!
Miia Dec 27, 2021 @ 12:42am 
[dragon screech] DragonBall Z! Huagh! Dragon Dragon, rock the dragon, DragonBall Z! [dragon screech] Dragon Dragon, rock the dragon, come get me!
Adrian Dec 27, 2021 @ 12:41am 
Miia Dec 27, 2021 @ 12:41am 
>enter super nintendo world
>Fat losers everywhere wearing mario hats and various other mario items
>You're also wearing a mario hat thinking you'd be cool and stand out
>You're also a fat loser
>Buy sloppy mario meatball sub for $22
>It tastes like ♥♥♥♥
>Lie to yourself and choke it down
>Wait in a line to scan your mario wristband at one of the 40 attractions
>See the attraction your waiting for run it's cycle 19 times before it's your turn
>Scan your wristband while wearing a fake smile
>Walk through a warp pipe
>It smells like BO and unwashed asses
>Ride a go-kart that shoots sparks because you're too fat and the thousand fatasses before you wore the axles down as well
>Look at how many mario points you've accumulated on your phone
>Start not giving a ♥♥♥♥
>Leave at 60% completion
>Kill yourself

"Thank you for enjoying the Super Nintendo Experience. WA-HOO!"
Miia Aug 3, 2019 @ 11:18pm 
Hey Jimmy, where you going?
I don't know where I'm goin'
My Dad died, and he left me his degrees
My mom would always say "Dad, why don't you work?"
But he just kept learning
All the other kids' parents were working and saving up money for school
And I was actually in school all while my dad was in school!
He was so greedy with degrees, he took my degree
And now I'm just glad he left me these
Because all the regular homeless people have newspaper, and look what I have
These are documented
My father left them for me
And I'm going to leave them to my kids
I'm going to learn too
I'm going to get super smart, so I, too, can die without money
But I'll be the smartest dead guy!
Who has that?
Miia Nov 29, 2018 @ 2:51pm 
hey man we are doing a little bbq for my 5 year old daughters Birthday. We are gonna have burgers, sweet corn, and baked beans. Ill come back later and let you know when its ready. see you in a bit..