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1 person found this review helpful
14.1 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I haven't played enough to give a proper review but to counter some of the negative reviews due to performance I'm going to give this a thumbs up while leaving a potential fix for the mean time.

This was brought up by the devs but as most seem to read reviews first I'll try to leave it here.

From the devs:
"Sometimes players can feel like their client is limited to significantly lower framerates than it should be. I.E camera movements feeling like they are 60fps, even though the game is running at 200. This issue is known by the team and we are actively investigating, this was not intentional nor is it an engine limitation. In the meantime, some players have reported that manually limiting the game client to 60FPS can actually make the client feel smoother, if you are personally impacted by this issue."

For me with a 2060, i9-9900k, 32GB RAM, on an SSD I was averaging mid 40fps with drops to mid-high 30s outside and only getting decent frames when in-doors or underground. Overall frames felt inconsistent and choppy.

After limiting FPS in control panel I averaged mid 50s with it being closer to 60 most of the time. Never saw it dip below maybe mid-40s (my average before limiting FPS). In general its much smoother now.

So anyone having issues, try limiting the Enshrouded FPS via your GPU Control panel and see if that helps. It was the one thing distracting me from really putting time into this and with it seemingly fixed, I can finally deep dive into this game and give a proper review.
Posted January 27. Last edited January 27.
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14 people found this review helpful
7.1 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's a great Kart racer. If you like Kart games, check it out. If you don't want to pay for anything though just wait till the end of the year/Q1 of 2024 when I believe it's scheduled to release as F2P.

Now let me address some MTX issues:

1) You cannot refund the game
You're paying for cosmetics and to be able to play it early. As the game will launch free2play you're not exactly buying a copy of the game but just cosmetics and the EA. And per guidelines there are no refunds for DLC content.

2) In-game currencies
You cannot purchase currencies in game, at least currently. I can't speak for when the game launches but at the moment you have to earn the currency by playing. You get a head start in tokens with the founders packs but from what I've seen they only allow you to get some of the starter packs for racer shards or on a skin or two. Most of the things in the shop is only via the Golden Pass currency or by doing races.

For those who don't want others with better RNG luck through the loot boxes and upgrades to completely demolish them you can hop into Regulated Multiplayer matches that equalizes everyones level to be at 30 with your racers also being at 2 stars. So it's a level playing field against other players.

Ranked however does take your racer level into consideration. I'm not 100% on if you only get matched with people of your level or if it pits you with people close to the level. I suggest doing the Starter Circuit to get some of the starting racers to a high level as they give you racer shards and upgrade parts before heading into Ranked.
Posted April 19, 2023.
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7.1 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
An amalgamation of recent popular genres like Prop Hunt, Assassins Creeds deceptive multiplayer mode, extraction, and a hint of Battle Royale with the collection of intel and power-ups. Except unlike many that have tread the path into making mixed genre games, this manages to blend each well enough to work with each other without leaning heavily into one genre or the other.

Game goes through 3 phases: Insertion, Infiltration, and Extraction.

Players both on your team (unless solo) and enemies work to disable 3 terminals to unlock the vault.

Once unlocked (notified for everyone) players make their way into infiltrating the compound to get the package.

Once the package is picked up the team to extract with the briefcase wins. You can also win by eliminating all rival players on the map.

The tutorial (highly recommended) does an amazing job of explaining your tools as well guiding you through a typical match. The major downside/negative of this game may be the gun fights not feeling as tight as say a Call of Duty but at the same time, do you expect that out of a game like this? It's perfectly fine though, not really a complaint or compliment.

The game-play itself is a lot of fun. It can be as fast paced or slow paced as you want. You don't need to be an excellent shooter to play the game, though it does help a lot. Many times you can go around completely ignoring all combat and just going for objectives. Just know that to extract with the package it does ping you periodically, so move fast but inconspicuously (and try to find a VIP disguise if possible, helps a lot).

Each character is unique with their own play-styles. Unlocking a character takes no more than a few games. The gadgets themselves I haven't gotten to try them all but they add some nice variety to the game without one feeling too overpowered over the other. Not to say they're perfectly balanced as I only have about 6-7 hours collectively with the Beta though but so far nothing felt like it was "too much".

