
Käyttäjän Toyosatomimi no Miko viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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19 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
3 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 108.6 tuntia
Just not my kind of game. Too much vertical progression vs very minimal horizontal progression. Character and build size too small making simpler structures hared to work with. Everyone rushes in multiplayer and usually doesn't bother making nice structures. Too much mining, grinding, and gathering vs actual exploration outside of super early game. Far too spammy and chaotic with all the enemy spam and general boss design.

I just never found this game very enjoyable outside of playing it with friends and the social interaction derived from such. It's way too grindy/stats-focused and the pacing too off for me to ever play it in singleplayer. I get why people like it, it's just that those same reasons are often why I don't like it.
Julkaistu 21. elokuuta
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3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 32.8 tuntia (32.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
An excellent Castlevania-like made by the creator of Castlevania himself. So, closest I'll get to playing a real castlevania game for now.

I'm not quite sure how to even phrase my thoughts on this game too well other than "it was a very enjoyable experience." It just has all the parts of what makes a good game in a good mix. Good music, good gameplay, good systems that work well with the gameplay, good itemization and gear that leads to a wide amount of build variety, varied movesets and weapon arcs amongst the weapons present. It all comes together to make a great package and is a fantastic example of its genre.

I thoroughly recommend it.
Julkaistu 15. elokuuta
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yhteensä 5.0 tuntia (4.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Short but sweet horror comedy with some fun platforming and good character work. I'd say it's worth the price, but know you're only going to get 4-5 hours out of it unless you try to do all the rather difficult bonus levels.
Julkaistu 24. heinäkuuta
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yhteensä 7.5 tuntia
Cutesy little rougelike where you make your moveset as you go through the summons you find. I'd say it's very well worth it on sale. Not much else to say on it, really. Good characters, good music, okay level design, really cool game mechanics.
Julkaistu 23. heinäkuuta
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14 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 43.9 tuntia (43.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game is a very mixed bag. For every cool thing it does it does something equally bad.
For every cool weapon moveset like rapiers or vanguard weapons, you get something terrible feeling for its weight like maces or glaives.
For every cool bit of level design like the first area or Corivus mire, you get some borderline evil level design like the outdoor section of the temple of Eleven or The Twin Giants where enemies will knock you to your death constantly.
For every cool mage like Hydromancers with their interesting moveset and attacks or Lumenmancers with their cool light aesthetic and good but not broken zoning moves, you get some real crap designs like Diablomancers and Electromancers with their absurd damage and odd movesets, or Neuromancers and Aeromancers with their absurd knockback and most common environments being areas full of insta-death ledges and similar pitfalls.

Like, I want to love the game, but there's so many questionable decisions even beyond this and annoying encounters that I just can't recommend it. The back-and-forth and whiplash is real and it makes me dislike the game. That's not even to get into issues like how sparse the multiplayer is so you have to do absurd grinds for any of the cool faction rewards, especially the 50 token rewards. Or other things like how the silver economy is completely broken and renders the currency useless past super early game.
This game does have these building blocks of some cool things though, especially the multiplayer with cool things like the blueheart runners and general functions when it DOES work. So I am not swearing these devs off because of this, and I want to see them do good and continue to make experimental works in the future, but this game just, wasn't it. The whole epic games deal didn't help either, putting greed before one's own legacy and all that. A lot of people still don't even know this game exists because of how much of a publicity and good-will-blackhole EGS is.

In the end. It's a mixed bag. if you're willing to sift through the bad parts to get the gold, or just really REALLY want a 2D monster hunter like, this exists. Otherwise, don't get it, and I personally didn't enjoy it enough to recommend it to others outright, even if I did like a good half of it.

Here's my build I finished the game with, as a show I genuinely interacted with the game's systems and am not just whining out of some sort of "skill issue" or related factor.
Julkaistu 9. heinäkuuta
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Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 249.4 tuntia (149.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Capcom added Enigma DRM to this game in the most recent update, don't support this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ behavior of trying to lock down older games with crappy bloatware DRM from a Russian malware company.

