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17.7 h registradas (16.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Robocop Rogue City is worth the buy. The game play was a ton of fun and very much felt like playing as Robocop while being completely immersed in the world of the movies.

Not only is the game great but it felt like Teyon really understood the assignment when designing the world of Rogue City. Hearing Peter Weller as Robocop adds an amazing layer of authenticity to the game and everything from the news media into to the in game posters to the locations and the way everything interacts just feels great.

Gameplay wise you feel like the walking tank you are supposed to be. You shrug off lighter rounds and dispatch rooms of low tier scum like they are nothing. Despite the risk of it becoming samey they actually had a pretty good variety of universe fitting thugs to fight against with some unique enemies and abilities to set them apart.

While some people were annoyed with many of the side quests i found them great. Doing detective work and solving crimes in between the main chapters of the game really does make you feel like Robocop. I feel like especially with a lot of the decisions made about characters, the story, and the general way the game was the question "does this feel like Robocop?" was the main guiding principle.

Only gripe is that i wish there was a new game plus mode to play around with different abilities as well as just wishing there was more. Hoping we get a DLC maybe since you could probably get away with having individual stories set after the main game or even during it where you visit different locations film.

Basically if you like Robocop 1 and 2 you will probably like this game.
Publicada el 6 de enero. Última edición: 6 de enero.
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533.5 h registradas (322.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Updated on 10/15/2023: I'm a lot more comfortable updating for a positive review after the class overhaul update.

Starting with what's still a little "Ehh", there are still some fairly buggy moments from match to match (As or writing this review i got spit through a wall and stuck in the backrooms) and you mileage will vary depending on your friends and who you can find playing.

Starting with big improvements the banking per character is out and you now have pooled credits and resources. I'm glad they actually listened to the community and made it so it's just account wide. Crafting has seen a fair improvement as you can now change 2 blessings or 2 attributes or 1 and 1. I wish items weren't so dependent on their base stats but ehh, it could be worse.

All the new class overhaul stuff is fun. It's added a lot of build variety and all of the builds are fairly fun. You can mix and match pretty easily and you are not exactly tied down to any real "meta" builds. The new Grenades are really fun and are extremely varied and useful. You may get one that is focused on high single target damage or area damage or even knife throwing or rocks. The only "Ehhh" thing i would say is that it's still pretty dependent on your weapons for overall load-out. The good side of this is how if you already have a good set of gear you can pretty freely experiment with your build and still be pretty confident in your ability to beat a match.

For levels themselves adding a mission selection section just for Hearsay and Damnation is a nice change. It makes it so you aren't struggling to find a higher level mission and it keeps people from just wandering into the higher level stuff (shock gauntlets with other modifiers) and also makes it nicer for people just getting into the game.

The moment to moment gameplay feels really enhanced compared to the skills 1.0. Many abilities are far more noticeable and useful depending on the build. Generally many skills are focused on team builds and sharing buffs as well as protecting the team. I greatly appreciate the new Psyker Shield for helping a team as well as synergy that was missing such as having a taunt ability for the ogryn shield.

2 of the newer levels still have that shine. Having a big fight on a huge fright elevator was a fun set piece. The other set pieces have also seen improvements, usually involving mini bosses showing up at the end of them as well as some general path and pacing changes. The new cut scenes are fun and add a bit to the story and character personality.

Performance wise even after losing a stick of ram it seems to run even better than a few months ago. I haven't noticed any major hiccups and combat feels fairly smooth.

Overall it's worth getting into for your first time or returning to try the new stuff.
Publicada el 16 de febrero de 2023. Última edición: 15 de octubre de 2023.
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30.3 h registradas
Well after finally finishing Grey Goo after owning it for a long time and dropping it previously I can't say i recommend it but struggled for a while to figure out why.

After putting a few more hours into it i can say that it's because there are a lot of good ideas on display and a lot of interesting mechanics combined together but it's all spread too thin for my taste.

Starting with the story it's nothing too special. It's unique that it starts from a non-human perspective as a race of aliens known as The Beta who had to flee their homeworld after it's destruction and now their new home comes under threat from new enemies! It was hard to really get invested since characters mostly get brought up and discarded fairly quickly apart from a core few characters that don't get much in the way of development. A large problem with this comes from the pool of missions being so small and jumping between factions after a fairly short period.