The game style is very nice too. The character and style remind me a lot of Team Fortress 2, though maybe not as wacky with their personalities. This is a style that holds up over time so I hope the community grows larger and the devs continue support for the next few years.

I highly recommend this game to anyone who misses the golden days of the Assassins Creed multiplayer or never got around to play it and to anyone who likes Gmods Prop Hunt or Hide and Seek and enjoys the extraction focus of objectives.

PS: If you're playing with groups PLEASE don't run far away from others and stick relatively close by. You can get revived by teammates and it's much harder to do when you're halfway across the map lol.
Posted March 22, 2023.
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216.6 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's surprisingly really good. No pay to win or RNG mechanics via loot box or card packs. You will eventually get all cards. Quick 6 round games. Simple rules but pretty deep mechanics. Game-play isn't over complicating. And it's free, no reason not to try it out.

Also that Captain American in the store is just a Variant = Art skin. The card itself can be obtained through normal progression.

Posted November 24, 2022.
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4.6 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
"I Like you. You have balls. I like balls."
-Chechnyan Terrorist
Posted September 12, 2022.
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12.9 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game with organic game-play in a persistent war spanning anywhere from days to weeks (longest I believe month), there's very little like it. If you enjoy games like Hell Let Loose, Squad, and thought "Man I wish it had some weird mutant baby with Company of Heroes and feel like I'm one of the soldiers in a huge war" (I know you all did, don't hide it) then I present to you: Foxhole.

IMO there are 3 MAJOR roles/play styles in this game: Frontline, Partisan, and Logistics.

Frontline is you PvP pewpew shooty shooty bang bang that a lot are here for. Pro tip: USE COVER WHEN SHOOTING! Crouch if you can't get to one. The shield icon will basically show you how much you're exposed.

Partisan is the anti supply line. The sneaky boys. The infiltrators. You're the one behind enemy lines disrupting them and their supply from getting to the frontline.

Logistics are the heart and blood of the war. You grab resources and build them into supplies for the frontline. You're the true hero in this story. Just be careful of the sneaky boys.

HIGH SUGGESTION: Join Shard 2 (top right when in main menu) when starting off. Shard 1 is the "main" war and is where most of the organised clans are. This is where you'll see more of the coordinated strikes and such. Shard 2 is a overflow war and is taken a bit more lightly. Please still take it seriously, but if you're willing to learn then Shard 2 might be a bit easier if you're an introvert like I am. Eventually though you'll want to get to Shard 1 for the "real ♥♥♥♥".
Posted October 2, 2021.
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450 people found this review helpful
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20.8 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)

Seriously, just don't buy the cosmetics. I don't get the issue.

Game is fine, just learn the game instead of crying that you died to things you don't understand.

Light attacks will block/parry other Light attacks.
Focus/Charged attacks (blue) will give you flinch resist against light attacks and can break someone else Focus/Charge.
Counter (red) allows you to block any Focus/Charged attack (blue) which allows for a followup, disarming the opponent.
Counter (red) can be interrupted by Light attacks.
You can feint your Focus/Charged by hitting C (also Crouch when held).
While Crouched you can do a low attack.

If you're met with light attack (left click) spams there are 2 ways to combat this. Try to spam dodge out of it, left click attacks are typically horizontal while right clicks are vertical. Side step vertical slashes, back step horizontal.

Or (best way) is to understand when their Focus attack comes out. Every 3rd attack is a focus attack so remember the animation of the 2nd attack for a weapon, then parry in the window between the 2nd and 3rd attack, allowing you to parry the third Focus.

If you're playing against someone that's timing your 3 hit light combo you can hit C (crouch) to cancel your combo. So for example you'll do your 1st and 2nd hit then hit C breaking the combo making the next attack the 1st attack of the combo.

You'll also do a slight lunge/slide attack when coming out of a sprint. The main use for this is sliding Focus attacks. One very nice technique is dodging (space bar) out of the way, immediately going into a sprint, then holding left or right click for your Focus attack. You'll then charge your Focus attack while sliding in the direction you were using it.

