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総プレイ時間:21.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:15.2時間)

Thank you for listening, Sony. About god darn time.


This game effing rocks. This is why you don't mess with gamers, people. ROCK ON, BABY!!! KICK THAT AUTOMATON BUTT!!
投稿日 5月3日. 最終更新日 5月5日
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総プレイ時間:2.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.6時間)
Y'know, I'm not normally one for horror games, but god almighty as my witness this game is one of the most fun experiences I've had so far despite only playing a little under two hours of it. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone interested for a hilarious adventure into the depths of a metallic hellscape!

Also BEEEEEEEEEEEEEANS. And the face customizer is really funny.
投稿日 4月2日.
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総プレイ時間:14.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.5時間)
God I love Metroidvanias like this, This game is good and I wish there were more like it. Haven't beaten it as of writing this but MAN is it fun.

Sybil got me down bad-
投稿日 2023年8月17日.
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総プレイ時間:7.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.5時間)
I don't typically play fighting games because I never found any interest in them.
I now don't play >most< fighting games because I don't have any interest in them.

This is the first fighting game I've played that has managed to click with me and I love it. If you're new to fighting games (a complete beginner like I am), I would hugely recommend this game. The RPG mode is really fun and button inputs are really accessible to newer players if you struggle with what they call "technical inputs". The tutorial teaches you the basics of movement and if you spend some time in the free training mode to figure out what your character can do, it's fun!

Special thanks to my friend Keklord for talking me into getting this game. Dude's a legend and has helped me through tough times. Bought the game for both of us and we've been having a blast.
投稿日 2023年4月18日.
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総プレイ時間:141.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.8時間)
So, I loved the first game. Right? The Forest. Very fun survival game with horror elements. Typically I hate playing horror games because I just really don't like horror, but THIS. GAME. This game and its predecessor, despite the horror elements, are AMAZING. I love both games dearly and the improvements made upon The Forest with Sons of the Forest is utterly phenomenal.

The backpack is way better organized, the crafting is intuitive, the base building is utterly genre-defining, I could honestly go on for hours listing the different things that I love about my first impressions of the game. I'm so glad I managed to go into it as blind as possible. Seriously. It's tough when you first start out but when you start to figure things out and get your bearings on how the mechanics work, it really does give you a sense of accomplishment.

I've been gushing about it with my girlfriend ever since we started playing it for the first time. I bought it for her and myself as well as a good friend of ours and we've been playing it vehemently over the past day or two and plan on playing it for potentially hours more.

If you love immersive survival games, give this a shot. Even if you're not a huge fan of horror, I'd still recommend you try the game if only for the survival elements.
投稿日 2023年3月1日.
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総プレイ時間:58.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:23.0時間)
For the first time in a long while, I feel like we have the start of something truly special here.

The story, the lore, the concepts, the controls - this game is extremely polished even despite any small bugs one may encounter with a new release. The writing here was so much stronger than the game that came out before it and it shows that SEGA is more than capable of getting its act together and making something fantastic.

While there are a few things about the game that could see some improvement, such as the slow tedium of having to deal with improving stats like ring count and speed, SEGA has taken a step in the right direction with this title and it makes me hopeful for the future of Sonic. Should we see more in the future, I would love to see some proper new levels, less reuse of assets like Green Hill and Chemical Plant and more of these open zones with more objectives to do and some cleaner movement for certain portions of the 3D levels. I personally think the 2D levels could have used some better layouts and could have seen some better controls, but that's just me.

But seriously. This game is fantastic, though the final boss 'thing' seemed like it could have been executed better in terms of after you've beaten a certain boss. Gonna try not to spoil anything here. If you have the money and you really like Sonic, please buy this game and show your support to SEGA towards their first step to bringing Sonic back from the grave once and for all.
投稿日 2022年11月17日.
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総プレイ時間:13.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.3時間)
I'm going to go ahead and say this before I talk any further about this game.

If you are a beginner at any form of automation game and are struggling to grasp the basic fundamentals...
If you enjoy or are best at learning through problem solving and hands-on experiences, and absolutely adore logic puzzles...
Buy this game.
Buy it immediately, if you have the money to.

