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donny 18 maja o 20:26 
tiny penis
Wild Native 17 maja o 20:24 
:ujel: mare
뉴비 17 maja o 4:51 
cute killer(really cute)
Octopus 15 maja o 10:21 
wtf is RS3
cowona vuwus 12 maja o 13:02 
Get out of my sight before I get mad, I’m asking you politely to get out of my sight. Don’t ever use the words “UI skins” ever again, and if you ever compare OSRS to RS3, I’m going to find where your mother lives, stalk her and pretend to accidentally bump into her while she’s out shopping, and start a relationship with her so that I can become your step mom.. At which point, I could walk into your bedroom drunk while you were sleeping and fondle your genitals. RS3 is ♥♥♥♥, there’s a reason we quit it.
Octopus 11 maja o 3:08 
testy test? XDD