There are 15 missions total in the base game with 1 bonus mission and 3 dlc missions. A lot of their missions are fairly standard RTS gameplay. Destroy the enemy base, hold an area for x amount of time, escort a set of units or an ally to a position, etc. Nothing really stood out or stuck to me. The only thing i noticed was the difficulty feeling very erratic. You can get 2 or 3 cake walk missions in a row and then 1 out of the 5 will spike and be insanely difficult only for the one after to go back to being a cakewalk.

As far as the factions go they all have their own unique gimmicks and focuses with the goo being the most unique however a lot of this is poorly explained at times and you mostly need to kind of muddle through it on skirmish or the missions. Something about the moment to moment gameplay doesn't feel super impactful, the only units that have any kind of punch are the epics and i kind of hate them. The majority play like super powerful and annoying artillery units that with a bit of mico can turn a whole army into ash. The problem is that compared to say something like Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander, or various other RTS games / mods they all mostly do the same thing and none of them really break the mold as far as how you use them.

All and all if you get it on sale you might enjoy it but be warned that it isn't exactly a return to old form but isn't something fresh either, it kind of occupies a weird middle ground where there are a lot of ideas at play but not all of them are fully realized / fleshed out.
Publicada el 4 de enero de 2023.
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26.9 h registradas (23.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Probably the most faithful Terminator game to release that wasn't just a shot for shot attempt to remake the movies.

It really does an amazing job from the start of capturing the atmosphere and feeling of the future war sections shown in the Terminator movies. This isn't just in the music and visuals but also extends to the gameplay as well.

Story wise it incorporates elements from the Terminator 1 and 2 as well having an original story centered around the fight against Skynet as well as surviving the machines in the terminator universe. Not spoiling too much but you play as a member of the resistance who is trying to deliver a vital message to another region commander after your whole unit gets wiped out. If you know anything about terminator some plot points are going to seem fairly obvious but overall it's still a pretty good story on it's own if you even know nothing.

Gameplay wise i would describe it as similar to the Far Cry games with light rpg elements, stealth, and cover shooting but with a lot of thought put into how various weapons would look and feel vs various enemies. You can generally deal with smaller enemies with bullet weapons but your first T-800 encounter is a big deal since they don't go down easily to anything but plasma weapons which you only get later into the game. The most you can do early on is throw pipe bombs, knock them down with a shotgun if you are lucky, or make use of hacked turrets.

On hard standing out of cover will get you chewed up and enemies feel like they take a lot of hits because, well, it's a Terminator. As a result a lot of the main game will center around you trying to even out fights with traps, grenades, stealth, and items to help you instead of just being able to bulldoze through encounters. Late game you have enough weaponry and toughness to stand up in a fight but even then you can't be stupid about it.

Feel wise everything fits well with the world. Early on it's a lot of pre war weapons or makeshift stuff like pipe bombs. Everything has the look and vibe of being beat up or put together in a makeshift workshop. Later on you get more advanced weaponry but it absolutely fits the look and feel of the movies like the resistance plasma weapons or the can bomb. The world feels lived in from your guns to the resistance base.

The skill system is basic and mostly comes down to what you want to put points into first. You can get everything unlocked but it requires hunting for skill books in the world to get literally everything. Mostly it dictates how easily certain encounters will be as well as what doors / terminals you can unlock first. Unfortunately there isn't a new game plus mode but once you played the game you get a feel for what should be unlocked first. My personal recommendation is getting fast learner, lock picking, and hacking when you can.

For 20 bucks it's more than worth the buy and i had a really good time with it. There is also the DLC which is great and the extra infiltrator mode was a fun bonus after you beat the main game.
Publicada el 27 de diciembre de 2022.
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6.6 h registradas
Lots of fun.

Generally gets the feel of resident evil and PS1 Era survival horror games while still being fairly accessible and also having some dark humor mixed in. Story was ok a for a Resident Evil like game. General gameplay loop of enter area, look for items, kill zombies, find locked off area, find thing to unlock area, fight boss or horde, repeat was fairly well done and didn't get boring. Enemy design was extremely faithful to while also having it's own personality and touches here and there.

Music was fairly moody and puzzles fit the general feel of RE. Cut scenes also felt very accurate for that era of games. My only major complaint in the main game was the lack of shadow or use of lighting to build tension. Everything seemed super well lit through most of the game While it was fairly short on the initial play through there is a lot of extra content in the form of additional unlockables and other goodies that make going back through the game worth it, it's really hard to go wrong with this for 5 bucks.
Publicada el 17 de agosto de 2022.
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188.4 h registradas (183.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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VRC used to be a good social platform to hang out, chat, and vibe on but recent changes removing mods not only removes some QOL features like better performance, better menus, etc but also renders the game unplayable for those with disabilities.

