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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:614.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:531.3時間)
Overall terrible game. Used to be good but not anymore. Every update is a one stepforward but two stepbacks. The devs are actively punishing the fun factors that players find. Bad devs, would not recommend.

1.0 Release is still quite terrible. More than twice the price. Twice the bugs and glitches. Twice the bad experience and more. Balance is all over the place, getting water is hard for example with the new update and such due to player's "Abuse" for water mechanic. Terrible performance with 4060 gpu receives 60-80 pings on low-medium settings.

Save your wallet, save your headache, and save your nostalgic feeling by staying away from playing this game
投稿日 7月27日. 最終更新日 8月27日
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総プレイ時間:260.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:249.0時間)
Unfortunately while the game is great overall, at its current state i do not recommend it for a few reason.

First, the game bugs/issues are far too many and far too frequent, with one patch fixing 5 bugs while 10 new bugs show up. It can range from the terminal on the radar side objective not showing up where it should be lined up, getting stuck under the map or somewhere without being able to kill yourself if you don't have AOE, game synchronization issue, objective not able to be completed due to terminal being stuck, bots levitating in the air but still able to shoot you if you didn't shoot the dropship fast enough, character permanently stuck as if they are constantly walking through a barbwires which makes you take constant damage whenever you walk while also considerably decreasing your movement speeds, and other many bugs minor or major.

Second, the game have horrendous balancing. For example, at its current state by the time i'm writing this, the breaker incendiary dominates the bug battlefield by a landslide with its horde clear capability which can easily exceeds 100+ killstreaks if you use it correctly along with its charger killing capability when combined with stun grenade, while on the other hand, guns like Scythe, Arc Blitzer, or Adjudicator and many more felt underwhelming, bad, and has no place in the game. After the first ever patch, i haven't even seen anyone use the railgun anymore as autocannon, anti material rifle, quasar, and other launchers dominate the field.

Lastly, the game's teamwork and other mechanic are... a little flawed. What i mean by that is the fact that the game punishes you for playing solo without any teammate as it is incredibly unbalanced for solo players right now. You can try beating the missions solo, but you're not gonna have a good time. On the other spectrum, teamwork in the game is promoted only by the "friendship door" along with backpack reload promotes teamwork, other than that, the way the game works mainly promotes just splitting up from your party. For example, bot drops or bug breaches only spawn in one area every few minutes, meaning, you should just split up, let one guy deal with the breaches/drops while the other do the objectives. With splitting up, you can also cover more grounds for samples and other minor place of interest or side objectives. You don't need anyone else to help you do the objectives, including the radar (you only need someone for the friendship door). The backpack reload is tedious and the one helping felt boring or bad since you're just stuck there clinging on unable to help fend off the enemies other than watch yourself reload your mate's weapon.

There are things that i find frustrating but those are the main ones that i can think of as of writing this. I know that they are currently balancing it out with Pilestedt stepping down from CEO position to overlook the game's issues, so until it's fixed to acceptable amount, i cannot recommend the game. Pilestedt has done a pretty good job at fixing the major frustration that i would've included here if not for the recent update, that mainly the insta kill by spewers, flamethrowers and other things the major patch has fixed. So i am looking forward and hopeful for the game to improve further, but until then, i cannot recommend the game right now until it is more enjoyable.

Update: After a couple of months, it's still ♥♥♥♥. The devs kept nerfing weapons and such, overall, fun are at an all time low
投稿日 5月3日. 最終更新日 8月9日
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総プレイ時間:1.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.1時間)
投稿日 2023年8月16日.
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総プレイ時間:0.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.2時間)
Simple game with simple mechanic yet so messed up in every way and quite interesting. Love it to the bone
投稿日 2023年2月13日.
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総プレイ時間:79.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.7時間)
Aimbot AI and Sniper AI too overpowered, they are able to single handedly defeat the match
The guns felt a little clunky to use and the environment is a meh when compared to warhammer vermintide. Warhammer vermintide felt more open and free, generally better.
The game also has bad optimization and crashes several times.
There is also no private lobby yet so i'm forced to play with some 3-man speedrunner or afk dudes whenever i go solo.
Boss fight doesn't seem to give you any extra loot which is basically mean it's pointless and only provides as an unlucky rng encounter. One of the boss, called Daemonhost also need a desperate nerf as once it is activated, you're basically dead, its attack is relentless and undodgable. You can keep blocking and dodging, but he will break your stance and ultimately kill you either way
Overall, Warhammer Verrmintide is much better than this crap
投稿日 2022年11月28日. 最終更新日 2022年12月4日
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総プレイ時間:157.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:40.5時間)
Kontol of a game
投稿日 2022年11月23日.
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総プレイ時間:423.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:164.3時間)
-Start game
-Get loot
-Become god
-DIe because i stop for 0,0001 second
-Live again
-Die again. Killed by void corrupted overloading worm

