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2.3 hrs em registo
Were this a "calm player-objective driven sandbox" game where you could be fooling around for the most part, I could recommend this "game" to be purchased.
However, what we have in hands is actually something that tries to be as "arcady" as possible
(read: pick-it-up-and-play-for-the-high score).
And for the most part there is also only single solution, because of reason called "developers dictated so"...

Controls aside, which have been already bashed enough already by others, there are some far more "bugger" issues with this title.
It all mainly comes down to both the limitation where hand/player can go around and the level layouts:
Were one to drop the needed "ingredient" or tool onto the floor, there is no way to retrieve these aside restarting the stage / "murdering" the patient. Same thing happens when you accidentally push items far too away from your reach when "magnet"-fingers of the player-hand fails to "activate".
Then there are simply the item-layout causing huge problems when trying to achieve the main goal; either player-hand cannot be lowered enough due wrist juking into something and halting the decent. Or otherwise there are solid non-movable object preventing the operations itself.

The much advertised "Meet the Medic"-stage is guilty of all the unplayability faults mentioned (and many other faults): Good luck

All in all, I certainly don't recommending to buy this game
(at least outside of bundles).
But otherwise if for some reason one gets this game to their collection, I for one certainly hope the player is going to face less of the bugs and such
(Use bonesaw on ribcage -> lungs phase through <- ribcage still being intact, to name latest bugs I encountered alongside scalpel-immune innards).

On a random side-note, I've yet to still see or hear any other surgeon-sections or whole games that actually are not only more or less realistic, but fun to do than "Life & Death"-series (flawed, and certainly far too ahead its time)
and that one "mini-game" in "Chaos Break"
(which for goodness sake was sort of like more-actiony "Resident Evil", but with non-Earth-invading-creatures
(and first introduction to sudokus to me
(*I was doing sudokus way before they were cool*)).

I can always keep wishing and forget that "Trauma Center"-series was a thing (aside music of course, but that's the "unfortunate" thing with various not-so-good-things;
music alone for the most part is far better than the product it was shipped with)...
Publicado a 28 de Janeiro de 2014. Última alteração: 20 de Outubro de 2020.
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1.2 hrs em registo
While certainly not offering anything new to market, "Gravity Badgers" has been a quite solid so far.

(( Heck, similar games have been already imitated in numerous places, especially at Neopets).
And there was even a TV-chat-game based around the same planet-gravitation which was developed by "RedLynx"] wayback the first "Trials"-game was just published for "DNA"-mobile-operator. ))

The gravitational physics are rigid function-based
(I cannot remember which one though),
meaning the physics aren't randomized at all unlike many other real-time-physic-calculation-powered games.

Some could complain this game is one those "too easy" trial & error"-type of games (since the "sling"-meter doesn't contain any visible numbers).
If there is one thing I would had removed it's the trivial "lives"-system get "perfect-score" to reduce unneeded manual reset-button pressing. After all, unless there are ice / "sticky"-blocks to land on, it's just launch-and-watch-type of game after all for each stage.

Personally I wish there was actual animation made for the character models, since I generally liked the idea of badgers in space.

All in all, it's worth a take a look at least, especially since there aren't "that" many of these kinds of games in the market.
Publicado a 19 de Janeiro de 2014. Última alteração: 25 de Junho de 2022.
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1.7 hrs em registo
This is almost an academical example of "Let's put in some of the most annoying things in games ever, because (we think people love for being so) retro!"

It's almost like the developers watched some episodes of Angry Video Game Nerd, and then calculated frustration = fun + happy faces!

A theme seems to around in which every second (end of the) stage in this game is an excerpt from AVGN: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-episode, in which you'll have be "perfect" to be able beat the stage (or anywhere else where instant-death-traps are present).

Selena/player-model having ridiculously huge invisible hit-box isn't helping at all either, especially during the sections mentioned earlier (huge knockback isn't helping for most part either).
If there is one positive thing to say regarding to this, it's the elimination of "pixel-perfect-landing"-requirement due a small added ledge-climbing "correction", when it works that is.

The game may be a love letter to older-games, but it's certainly an cheat-mail to players with less patience particularly.
At its current state (especially both unbalanced level-design and overall game-running-performance-wise), I personally cannot recommend this game at all for having far too much trial & error & perfection-requirements...

Yes, even after +20-tries, I wasn't able to beat "Laboratory"/end of the 4th-stage, even when completely ignoring sigil / health-upgrade-pieces...
Publicado a 18 de Janeiro de 2014. Última alteração: 25 de Junho de 2022.
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1.7 hrs em registo

Aesthetics and tutorial aside, I cannot recommend this game, unless you're getting for a very low prize.