I like Rise, I really do, much more than world and would recommend it over MHW. But don't bother with this release and just emulate the switch version if you really want to play it. Don't give Capcom money and endorse their terrible practices.
Julkaistu 22. tammikuuta Viimeksi muokattu 22. tammikuuta.
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Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 281.7 tuntia (198.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
I liked base world a lot, with the methodical combat and all. Only things I didn't like were RNG decorations (so it could take HUNDREDS OF HOURS to have a good supply of necessary gems) and the monsters were kind of samey until you got to the elder dragons.
Iceborne, however, is terrible, and so are its changes to the base game in turn. Clutch claw is an awful tool that completely breaks the flow of normal gameplay, and you are forced to use it due to the increased hardness all monsters have so unless you "soften" them with the clutch claw your weapons are going to bounce all the time or do ♥♥♥♥ all damage, refusing to do this can add up to twice the amount of time to a hunt depending on the monster and their hitzones. On top of this the devs added a specific stagger that has a change to roll for all stagger where the monster moves away and stands there like a dumbass waiting for you to use the clutch claw because they couldn't design monsters to organically provide openings for their garbage mechanic, and LR+HR monsters got this crappy stagger too which retroactively ♥♥♥♥♥ with those early hunts. They also didn't bring up lance at all going into Iceborne making it quite a garbage weapon compared to all the other options on offer, which was a particularly frustrating experience for me as a lance player. The new monster variety is nice and FINALLY adding layered armor for most sets is nice (though it's behind the guiding lands lol so have fun going through the story looking like a dunce). The new monster variety is very welcome, but not at the cost of all this crap. They also added the Guardian set to the game, a set of end-of-High-rank tier armor and super strong weaponry that lets you completely clown on the main story and the high rank content in order to rush to MR stuff, but lets you skip that learning curve in turn resulting in a bunch of baddies in MR who got carried by the MH equivalent of the Drake Sword and cheat armor, have fun with your multiplayer hunts getting dragged down by those people.
Basically, I don't like MHW because of the changes Iceborne brought. It's still an okay game, but it's not the game I originally loved and paid for, and thus don't recommend it. If you're going to play it anyway, my advice is break out Cheat Engine and just spawn yourself a few of every decoration in the game so you don't have to put up with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ RNG gem grind, maybe do it after you get through HR so you can at least understand why I hate that system. I'll take Rise's RNG charms any day over RNG decos.

On top of this, Capcom are being a bunch of idiots and trying to stop modding because they want to sell you their crappy cosmetic DLC and stuff like char. changing passes THAT SHOULD BE IN-GAME FEATURES BY DEFAULT. And they're doing it by adding a crappy Russian DRM made by a malware company to all their older titles, though only a few are affected right now it's only a matter of time until such reaches this game and future releases. Dragon's Dogma 2 is the final product I'll ever buy from capcom after this stunt. And I don't recommend any of their products in general if they continue down this path.
Julkaistu 13. tammikuuta
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Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 29.2 tuntia
Game is similar to thief. Stealth action game set in a supernatural wild west. You're an undead trying to purge the corruption in each chapter and progress through things. Game has pretty good atmosphere and all, too. It's quite the challenge though. Each of the three chapters introduces plenty of new enemies and challenges to navigate through, and the story of each area and the characters you meet along the way are pretty good too.
Eh, give it a shot if you like games like the original Deus Ex or Thief games.
Julkaistu 8. tammikuuta
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Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 1.1 tuntia
Pretty short, neat lil fishing horror game. Radio is especially neat in how it works and will act up when strange ♥♥♥♥ is happening. Good atmosphere too. Not much else to say. It's free, give it a try.
Julkaistu 26. joulukuuta 2023
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5 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 759.7 tuntia
My feelings on this game are. Well, complicated to put it lightly.
If it wasn't for getting a pirated copy of Skyrim from a friend back in high school on a whim ages ago I never would've gotten into WRPGs and missed out on tons of great games like the older TES titles, Fallout New Vegas, the "Souls" Series, Dragon Age Origins, or Dragon's Dogma. And as a sort of introduction to the genre it's... certainly not the worst game in the genre, but at the same time, I certainly can't call it a masterpiece, or even really "Good" after having played so many other games in the over a decade since I first booted up the original way back when in late 2013.