I'm sure I'm missing more but there are quite a lot of ways to combat different situations and how you go about each fight will change based on your weapon. Tactics will change based on the weapon you and they have so keep these in mind.
Posted August 13, 2021.
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A developer has responded on Aug 16, 2021 @ 9:07pm (view response)
7 people found this review helpful
2.6 hrs on record
Power Babies: The Video Game.

Honestly the only real GAME part of this is the platforming, puzzles, but mostly it's the collection of Power Babies. But that's not a bad thing. Honestly the game is one that's worth letting yourself sit in as a lot of times you'll miss out on tons of content if you were to just progress normally at a standard pace.

So having the Power Babies here as an incentive to maybe stay, look around, go places you might not have, just to find this adorable green pieces of ♥♥♥♥. But ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if it isn't fun. Only about half way finished (2-3 hours) but the puzzles haven't been all too bad, except that stupid pieces of ass button puzzle. I swear I'll complete you.

tl;dr 10/10 Would collect Power Babies again.
Posted June 4, 2019.
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1,681.2 hrs on record (1,261.4 hrs at review time)
Posted November 21, 2018.
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246.8 hrs on record (156.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Best web swinging since Spider-Man 2 on the PS2, nuff said.

Real review: This is the closest thing to an MMO the likes of Runescape, Ultima, and many of the old MUDs. I haven't felt that sense of heavily community influenced MMO that I do in this game for a long time. I'm very excited to be a part of this community and see how this grows.

Now the BIGGEST concern and the ONLY reason people have been down voting this game are the "pirates" (though at 200+ hours of play it makes no sense why anyone would not recommend it. You got 200+ hours of game play out of it for 30 bucks. What the hell is wrong with you?). But I gotta say, how about other games where killing is the ONLY gameplay? I play Rainbow Six Siege a lot and there are times where you spawn and INSTANTLY get killed by a peeker. You get to sit out that round for 3-4 minutes. I feel like everyone complaining about this pirates can't handle getting killed by ANYTHING.

Hell Minecraft probably isn't casual enough for you if that were the case with a single creeper killing you and your ♥♥♥♥ in the process. Go play a game that doesn't invole dying because clearly you're not able to handle death.

Everyone else still with me? Good. This game is a great mix of Archeage, Space Engineers, Minecraft, and what No Mans Sky should/could have been. "So what exactly do you do in the game?" you might ask. Well heres a few:

Explore the island and gain knowledge (skill points essentially but also some pieces of lore explaining what happened to this destroyed civilization).

Gather materials. Every ore and wood has different properties that affect things like weight, conductivity (not fully implemented), etc that all also have 1-10 quality that dictates the degree in which they affect stats.

Build ships! The core gameplay. Build your very own unique airship in whatever materials you want. Using the exploration and knowledge of schematics will allow you to build even better engines, wings, guns, etc.

PvP! The big baddy. Flash backs of PvP servers back on the old days of WoW come to mind. Seeing someone and hiding praying they didn't see you or at the very least aren't interested in you. There are a lot of pirates. And what I mean by that is there are a lot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. But not everyone. If you're solo, chat up a few friendlies, see if maybe youd want to cruise together, or at the very least you'll establish both of you are on good terms. Black list hostiles and let others know. If they want to ruin the experience then let the community ruin theirs.

Challenge the walls! Windwall, Stormwall, Sandwall are what seperate the higher tier biomes. Only 4 biomes so far but there are 8 planned. Adjusting your ship to pass through these walls is another big part of the game.

This is all in a physics based game. Watch out when you cut that tree down, it WILL kill you.

Besides this there are plenty planned. Alliances (guilds), territory control (the PvP 'end-game'), long distance trading, PvE end-game involving the Sky Whale, more creatures, etc.

Just remember folks, it's in early access but has been in closed beta for years now. And the game has improved significantly over the years so if you're still on the fence then at the very least keep this on your radar. Patches are promised at least one every 2 weeks as well as weekly updates on whats being worked on, when things are planned to come out, etc. Anyone saying the devs don't care haven't put enough care themselves to actually looking into what they're doing. Keep an eye on their website for news every week to see how things are progressing.

Do I recommend this game? YES! 10/10! Even if the game goes under I've had a lot of memorable experiences already in the few hours I've played so every penny was well spent. See you out in the World(s) explorers!
Posted May 18, 2018. Last edited May 18, 2018.
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