"Well VRC devs will work on it" i can already hear someone smugly typing. Oh, so is there a date for that? When are those features going to be done for people such as built in TTS, visibility aids, closed captions, etc? A year, 2 years, 5 years, never?

Not to mention this does nothing for the community's top problems such as rippers, those who crash others with avatars, and generalized abuse.

To say that the VRC devs have been garbage when addressing legit concerns of their community is an insult to garbage. No one wanted this, you were told no one wanted this, you put it in anyways, and you don't get to act surpised that you got a backlash to match. This is a blatant move to remove modding so your can push VRC+ (which backfired hilariously) and as a result you are likely now scrambling to fix your screw up.

Congrats on winning the tone deaf awards tho, hope the yacht savings are going well.
Publicada el 26 de julio de 2022.
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3.8 h registradas
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Extremely good game and fun to play.

Overall super solid movement, gunplay, level design, and enemy variety.

At first it can feel super rocky to play but once you get the feel the rhythm you start to indentify enemy patterns, health, and what to prioritize in a room with what weapon. I can't really get into what i enjoyed about the levels without spoiling too much but a lot of what was great was because the way arena size and shape shook things up. The enemy roster also kept combat from becoming boring and i appreciate how nothing was hitscan so it was fairly dodgeable. Weapon roster is both a lot of familiar friends from other places but also some welcome surprises that shake things up very well. Feedback is never a problem and matches the damage they do fairly well.

The only 2 areas im not 100% keen on is how the game treats saving and 1 level in particular where there was instant death platforming.

Saving is done through item pick ups such as the resident evil games or Wrath Aeon of Ruin. Basically you have a limited number of save items and once you run out you can only load the start of the level or an autosave such as right before a boss fight. On one hand this does make secret hunting more rewarding as you are spending more time looking for save sticks and it makes some fights a lot more tense knowing you might get sent back several rooms if you mess up. On the other hand i had roughly 10 of these by the end of episode 1 and i think 13 or 14 by the end of episode 2 (for reference is was playing on hard). I never really knew WHEN i should be using them and i always had a creeping feeling that if i used them now i would need them later as ive had this problem in other games while never quite being sure when to drop them. I wouldn't say i hate it but it's more of a take it or leave it thing for me. I think at least the number of them is fine but it's a personal thing where i could probably have 30 or 40 of them and still not really know when and where to use it.

Instant death pits suck and this is a hill i will die on. It was really the only time i got frustrated apart from trying to figure out the first boss fight. Part of the problem is that since your jump pad is A) a sprite and B) doesn't cover the whole platform it turns into a big of a guessing game just how much momentum you need to give something in order to get across. This one level probably accounted for a good 40%-50% of the deaths during the run since i would just barely miss the platform or i would get mulched attempting to drop into an area looking for secrets.

Overall Viscerafest is a fantastic experience and ill likely be going back for repeat playthroughs to try different difficulties, look for secrets, or just try and see if i can get through some fights more smoothly. Highly recommend. Note that it is in early access so currently as of writing ive only played episode 1 and 2 but can't wait for episode 3.
Publicada el 20 de julio de 2022.
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1.2 h registradas
This game maybe be short but was made up for by how thick the atmosphere is laid on and the way it makes amazing use of a fairly simple set of controls and functions. Extremely claustrophobic and dark it really gives you the sense of being in a sub with every creak, scratch, adjustment of the direction, and puff of steam making you feel uneasy on a similar level that sound in Darkwood can fill you with dread without seeing what's actually there.

The combo of navigating an extremely hostile environment with limited sense of what's around you and being clearly inadequate rust bucket of a submarine really fills you with a sense of dread. On top of that you familiarize yourself quick with going through the motions of the controls which heightens your feeling of unease when things start to appear wrong.

I won't be spoiling the details but it's definitely worth picking up if you want a different bit sized horror game on par with the best stuff out of the dread x collections.
Publicada el 10 de marzo de 2022.
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96.6 h registradas (10.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Nightmare reaper is a lot of fun to play, mashing the best elements from more classic titles and roguelite into one package.

The real standout is the great flow of the combat combined with tightly crafted enemies and a fair variety of weapons to choose from that people well versed in retro FPS games will feel right at home with with the exception of a few neat twists thrown in.