At base Skyrim is lacking, the world is immersive to a degree, especially if you don't fast travel and actually go places on foot, but at the same time there are these oddities and inconveniences which hurt that immersion. Dungeons are linear lines with no attempt to hide such outside of Dwemer ones sometimes, world scaling is a thing and while it's not as CBT tier as Fallout 3, TES4 Oblivion, or Fallout 76 (to use bethesda titles for comparison), it's still very feelable and can be bad depending on your difficulty of choice and does make the game a tad bullet spongey, especially when you hit certain level breakpoints like the 13-24 zone and the 40+ zone. The combat lacks depth and is just lethargic people slapping each other with sticks with very little moveset variety. The companions are very lacking but numerous, moreso mercenaries than allies proper. The magic system is weapons-grade ass, like, it's hard to make a magic system worse than this one and even then it's lacking in creativity and very stale boring projectile spam and basic buffs. Demon Souls had better magic and it came out in 2009. And so on. Everything feels a certain shallow after playing other games that do things better, it's not something you can realize if this is your introduction to the genre or if you don't really play a lot of games.

And that's why I think this game has done so well. That mass appeal it had let it be a ton of people's first experience with a game attempting this kind of immersion, so it's remembered fondly for that. Also, mods.
Modding can fix every single problem this game has and more, and this game is the one that kicked that modding "culture" into the stratosphere and into the public consciousness proper. You can make this game into almost anything you want it to be, from a proper survival game to a hardcore action combat game, even an outright pornographic title of the most degenerate kind if you wish and know where to look. This was partly due to the game remaining on a stable version for so long, which Bethesda has been changing a lot lately rendering a lot of mods broken or obsolete. In spite of all this, it's solely because I was able to mod skyrim to a truly great experience that I was able to keep playing past the 80ish hour mark and truly put so much time into this game. Mods make the game great and really do fix all the problems I have with it, but can be cumbersome to install and even more cumbersome to find what you're truly looking for. And with popular sites like Nexusmods going full Politburo and Moral Overlording as of lately and censoring all kinds of mods, unequally enforcing rules because of the personal politics of the site owners, claming all mods as their own making creators want to leave to preserve ownership of their work, and all other sorts of drama, modding is in quite a bit of danger lately and a lot of great mods from over the years are gone for good off the web.

So, Mods fix it? So can I recommend it on that? No.
I would prefer to judge a game as-is and if it's just off from a recommendation mods can push it over that line, but the base product has to be good on its own. And Skyrim just isn't in that "acceptable" margin at base for me now. I just can't play it without mods to add to the crippling lacking weapon and armor variety, mods that fix the boring and bland magic, mods that make it so quests aren't rushed and as player-centric. etc etc. Ergo, I cannot recommend Skyrim at base.
If you want a game that captures that magic of an immersive world and what I'd consider "peak" bethesda, Play TESIII:Morrowind or TESIV:Oblivon. If you want a game of Bethesda's make with more fun gameplay at the cost of immersion and story, play Fallout 4. There's also tons better titles in the WRPG genre and its adjacent Genres, such as some of the ones mentioned earlier in the review, as well as things like Gothic II and other PihranaBytes titles, and probably countless other games.

That, and there's more to it. Bethesda keeps updating this cash cow, their "Magnum Opus", their game that they can sell again and again and again and that people will buy because of its fame, not because of quality. It's what they wanted with Starfield as well, by the way, and why they called it "The Next Skyrim" constantly, a product they can sell again and again and again because the cattle will buy up the slop every time. Er, back on topic though: Because of this, they've also sought to monetize the hell out of it over the years with things like Paid Mods and Creation Club, trying to separate fools and their money by monetizing their own "Miniature" tiny content amount curated DLC like The Sims and encouraging the monetization of modding. I guess they took a look at the modding culture around things like FF14 and decided they wanted a piece of that pie, but forgot that only degenerates would pay for mods, quite literally in that example. And Bethesda are at it again with their most recent attempt at paid modding, not only updating the game significantly and bricking all mods AGAIN for the third year in a row, but putting a garbage cash shop in game under the guise of letting users sell their content like this is Roblox.
How many times are we going to have to teach you this lesson, Todd? We don't want paid mods and no matter what fancy coat of paint you give it such a thing simply won't work in this genre.

If Bethesda is going to keep up this behavior I just can't recommend their games on principle, much less because of them often being disappointing as of late or being bad compared to their peers in the genre.
Julkaistu 6. joulukuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 6. joulukuuta 2023.
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