does it matter?   United States
A person that loves to play video games and chill out.

we rush through our lives too quickly, if you feel life is flying by real fast do this simple thing. get a clock or timer and wait 3 min while staring at the clock/timer for the entire duration.

If you cant let the pain of the past stay in the past, it will become the pain of the present.

You can't control what terrible things happen to you but you can control how it shapes you.

Humans can't live alone.

Do what you like, like what you do.

We don't live forever, enjoy it will you got it

make sure to chicken nuggets

I love existing

If humanity can leave the solar system then one day every single star you see at night could one day be visited by humans

I want to press on and live my life to the fullest

people seem to love being angry

wow we enjoy stupid ♥♥♥♥

I try to balance my psyche to be a neutral lover in the world

self proclaimed modern-day philosopher on the reason for being and the answer to life and that answer being that you have to decide what it means for you personally its not an answer you can just be given on a whim. Dont be lazy

The mindset of: "your either with us or against us" is a extremely dangerous thought process that makes it impossible for neutral parties to exist without becoming targeted by both sides of an issue or topic.

I am not immune to mistakes.

Everyone can change, some simply do not want to.

tribe mentality is very dangerous

echo chambers too


I am in mental agony, my happiness is a facade. not always sometimes i can be genuinely happy

I hate existing sometimes, not all the time but sometimes.

I can't give up and die

the world spins

Are we alive out of spite?

put the feeling never fades

You can forget but you can't erase

Feelings are you even if you hate them or the fact that having them makes you hate yourself. Its better to accept them as being you and work on changing them then to ignore em and let them define you.
"Just another person, living in this confusing web known as life"

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do i sound poetic and cheesy

mmm cheese
big cheese
현재 오프라인
스크린샷 전시대
watching tv :)
최근 활동
기록상 18.6시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 19일
기록상 119시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 18일
기록상 2.2시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 9월 17일
Moonadoo 2024년 7월 13일 오전 10시 52분 
Jtwizzle 2024년 7월 13일 오전 8시 06분 
TIL less than 100% achievements = not finishing the game.
Moonadoo 2024년 7월 12일 오후 10시 51분 
look at my achievements your logic is flawed
Bobban 2024년 7월 12일 오후 12시 29분 
Get a life. you cant even finish the game at 1k h.:praisesun:
Out of woods 2024년 7월 7일 오후 6시 33분 