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17.6 hrs on record
I played through every conflict game
desert storm 1 -trash (crosshair moves)
desert storm 2 - trash (crosshair moves)
conf vietnam - good
conf global terror - good
conf denied ops - embarassing

very stupid developers tho, very dumb games sending endless waves of enemies at the players. Resulting in NEVER being able to heal your squadmates or relax. This remained true in all games even denied ops.

difficulty means nothing because even on easy you will still get squadwiped from a single tank that got its shot off faster than you, or an enemy lobbing a grenade and wiping your entire team. Losing TONS of progress as the games limit your saves
Posted May 22.
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12.6 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
Baffled by how bad this game is! Please read

They quite literally removed every feature they have created over the years. Literally every single one.

And what did they replace all the removed content with? NOTHING. Literally nothing. This wouldnt even be impressive as a phone game! The maps are artificially mazed-out with only one route. As if i was playing house of the dead or something... Nothing is more frustrating than being in the middle of a street inside a city map with the game telling you to go 180meters west, but you cant go 180meters west because every alleyway is blocked. You need to find the one secret door in the entire level that magically became unlocked after killing the last enemy! THE WHOLE GAME IS LITERALLY THAT WHAT I JUST DESCRIBED! Yes the whole thing! The previous entries were not like that. In fact they were the polar opposite of that. open and tactical and realistic and mature.

Now you just aim and shoot. You have infinite ammo. Theres only 2 guns in the entire game. i have never witnessed something so embarassing.

And not even anything was improved either, you can immediately feel that its the same conflict game engine just with most things stripped. Honestly it feels just as clunky and strange as the combat in all the previous games did... But it made sense in those games because those were actual good games with a ton to do. The game engine still buckles whenever you come face to face with an enemy. You never know what will occur in those situations but you can bet on dying.

the loot rooms where you got to take a break with your squad was my favorite part of the conflict series, this is where i would pack a tactical bowl. In this game you cant even pick up the enemies AK!

and you literally have infinite ammo!

and enemies do wildly varying damages to you at different times its so weird
Posted May 20. Last edited May 20.
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69.8 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
with re5fix 1.04 you can remove the yellow color filter and the game actually looks good now. I get THE EVIL WITHIN vibes now its very awesome.

Theres some other changes in re5fix that are enabled by default that made my game stutter. i didnt care about those changes, so in the re5fix.cfg file i deleted everything except the [color filter] section. So at the end my re5fix.cfg file was just like 3 lines of text. This was a good idea. So now i have just the color filter remover enabled and my performance isnt effected at all.

i also put some finishing touches on the game using reshade (SSR + MXAO + -10% vibrance)

the colors still arent perfect but its way better than the game looking literally YELLOW everywhere

Posted April 30. Last edited April 30.
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37.4 hrs on record
Felt like half a video game
Posted April 28.
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26.3 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Sadly unfinished but fun to see, you can get a flyer in the first level if you use set clip = 1 and fly up to the platform. Apparently the flyer was available for the player to buy in game in version 1.0... i have no clue why they would remove the best part of the game like that..weird. I reccomend you go get it back. Just a warning tho, If you are using the flyer and you run back to the spot where you are first standing upon entering goldin for the first time, npcs will take over your flyer and u gotta load an old save. So i reckon you get the parcel quest out of the way first, then get flyer, then enjoy like 20 gameplay hours of goldin getting all the sidequests and leveling up and playing the game!

Plus the npcs always talk about the flyer as if you have one, so it makes more sense to just grab it.

also if you gonna play precursors, disable its vsync in options, enable vsync in nvidia instead, and also use reshades new forcefullscreen=true option which is located inside reshade.ini. It completely fixed the odd mouse feel for me.

also install the community patch (so you get a postprocess folder added into your game directory) and 0kb all the txt files inside there. This will disable motion blur, bloom,HDR, dof, and sharpening.

