Acool Guy   Switzerland
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Review Showcase
27 Hours played
I really enjoyed it!

I've never played the original, partially because it seemed a bit too antiquated and hard to get into. So I really appreciate this newer take which makes the game a lot more approachable. So if you are like me and always wanted to play System Shock, I'd say this is a good way to get into it. From what I hear from others, this is still a very faithful adaptation of the original game though, so old fans will probably also enjoy this.

Be prepared that this is a fairly slow-paced game. Without spoiling anything, this game very heavily encourages you to explore every nook and cranny for items and clues to get through the game, solving some occasional puzzles along the way. It does not hold your hand in any way with objective markers or a mission log. Rather, you have to piece together your objective on your own, by reading notes and listening to audio logs. I will say that for the most part, you will probably find your way through the levels by simply exploring everything and paying attention to the audio logs. The levels are usually designed in a way so that everything kinda comes together on its own by just checking everything. This is really cool, but there are still some cryptic moments. Some objectives are connected with other levels and require back tracking. Sometimes you will come across a button that doesn't really give you any clear indication on what exactly it activated. It really does feel like an old exploration game. However there are also plenty of guides on the internet that can help you if you get stuck.

I really loved the atmosphere. The entire space station has a distinctly retro look to it in terms of its architecture. They captured how the original looked quite well, but made the game a lot darker and more unsettling in my opinion. That combined with sounds of enemies murmuring voice lines made it really feel like I'm on an isolated space station, hunted by creepy mutant cyborgs.

The combat feels...fine. It's nothing groundbreaking, as the focus is much more on exploration. The melee weapons feel kinda underwhelming for the most part. Some of the later weapons in the game have a pretty decent punch behind them though.
The enemy AI is kinda disappointing though. A lot of them are fairly easy to cheese by just playing around walls and pillars. Some encounters can still be rather tough though, and need some planning.

There's some old school jank mechanics that you have to deal with, like having to battle with inventory space, in ways that are really awkward and annoying. Though that didn't majorly impact my overall enjoyment of the game.

Depending on how much time you spend exploring and doing side objectives, a playthrough can take ~15-20 hours. I recommend not putting the game down for too long. I think it will be hard to pick it back up after not having played it for a while, since there isn't really a clear mission log. So it could get kinda difficult trying to figure out where exactly you are in the game.

TLDR: If you always wanted to play System Shock or you just like oldschool "immersive sim" adventure/exploration games, give this game a shot! It's a great rewamp of the original, though be prepared to deal with not so modern game design quirks.
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Kohaku gaming Jun 20, 2020 @ 6:05am 
hey, sowwy i saw youw pwofiwe and i just thought you wooked cute in youw pictuwe, i weawwy wanted to teww you that)) it's weawwy wawe to see giwws pwaying video games haha! i don't know its a guy thing honestwy im wike weawwy against misogyny and wike iww be the one in the kitchen making sandwhiches. we shouwd weawwy pway w4d2 sometimes its a weawwy coow zombie game with a wot fo scawy moments, but dont wowwy iww be thewe to pwotect you ;) sowwy that wasnt fwiwting i sweaw im just twying to be fwiendwy i weawwy wike youw pwofiwe pictuwe sowwy was that too faw? weawwy sowwy im weawwy shy i don't go out much haha add me on skype we shouwd tawk mowe you wook weawwy nice and fun xxx
Leety Dec 24, 2013 @ 1:39am 
Comment? More like.... GAY!
M.D. Chaos Mar 21, 2013 @ 10:28pm 
Graet tims
buffcorrell superfan Oct 12, 2012 @ 5:11pm 
uz a zlutt
Unregistered HyperCam 2 Aug 4, 2012 @ 10:54pm 

Sheath Richards Dec 21, 2011 @ 1:36pm 
♥♥♥♥♥, you better play Payday with me and Maxxy-waxxy.