Patrick   Chicago, Illinois, United States
Video For Proof :csgohelmet:

:csgoct: ESEA []
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Counter-Strike 2
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A Wild Goose 31.10.2023 klo 19.59 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are :^)
ツYoinkツ 7.4.2021 klo 0.10 
Very true What ariel said
Ariel Seneca 5.4.2021 klo 22.36 
likes children
ツYoinkツ 28.1.2021 klo 23.28 
Vil 13.4.2020 klo 12.15 
Raincoat 10.12.2017 klo 19.40 
        ./:::::\        /::::::ヽ You have been visited by the Laptop
       /::::::::::::;ゝ--──-- 、._/::::::::::::::| Cats . Post this to 5 of your friends
       /,.-‐''"´          \:::::::::| or you will die from ebola!
     /              ヽ、::|
    /    ●                ヽ|
     l   、、、             ●     l H A V E A G R E A T D A Y !
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