Star (Стар)   Ukraine
Oh, I'm very "sorry" for hurting your feelings.

And Lenin is young again...
Currently Online
Information and information about friend requests.

Personal info

Name: Only my friends know
Gender (Sex): Male
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual (Natural)
Languages that I speak: Ukranian, Russian, English, Deutsch (on 20%, currently learning), Belorussian (few words).
Nationality: Ukranian (I have some Polish and Bellorusian roots)
Country: Ukraine
Currently living in: Ukraine
Race: Europeoid


Howdy! You are here maybe to add me information about this below or say somethin' bad about me. Anyways, welcome. I'm a TABS modder, a nice guy, companion and a funny guy maybe .

You can name me Star/Stur/Chair (???)/Starving Van/Ukranian guy/That dumb fool/That guy that stuck in ♥♥♥♥♥♥' 60-70s/That guy that screamed my balls off on Ukraine/Good Russian Guy/WWII/WWI guy/That guy that love to say personal problems to friends/TABS modder Whew, that's maybe all . You can name me with every mangling of my nickname or name me with thing that I love. I don't mind.

I love to play games, chill with my friends, just to talk about somethin', and make somethin' creative or mods for TABS . Also I love working on things I like/I have inspiration. My ping sometimes is 400+, cause say me, how internet can be good in country that in war?

My friends

I care about this friends, and they maybe care 'bout me.



CrSpartan (AKA GrazyRedSpartan)

NotaCanadian (AKA IronKayos)

KindHiros (AKA smort monke)





Evgenij (AKA Ichor)

Soia Sauce



I'm with them in fire and water.

If you will sent my friends friend requests, they on 70% will not accept.

Info about friend requests (read before senting friend request)

From 29.01.2023, I will NOT accept RANDOM friend requests on steam.

I will accept ONLY if you have connections with my friends. For my security and anti-dumb/anti-bots/anti-scammer purpose. You can add me ONLY if you will write REASON in my COMMENTS and have minimum level 10. BUT if you don't have minimum level 10, you can add me if I see you often , if you will sent me friend request and not write reason in comments and not have a minimum level 10, or your profile will be private, you will be in block for 160 years. So, PLEASE write reasons in comments, if you have minimum level 10. If reason is GOOD and you have MINIMUM LEVEL 10, I will accept. If you will write: "Accept" or "Accept cause I'm sick" and anything like that, you will get decline and block for 24 hours. And please, not add me just for trading, if you added me for trading, and want to talk with me in future, you can add, but write in comments reason you don't need a reason to add me in discord . If I sent request to you, it's means that I liked you or I want to meet you. or another reason .


1. If you not have MINIMUM level 10, you can not even try. BUT if we meet in game often, you can sent me. I made this rule cause I don't want to be scammed, have bots or hackers. (If you want sent me request in discord you not need to type reason.)

2. Before senting request, type GOOD REASON in my COMMENTS. If reason bad, or just "Accept" you will get decline and enjoy 160 years block (not a joke).

3. I will not accept request from private profiles. (cause you can be scammer, hacker or another ♥♥♥♥.)

4. Please, not add me just for trading, if you added me for trading, and want to talk with me in future, you can add, but write in comments reason.

Info about trades

You can sent me trade offer, but if you will sent item, that I can buy if I will not eat 1 day and you will be a sussy baka that not have minimum 10 level, you will get from me 200 years block and decline. If you want add me, more info at Info about friend requests.

My trade link

Interests in trading

1. TF2 items.

2. Items for steam points.

3. Cards.

4. Gems.

5. Other.

My links
Xbox []
Old (my TABS mods) [] (my TABS mods) []
Discord: Starvanss I know, that not a link but anyways.

What I hate
1. Moscitos, nazis, fascist and other devil things.
2. Zombified by propaganda people
3. LGBTQ+ community.
4. Something cringe from anime.
5. Tryharders.
6. Imposing your opinion.

What I like/love
1. Friendly people.
2. Good companion/people.
3. TF2.
4. End of 19 century and whole 20 century style, weapons, outfits, clothes etc. And soviet fashion.
4. Jazz, classic, soviet music/songs.
5. All shades of blue.
6. Sending something stupid to my friends.


Q: What ideology are you a follower of?
A: Communism.

Q: You not accepting my friend request, why?
A: Cause I have no time or you have bad reason or you don't even have a reason, your level is under 10 or your profile if private. Wait block for 24 hours or 160 years.

Q: What your favorite classes in TF2?
A: Pyro, Heavy, Soldier, Engineer, Medic, Demoman, Spy.

Q: When you are online?
A: I can be online at any time, I can be online for 3 days straight or be offline a whole month.

Q: Can I send to your friends friends requests?
A: No. More info at My Friends.

Q: You are Stalinist, Marxist-Leninist or even Maoist?
A: I am a Marxist-Leninist, but sometime I agree with ideas of Stalinism.

Q: Science?


Dyamn, you maybe readed all this KILOMETERS of text, thank you! Maybe we can be friends, if you will follow rules. Here, you need this: :medicon:. Maybe we will meet. Well, bye! ;)
(this description will change, if information will be outated or somethin' will change.)


Recent Activity
9.6 hrs on record
last played on May 23
20 hrs on record
last played on May 15
441 hrs on record
last played on May 11
76561199146027022 Dec 23, 2023 @ 6:30am 
Soia Sauce Sep 8, 2023 @ 3:49pm 
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   `ヽ `ー-'_人`ーノ
    丶  ̄ _人'彡ノ
Starvanss Apr 7, 2023 @ 3:48pm 
Тёмные глубины интернета, мой друг.
Mr.Pozitiv Apr 7, 2023 @ 3:26pm 
Что это за место?
Starvanss Mar 1, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
Мне кажется то что мой коммент о том что тебя смогут отследить был риторическим.
ℜ𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔫 Mar 1, 2023 @ 6:20pm 
Ну и пускай отслеживают, скинут друзьям я отшучусь что слил фотки со своего Онли-фанса. Найдут? Ну приходите а что дальше побьёте или пригрозите? Ну ракету запустят ну ладушки так мне карты пали, тем более я смогу ещё быстрей увидеть кумира всей жизни, земля ему пухом. Я понимал что этот комментарий был в юмористической форме.