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984.4 hrs on record (764.3 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Ranked is broken. Aiming takes 50+ hours to be able to do to any reasonable level. And it's the most hacked game for the last 10 years. Also don't waste your life it's like league once your in it's like alcoholism you can stop but you always come back.
Posted March 16, 2020.
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53.0 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
Do you love halo because it's just halo. Currently just reach but it's being released chronologically no idea on the timetable but it will scratch that nostalgia itch
Posted December 18, 2019.
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1,096.2 hrs on record (673.5 hrs at review time)
Cars with rockets against other cars with rockets. If you buy the game you'll be terrible the skill cap is so unbelievably high that I'm not even sure how my hands actually make the car move anymore. At a certain point your hands just do things and you just are like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I'm a god, immediately followed by how am I this ♥♥♥♥.
Posted November 1, 2019.
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148.0 hrs on record (30.5 hrs at review time)
For the 60 dollar price point the game is really overpriced for what it is. That isn't to say that there isn't enough content to get your value out of it but the biggest issues I ran into with this game were the seemingly constant bugs. The concept of a true medieval sim is something I'm pretty into and this game delivers that from what I have played but the bugs visual and other wise really take away from the game.

The optomization is good until it isn't which may seems strange but here is what I mean. Normally when out of combat on in single combat the game runs pretty well solid stable fps no issues, until you hit a certain point where it begins bugging out fps drops rendering issues AI teleporting in combat. The npcs start to spawn with no head some times walls don't render for a while ect.. I'm not sure if it was originally designed for console and because of that is suffering from being ported or if it's suffering from extreamly poor optomization and my computer just powers through becaused I built a monster. Either way I can say for sure that this game really needs the equivalent of a unofficial skyrim patch or a lot of TLC from the devs. That being said this part of the review will possibly become dated in the near future depending on how the devs work on the game so I will suggest looking at more recent reviews for how well the game plays, but considering the new dlc was roled out before important bug fixes I'd say it's fairly unlikely that the playablity will improve much from the devs.

The combat system specifically the melee system is extreamly frustrating and to be honest doesn't really seem to improve as time goes into the game. The combat system is cool conceptially but in actual use it requires 15+ hours to really understand enough to implement regardless of what your skill (skill in this case meaning ingame weapon skill) with what ever weapon you chose is meaning whether or not your character is a master of weapon "x" with out proper timing and muscle memory from you the player your character is but a mere babe flailing about, a soldier pointing his RPG in the wrong direction if you will. As a player your timing has to be fairly close to perfect to use even the simplest of combos along with extreamly precise mouse movements to control the proper direction and switching targets in combat seems well aids to be honest (take this with a grain of salt, I play with mouse and keyboard so I don't know if controller would work better for controls). All that being said assuming you can get over the learning curve the combat is pretty cool and rewarding. Personally I'd say it's mechanically more difficult than For Honor by a larger margine but completely lacking in the mind games.

The roleplay is pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cool. The quests feel unique and variable but the courtship is well disappointing and limited. For the tracking quests you can follow signs of life like blood or dung. Fetch quests have variability and options for paths of complement. Courtship has resonable scaling and activities right up unti you've done a sex and they ignore your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ existence and in one case the lucky lady has been in a coma for months aparently never waking up. As far as I can tell you have places you can sleep but no real home, I've heard there is a way to purchase one but due to a few events that would probably be spoilers I can't see that happening with the exception of the new dlc which allows you to build an entire town or so I've ready. I can't speak to the quality of the from the ashes or what ever it is called dlc at this point in time, seems cool conceptually but I imagine super buggy and well kinda limited after completing what I'm guessing is a quest line leading up to having a functioning town.

Truthfully I can't say if I think it's a game worth buying it's fun at times and unbelievably frustrating at times. From the concept of the game I'd say the product feels like early access. It's buggy, poorly optomized but with some really good ideas and cool stuff you can do but often the cool stuff will lead to a dead end that doesn't feel fleshed out enough for what should be the full release of a game. As a roleplaying game I think it's very good but needs to be finished, as an action game i think it leaves a lot to be wanted for and as an overall game it's playable and has a reasonable story that eventually concludes but isn't fleshed out enought to be truely open world. You can do as you like but as far as roleplaying goes everything out side of the main story feels like a after thought.

Overall for the genre it is super average.
Posted July 5, 2018.
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