The enemies start out simple enough, a quick but fragile melee attacker, light ranged guy, heavier ranged guy, but eventually more complex enemies get thrown in that spawn enemies themselves, enemies that jump and rush, teleporting mages, and tanky melee enemies that pull the player in.

To wreck the growing roster of enemies you pick up and use a wide variety of weapons throughout your play time. These range from simple melee weapons, rifles, or shotguns to a huge range of explosives and magic weapons with their own little quirks and advantages. Some of my personal favourites from the list include the chainsaw with a grappeling hook, a throwable spiked manually detonated grenade, a spell book that shoots bolts of lightning and spawns balls of lighting that shock everything around them as well as an explosive harpoon launcher.

To keep things from getting too complicated you only have 3 ammo pools, light, heavy, and magic. Each weapon depending on the type eats more or less ammo from these pools per shot. A weapon can also have different rarities which can give simple buffs like more fire rate and crit chance or do exciting things like do elemental damage, pierce or leech life.

The catch is that you can only actively use 2 weapons at a time starting out (you can upgrade this later though a skill tree) and at the end of a level you can only hold onto 1 weapon.

The level design is great despite using a random selection of pre made tiles. You'll see some reused rooms but they are well designed enough and have enough variety that you don't really notice with how the combat flows. Levels also have random events and powerups. Some can help you such as golden birds the give treasure when shot, a dog that gives you gold in exchange for bones, neutral events like a slot machine showing up or events to hinder you like magic orbs that spawn elemental damage or a scary floating head. This makes a lot of encounters interesting and are a fun bit of spice to run into during a game.

This is an early access title so it's not without it's bugs but they were mostly minor and didn't cause me to lose a whole lot of progress. There were a few crashes mainly when picking items up but i think it only happened like 3 or 4 times in the 10 hours i played and after the patch i haven't had a crash. Despite being early access it still has a fair amount of content (took about 10 hours to complete my first playthrough) and the devs are taking advice as well as interacting with the community. New game+ is already being planned which is good.

The only real gripe i would have is that the skill tree has a platforming mini-game attached to each skill that is kinda janky at the moment. The big problem is that the character hitbox and enemy hitbox is a square so you need to be careful jumping over things or trying to jump up through small holes. They aren't too hard and if you don't complete the minigame it doesn't take your money so you can try it as many times as you feel like but they do kinda get annoying. One suggestion i would make is add an option to skip for more money or have it cut the cost in half if you actually play the level. Again, devs are taking advice so im confident that it will be addressed.

If you enjoy classic FPSs and Rogue Lites then i would 100% recommend this game. It's easily worth 20 bucks just for the content currently in the game. Nightmare Reaper is a very tightly put togeather game and a real joy to play.
Publicada el 18 de julio de 2019.
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This probably has to be the worst DLC out of the bunch.

Right out of the gate it commits a RTS cardinal sin of having an escort mission as the very first level and combines a lot of bad design choices.

-You can't control when the escourt leaves and the timer starts when the mission feels like it
-Slow movement
-Will often stop randomly despite the way being clear.
-Weak health and enemies can easily stop it
-Limited number of lost escourts before the mission fails.

On top of that you are getting attacked right away and you get NOTHING starting off, you are even missing very basic research that would atleast save some time and gold which you need to get an army out fast. I somehow beat the first level on the first try bt it felt more like luck than any kind of measureable skill.

Level 2 is faily dull, defend the dungeon for x number of waves so it's pretty much one of the missions in the base game but instead of being able to focus on just ending the mission you are instead just waiting for wave after wave. There was not much worth playing here.

Finally the last mission is pretty much a re-do of an earlier mission where youneed to stop a bunch of tentacles before they shake the dungeon heart apart. You can hire pirates and shoot a cannon if you get enough dabloons but good luck with that, i never got to them in time and found rishing my army to do so just not worth it.

As for the story and the humor, it's pretty dull. It's just 90% "Thalya keeps getting her vacation interrupted" and making up reasons as to why she can't relax.

The missions aren't exactly hard so to speek, just time consuming and drab. If you don't play them EXACTLY how the game wants you too it will kill you and dump your ass to the game over screen which is a shame since a lot of the mission in the base game and other DLCs had a lot of diferent approaches you could take to win.

This is one you can safely skip since you don't really lose much by not playing it, Maybe get it on sale.
Publicada el 6 de enero de 2019. Última edición: 6 de enero de 2019.
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