With that out of the way, shapez.io is a relatively simple automation game that gets increasingly complex as you continue to play it. There are a variety of shapes, as per the game's name, and your goal is to take apart, put together, color and fuse these shapes together and ship them to your hub in order to upgrade it and further your progression.

While there isn't any "main objective" outside of reaching the next level to my knowledge, the puzzles you're presented with when you play are incredibly engaging. Not only that, but they also provide you with a basic understanding and will test said understanding as you continue to go up in levels, adding tougher and tougher challenges to complete in order to unlock certain things.

One of the big things about it that really hammers down why I say this game is perfect for beginners is the things that are intentionally held back from the player at the beginning, such as blueprints and copy/paste being locked behind Level 12. This is what hit me with a realization that genuinely taught me something about these types of automation games - that being to start "messy".

What I mean by this is that you shouldn't concern yourself with making things look pretty or organized from the get-go - you should be setting down your foothold as soon as possible. Don't worry about the specifics - just get it working and start stockpiling as soon as you're able to. Once you have basic resources settled and stockpiled, that's when you can start to organize. Trying to "save yourself time later" will actually hurt you in the longrun due to the constant rebuilding and organizing, and you'll end up taking much longer to set up than you really should.

So. With all that said... You should play this game, especially if you really like automation or want to take your first steps into learning it. It's great.
投稿日 2022年11月7日.
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総プレイ時間:13.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.1時間)
I have no idea what is going on but all of this crazy space stuff is cool.

I may be confused as all hell, full of at least 30 popups and sitting next to rogue precursors, but at least I have a friend to help explain things to me even though I'm overwhelmed.

If you like extremely complex intergalactic politics and tons of customization, totally give it a shot, but do be warned - please play with a friend who knows how to play if you have any because holy cow can it really get to be sensory overload.. Unless you're a Strategy Gamer God or something, in which case, good luck???
投稿日 2022年10月24日.
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総プレイ時間:364.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:305.7時間)
Not including my time playing this game on Xbox One, I have played this game for over 300 hours on Steam alone. I've thoroughly enjoyed playing the game prior, but getting back into it has damaged my view on the game due to the addition of.Battleye. I didn't like seeing it in ARK: Survival Evolved and was happy to see that I wasn't required to use it to join unofficial servers, which is how I prefer to play since I play the game purely cooperatively. Destiny 2 does not provide an option to play without it.

This was an update that was apparently dropped two days ago when I first wrote this post and I am extremely upset with it because it - and I won't stress this enough as someone who is currently seeking a degree in Information Technology - installs a kernel-level driver, which in my honest opinion is not only an extremely dangerous practice but is also the cause for an immense invasion of privacy.

By installing this program you are practically leaving the control of your entire operating system out of your own hands as having access to the kernel means control of processes beyond the user's access and gives full range of access to everything on the computer. This includes files both personal and public, IP Addresses and information, user input logs and so much more. All of this is being left at the mercy of a company which could very well be untrustworthy, especially given Bungie's current sales practices, all through one simple and seemingly harmless program. What doesn't help is that if the program itself has a form of vulnerability, it could end with disastrous results for people who are forced to use it to play the game. This is why people were freaking out over Valorant, and now Bungie is doing it.

I do not feel safe playing this game on my PC anymore. I do not like this form of anti-cheat and I honestly cannot recommend Destiny 2 at this point anymore because of this change, despite how fun the game itself is. You'd be better off playing it on console, but even then it's still a possible invasion of privacy nonetheless.

Also most of the content that I've played has been really monotonous. Have my sarcasm. Thanks, Bungie.

I still love the game though. Just can't wholly recommend it anymore.
投稿日 2021年9月26日. 最終更新日 2022年1月20日
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総プレイ時間:146.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:93.1時間)
Originally, had you asked me if you should get this game back in 2016, I would have told you to go spend your money on something far better. Hell it may be a better idea to get it on sale nowadays considering the price hasn't changed, but let me tell you. This game has changed and it has been so much for the better. If you ever wanted one of the greatest comeback stories in recent history in the form of a video game, you've got it right here. Even despite the critical failure they had when the game was first released, they still pushed forward, making the game better and better and as of now, I would say the game is incredibly fun to play. I don't know if I'd say it's worth $60, but if you can pick the game up on sale or something or you really want to buy the game, I would suggest it. It's a great ride.
投稿日 2021年7月21日.
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