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張貼於:2022 年 6 月 24 日 上午 11:27
更新於:2022 年 6 月 24 日 上午 11:44


I decided to take a look if the earlier "Yager Development GmbH"-game(s) had the same issues as their current one(s);
(( Granted, I've yet to play the year-2003 "Yager", though that is a space-shooter-thing instead of just a cookie-cutter'ish / typical'ish Unreal-Engine-third/first-person-shooter. ))


I am not going into the story or anything else in relation;
for those one can simply watch the Youtube-videos or read the other summaries.

Though in some fairness'ish, if you already are familiar with primarily "Apocalypse Now" or anything else heavily inspired by the year-1899 novella "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, then you for the most part have already have "read/watched" this game already.
Well, aside for maybe not experiencing the "waving index-finger of guilt" which this all pretty much boils down to
( yes, that "trope" is a reference to "Nostalgia Critic - Avatar (2009)"-episode ).

(( And to clarify once again:
I do not mind same stories being told over and over again;
all it needs to is to tell the story well or otherwise entertainingly enough. ))


The biggest gripe with this game right from get-go is that it is made home-consoles in mind, specifically to "Xbox 360":
Even when playing full-on with keyboard & mouse, all the prompts are in gamepad-format;
I do not have the luxury of constantly re-plugging my gamepad whenever I am not playing this game...

The "one-button-to-context-them"-approach is taken to the extreme here
(in this case, "cover/sprint/context-actions" are under one button),
while confusingly enough melee and "vaulting" are the same button and same goes with the (gun) reload and pick-up-button
(so with same button you pick up both intel and the dropped guns);
why they decided to reinvent the "wheel" instead of copy-paste the control-scheme from say "Gears of War" is beyond my comprehension.


If you get this game without paying anything extra and you have the patience to get through the control-scheme and other wonky-game-mechanics, then all power to you.
But otherwise if you're only here for the story, there is (as of writing this) more than enough 3rd-party material to watch/read through this mess.

這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