You can also go into videooptions.ini and set all mipmaploadbias values to 0.00. This disables a slight blur the game has. A positive mip bias = blur. A negative mip bias = sharpening. Set it to 0.00 (Nvidias override to clamp mip does not work on precursors for whatever reason so this must be done if you care about that sort of thing) That file can be found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Precursors\INI

also the games completely open world and all the zones are loaded into the games ram at once. I even mapped out how to get to the other worlds from goldin. That was a lot of fun. I even found a hidden dev testing room with an 18 wheeler and green mech that arent useable in the main game. Oh and a bug/snail thing i never seen before.


i used cheatengine (with custom hotkey alt+c that i set for start/stop speed toggle) at x4 gamespeed. I nowadays use cheatengine no matter what game i am playing. All games have long animations or dumb cutscenes you cant skip so i always make sure to have CE running. Its really not cheating because it makes combat impossible. Its just for moments that are stupid and need to be sped up!

anyways i got the game running right now, the reason my hours are off is because steams stupid DRM wouldnt let me use the 4gb patcher on the games exe, but if you check out my youtube randalmcdaniel i did have a lot of fun playing through all the deepshadows games over the past like 70 days of my life. What an adventure! Im still not done! But im sad the actual literal main storys and games are done now :(. Like really sad. Like these were the best games i ever discovered out of nowhere in my life. Cuz finding games out of nowhere that are obscure/unknown and awesome really is AMAZING.


i did 100 hours before i beat it, but i literally do everything when i love a game like this. A regular person could probably beat it in a day and just be like meh if they didnt do any of the sidequests.

The space is honestly super high quality. ITs hard to hit enemies with blaster tho because its like real ballistics
Posted April 17. Last edited April 18.
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1.0 hrs on record
i stopped my bl3 playthrough when i discovered xenus 2 white gold. Its literally an open world RPG shooter game better than fallout new vegas. Giant spiders, leviathan sea monsters, UFOs, indians, cia, mafia, cars, boats, helicopters, airplanes, tractors, quads, musket rifles? 500+ quests, 600sq km open world... Wtf... ITS THE BEST GAME I EVER PLAYED! i dont even care about bl3 anymore
Posted March 16.
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7.3 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Factually better than rockstar games and i could write a book on it

-You can have 100+ quests active at once without issue. In mafia1,mafia2, gta3, gta vice city, and gta san andreas you can not save while on an active quest. This game does not have that issue

-Saves all your cars, cars dont despawn, your 100+ rifles are safe in the trunk

-Bodies dont despawn ever, bodies can be pushed in water and float/drift around for months

-Literally a 10x higher draw distance than any other open world game ive ever played, finally an open world game where a sniper rifle actually helps

-Ai literally better than rockstar games, they actively flank around the rear of your position, they throw grenades

-When enemies dual wield submachine guns, they literally have 2 smg's you can loot at the end.

-Better quest rewards, meaningful items, perks

-100x more detail on screen at once than any other AAA game ive ever played

They got rid of some advanced features from the first game however, like being able to leave your car running so you can enjoy the headlights while you explore. This upset me to no end. And not being able to put heavy loot onto dead bodies upset me. I dont know why they got rid of some of the first games best features.

And the second game has a bunch of textures that are so low resolution that it actually looks distracting. The first game literally had higher resolution textures. But the second game just has better graphics overall

regardless, boiling point is the best singleplayer game i ever played in my life, yes it skirted past subnautica for the no.1 spot. And now im declaring white gold as my 2nd favorite game of all time. Easily better than games like fallout new vegas or state of decay
Posted March 13. Last edited March 24.
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4.1 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
it recieved an update in 2024, wow. Thats awesome. Thank you guys for doing that!
Posted March 9.
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1.1 hrs on record
This is a great game man, idk what people are on about, played many hours no crashes. A very large and grandiose singleplayer RPG. You even have a party of team members that follow you around its pretty sweet

the controls suck. definately is true. WASD controls and no clipping on models would have completely saved this game
Posted February 1.
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37.9 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Literally better than empyrion and i got it for $2.50

its so adorably broken and easy to glitch, and theres no structural integrity so nothing collapses if you remove the foundation

you can take a base light post, put it on any vehicle you made, connect it to a wire, remove the wire, and it still works, so you now have a light on your car as you drive around lol

and theres like 50 vehicles in this game its nuts

and the building is way less restrictive, a glass plate doesnt take up an entire square like it does in empyrion
Posted January 1. Last edited January 13.
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