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Dota 2
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skeleton warfare
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8,411 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
136 hrs on record
last played on May 30
6.5 hrs on record
last played on Apr 24
Margret Thatcher Cum Snatcher May 27 @ 11:07am 
Since time immemorial there have been people in this world that have taken humanity back in our progress as a society and species. The man who burned down the library of Alexandria, the crusades and mongols decimating Arabian mathematics and science, countless genocides destroying entire peoples and cultures. All of the people that brought humanity back from progress by centuries do not have anything on how much of a griefer this man is. This man griefs games like someone is paying him 300k a year to do so. I wonder if he ever sits back in his asmongold style goon cave, covered in cheeto dust and crusty waifu pillows, and reflects on the pain he has caused to not just dota, but the progress of humanity.
Pepsi May 27 @ 11:04am 
I was watching my friends' stream of dota and omfg I'm new to this game and I wouldn't be this bloody terrible at the game. Then has the audacity to say he was avoiding one of them to avoid all of them, hun, they immediately avoided you minute 14 when you kept missing your shots.
XxLeva115xX May 27 @ 11:02am 
This man has been a known griefer for over 14 years. That actually takes insane commitment.
Ruining games for over a literal decade. This guy is not a real human being. He also is EASILY 30+ years old and morbidly obese, you can tell in his voice.
Ken May 27 @ 11:01am 
there are comments going back to 2015 flaming you for being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at Dota, its been almost 10 years and you havent gotten the hint this game isnt for you?? You bad and will always be bad old man, cant teach an old dog new tricks I guess ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Go back to Dwarf Fortress I think its more your speed.
I TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT Mar 23 @ 11:59pm 
pickle had a bad day so he fed sad life
bobby Mar 21 @ 10:20pm 
delete ur game and delete ur life u worthless trash.
f@cking degenerate inbred u are f@cking garbage.
sub human go hang urself alrdy no one will miss u.