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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 182.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 180.3 saat)
Love this game. I loved the first one too but this one improves on the original by quite a bit. The bosses have excellent variety. The enemies do too. The controls feel very smooth, but I recommend using a controller.
The little extra "scar" challenges are good fun and help increase the challenge without blocking progress.
It might be my favorite Roguelike.
Yayınlanma 13 Mayıs.
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kayıtlarda 15.3 saat
It is very good in a sort of puzzle time loop game way. I don't think I looked up any hints but I did have to really think about some of them.
I can clearly see the fact it came from a mod and had a small team but its in a charming way not a cheap way.
It definitely is something any fan of Obra Din or Outer Wilds would appreciate.
The only knock is it has 4 ending but two are pretty similar but also they felt long when I was trying to see all of them because of the very similar converstion you have with the same person at the end for all them.

Its good and I will certainly buy another game from the devs.
Yayınlanma 13 Nisan.
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kayıtlarda 15.6 saat
Simply a fantastic game. A detective story of sorts that is really clever and is challenging but not too hard. You couldn't just guess and check the answers since there were both to many possibilities but also it didn't check every time you put in answer so you had to put together a series of good guesses before it validated them. The way it gave you clues and you could review them over and over as needed was quite smart. The depth and layers of some clues was also quite incredible.

Also the music was quite fitting and nice.

Virtually nothing like it out there and I would buy a "sequel" in a heart beat.
Yayınlanma 17 Haziran 2023.
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kayıtlarda 1.9 saat
Not a long game but perfectly beautiful and worth every second.
The way it plays with levels of reality is gorgeous.
Yayınlanma 26 Aralık 2022.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 8.3 saat
This isn't quite what I expected but it is really fun.

+ Positives
The core game play loop has more depth then what is apparent at first.
As you level more features, items, and actions become available without overwhelming.
The game goals seem really tough but it is sufficiently forgiving.
Scratches that JRPG itch without going over the top.

- Negatives
The dungeons are ok but uninspired.
The core game play loop can feel a bit repetitive at times
No voice acting.
Yayınlanma 19 Aralık 2014.
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6 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 15.3 saat
Really really fun. A must for any metal heads.
Yayınlanma 20 Kasım 2014.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1.7 saat
Its ok, nothing special. I was a little disappointed. The policy decisions didn't feel like they did anything at all. They sometimes added or changed the people/animals/monsters walking around town but that is purely a graphical change.

The building fill their resources in real time, as long as the game is running, so just letting the game sit and do nothing is a valid strategy. Not interacting with the game being valid seems like the design went off the rails.

Also the town choices don't feel like anything. You always get the cheapest upgrade because that is always where the most bang for the buck is. The upgrading of buildings feels like an arbitrary slowdown.

Its OK but if you want to scratch the same itch as PuzzleQuest keep looking elsewhere. If you want a generic bejeweled with random town building elements it'll do.
Yayınlanma 12 Kasım 2014. Son düzenlenme 20 Kasım 2014.
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kayıtlarda 12.8 saat
A solid game. Nothing super original, but it is well balanced. A nice varity of weapons, and some enjoyable vehicle sections. The jump pack sections were absolute fun. The enemy varity was a little low but that is made up for by the sheer number of them.
Sidekick AI is good enough were you never feel like you babysitting and occasionally provides some cover fire. It could be better though, I would like to have provided orders to cover my while I rush ahead or to focus fire on a key target.

Also for those that like the 40k universe (fluff) this game fairly solid, especially the charge to the spire in chapter 16. Seeing a couple of other chapters other then the ultramarines was cool.

Yayınlanma 21 Ekim 2012.
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