Conclusion : Good game
投稿日 2022年2月25日. 最終更新日 2022年3月6日
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総プレイ時間:37.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:30.6時間)
Great game! You will be terrified at first, especially when you play alone and on VR but you will get accustomed to the scare factor and the game will be something that you do silly things around in, explore and break the game to its full potential so however much you play it, you'll still enjoy it!
投稿日 2020年11月26日.
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3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:4.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.6時間)
All i can say is wow... the dev made a pretty good job at creating this, seeing how this is his second game, it is absolutely amazing, even saying that is an understatement. The quality is wonderful, the story, the visualization, all of those are perfect.

The story, it really hits you hard, it hits close to home. I myself shed a few drop of tears by the end, i haven't done that in years, even sad movies doesn't really bother my feelings. The storytelling is wonderful, the game put you into this immersive experience, exploring the world as a fox in search of her cubs, as you keep exploring you will slowly unfold the narrator's past. Letting you put the pieces together on what happened to the narrator.

The narration was great for me, it seems genuine, real, not robots talking with one another, it's realistic dialogues, with realistic reactions. The voice and said reactions sounds very natural, overall, the voice acting is wonderful! It keeps you engaged in the game, makes you crave for more information on what had happened to the narrator and let you build that informations in your head, put everything together, it is satisfying in someway as you slowly reveal the narrator's backstory.

The world is beautiful, it is mesmerizing to explore, see every nook and cranny of the world, discover these little things either buried in the ground or just lay on the ground, which lets you get a bigger picture of the narrator's experiences/backstory. The world is big, and all of them are beautiful and some are dark to bring in those dark sad moments in the game.

The complaints that i have for this game would be the world design, some of the world designs are absolutely great with all kinds of things scattered all over the world, though, with the size of these worlds, it tends to get tedious to proceed with the level, for example, there is one part where you need to collects items all over the map to proceed to the next map and with how big these maps are, you just end up pressing the W key continously till you get to your destination. Another example of this would be the scene where you run down hill to chase the perpetrator, though, the perpetrator vanished into thin air once it ran over the hill so you just end up running down this hill without any tension due to the perpetrator vanishing, that scene would be an absolute gold if we can see the perpetrator running down the hill, encouraging you to just jump down and chase it in hope of stopping the perpetrator. Those are mostly it for the complaints that i have about this game, the maps are just too damn big and there are invisible walls everywhere which is always annoying.

The 'multiplayer' mechanic also caught me by off guard, this mechanic could be the downfall for your experience with the game (due to trolls which i luckily haven't come across) or it could be a heartwarming moment for your heart.

Overall, this game is hella amazing! It hits your hard like a train with the feels. It's an immersive game telling a serious topic so i would suggest to try to be fully immersed in this game in order to get the full experience of how the game is meant to be experienced. It's not a perfect game by any means, there are some flaws accompanying this game but it's only affecting a fraction of the experience for the game so i can forgive that. For only 8 bucks, i definitely recommend this game, wait for a discount and it's definitely worth it to try this game out, though, it does kind of suck that not many people know about this hidden gem of a game
投稿日 2020年3月6日.
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総プレイ時間:10.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.4時間)
It's a pc version of UNO, so again, gonna be fun if you play with friends, there's a couple of gamemodes and different type of cards which well, kiiiinda fun, a bit boring at times though especially when the game/match is dragging on for more than an hour.
投稿日 2019年6月29日.
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