Game can be simply summed up "which of the players clicks faster" or just times specific selections correctly,
Regardless, end result is going to be either of the sides simply just watching to lose without being able to do anything because of the "match-ending"-upgrades that simply nullifies the towers.
Because at the moment it's just whomever maxes the mines first wins because all you'd need to do afterwards is to spam waves.

This game certainly needs a "sabotage"-feature to have any sort of element to have "tides turned"
( E.G. you're not able to destroy the tower setup of your opponent to get a slight breach and gain "Battle Points" ).

I was partially wishing there was a feature I'd be familiar with from "Rampart"; unfortunately there was none.
"Toy Soldiers - Complete is a game I recommend instead...

Publicado a 9 de Janeiro de 2014. Última alteração: 20 de Março de 2019.
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3.1 hrs em registo (1.7 horas no momento da análise)
There isn't much for me to add some others have already said about this game.
But I'll at least tell why I liked this game.

Out of the numerous tower-defence-games, this one certainly is one the most access-able available.
It has some features that have been seen some other games too (like resource collection on the map and 2-time-activable-self-defence on "core") while also including features that doesn't make this too "rush-hurry-rush"-type of game (like having a possibility to view the map fully before starting the map itself).

A very good feature many newer games are missing is to actually allow players to do mistakes while still keeping all the earned rewards during the gameplay itself (I.E. coins collected during gameplay are automatically stored to your wallet and won't be taken away even if map ends up not being cleared). This especially removes one of the unnecessarily tediousness seen in various other games today.

Oh, and yes, you are allowed to mute voice-overs! Extra-points for this option!!
Publicado a 7 de Janeiro de 2014. Última alteração: 23 de Julho de 2014.
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19.0 hrs em registo
Before Dungeon Defenders, there was this game which originally started as Half-Life modification.
Don't let Quake-engine fool you, this is rather detailed game and has it's own beauty.

If you haven't gotten into diesel-punk yet, Iron Grip-universe is a great way to get into theme. And IG: Warlord is really good action-tower-defence-game.
Publicado a 30 de Dezembro de 2011. Última alteração: 25 de Junho de 2022.
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2.1 hrs em registo
Ever wanted to play as a treasure hoarding evil(?) dragon?
Well now you can!

"Hoard" is a little neat and traditional action game with all the basic things evil-dragons do, from terrorizing measly human-inhabitants to capturing princess for ransom and also fending off other dragons(/players) off from your territory / loot.

The game features small but nice selection of game modes, and the multiplayer can turn into amazing havoc during end game.

For its price, a highly recommended game.
Publicado a 3 de Julho de 2011. Última alteração: 25 de Junho de 2022.
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28.9 hrs em registo

If have ever played any "Enemy Territory"-games, consider this title as "Enemy Territory (3): Now in it's own Universe".

Once again Splash Damage Studio has polished their objective based heavily teamwork required gameplay to almost top-notch. What else to say, than it's god "Enemy Territory-game".

The SMART-system works. That's basically it. and I'm more eager to see the the level design possibilities this nice system will bring up (maybe we'll get more Parkour-challenges in future, who knows.

If you are more into rambo, run-and-gun type of games, this is not for you.
But if you're looking for a game that's heavily teamwork reliable, this is game for.

Not to mention that little "minimal" customization makes this title stand-out in the group (I especially like that you can several different voice-overs on your character, rarely seen modern days).

In overall, this tittle is worth trying out.


(( The latest "update" to this "review" was more about cleaning some typos and fixing some other formatting. Otherwise my opinion is pretty that same.
It is unfortunate this game was seriously "misinfo / falsely marketed"
(if they'd simply said "Hey, here is a new "Enemy Territory"-game for you!", that would have been enough sell even more millions)
alongside being far too early released; had they had this game being at least not-broken-netcode, this game could have been "baptized". ))

Publicado a 15 de Maio de 2011. Última alteração: 14 de Junho de 2017.
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0.5 hrs em registo

"Chime" in essence is a combination of "Tetris" and "rhytm/timing-games" in which you'll need to fill the board (primarily) with various "pentominos"
("polyominos" of five squares).

Timing matters since taking too long to fill the board wipes out incomplete min.3x3-spheres.


Original text:
The hit Xbox 360 XBLA-tittle has Steam store.
With the possibility to play with mouse, this puzzle game reaches a new level when you place your pieces more accurately and faster.

The best thing: Part of the price you pay goes directly to charity. So not only you're buying yourself a good puzzle game, you're also donating to charity. Feels awesome, ain't it?
Publicado a 18 de Dezembro de 2010. Última alteração: 25 de Junho de 2022.
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