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Neue Rezensionen von 'Mensch

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7.4 Std. insgesamt
I'm not even gonna do my normal run-done on this one. If you were to read that much text about a bad game you'd fall asleep. Point is, don't play it, no matter how cool the Pyro hat looks, you'll get sick of looking at it.
Verfasst am 1. Januar 2017.
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19.4 Std. insgesamt (8.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
DOOM - An enchanting story of finding true love. Would recommend to children and adults alike. Bring tissues!
Verfasst am 10. Dezember 2016.
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51.0 Std. insgesamt (38.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Listen, this review can be summed up in just a few words, and if that's all you want to hear from me, just look at the conclusion and rating. But for those of you nerds who want to know a little more, keep on reading.


You know, gameplay doesn't get much more simple than this, yet quite frankly, it can turn from an easy, walk in the park, to the most annoyingly painful experience in your life. Undertale is a cool game, because of the metaphor it seems to be based on. And that is that the choices you make in life, are what make your life, your life! Undertale is all about the choices you make, and how they impact your gameplay. You can become friends with everyone and have the happy ending you dream of, or kill everyone you come across and gET STUCK ON THE LAST BOSS, ♥♥♥♥ YOU SANS! (Whom I still have not beaten...) Who would have thought that this game can make you both question ethics and share some of the best laughs I've had in a while. There are so many charming and wonderful characters to befriend, as well as annoying and evil ones to kill, but in Undertale, the choice is yours.


Well, it may feel a bit underwhelming at times, but this is a very pixelated game. Now it's not painful to look at, so I wouldn't say they are bad graphics, just low resolution. But in a game like this, you'll find that it doesn't matter. Plus, that means you can run on a potato like me and be able to play!


You know, I like this game a good bit, and it will remain something I'd recommend to those who aren't too big into video games, and even sometimes those who are. But never will I understand why some people love this game as much as they do. Sometimes it just gets creepy... But yeah, not a terrible fanbase, but not a great one either. Not that it matters too much, as this game is single player.


It's a good game! Don't expect to love it, and don't expect to hate it. If you don't want to fork over ten bucks, watching a YouTuber play it is a very similar experience.


7/10; a bit underwhelming at times, yet extremely overwhelming at others.
Verfasst am 11. September 2016.
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2,668.3 Std. insgesamt (1,874.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I've played this game for 2,000 hours now and I am pretty much done with it, so it's about time I give it a review. Let's begin.


You really don't get more balanced than TF2. Obviously the system isn't perfect, but it's damn near close. Whenever something seems even the slightest bit unbalanced, the TF2 team will fix it in the next update. But as any TF2 player knows, they aren't exactly throwing out updates very often. But aside from that, TF2 has nine different classes to play from, each with their own unique arsenal of weapons, which can be swapped out for different unlocks. Also, because this game is considered by many to be a "classic," don't expect your experience in TF2 to be easy. In this game, it's pubstomp, or BE pubstomped! But with that being said, it was my first FPS, and does teach GREAT gamesense, which will help when playing other FPSs. For every ability there is in TF2, there's a million ways to take advantage of it. Just remember that before you start raging in chat. There really are no good tips I can give to a newer player, other than to play smart. And how you do that, is up to you. Oh, and being that this game is free, you really have no excuse not to try it.


TF2 does a great job combining Toy Story-like animation with some hilariously-brutal looking deaths. No matter how competitively you play, you'll always smile a bit when that enemy heavy blows up into gibs! Oh, and recently they maximized the game, so you can look at this silly world at decently high frames if you have a craptop like myself.


Because this game has a very competitive fanbase, expect there to be a lot of people with a superiority complex. Now this isn't necassarily a bad thing, but don't get on their bad side if they seem to be like this. In all, I'd say this game has a pretty "ok" fanbase, leaning more towards good.


If you're anything like me, you'll fall in love with this game slowly but surely. You'll have fights, you'll get mad at each other, but in the end, you'll find it all to be worth it. But eventually, you'll have to move on, and say goodbye. I'm sorry I need a moment...


10/10 "You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best."
Verfasst am 11. September 2016.
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9 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
101.9 Std. insgesamt (17.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Before you think I am biased...

My first FPS was Team Fortress 2 and I currently primarily play Overwatch, so no, I'm not a COD fanboy.

My experience with Call of Duty: BO3 was rather pleasant. I played this game over a free weekend, and I look forward to buying it next time it is half off. Now let's get into what this game has to offer.


During my free weekend, I was only able to play the multiplayer. Now being that that's my favorite part of any FPS, I had no problem with that! Though this game takes place in the future, I'd compare it more to the original Black Ops than Advanced Warfare. The gameplay, while extremely fast, isn't very complex, and only takes about an hour or two of playing to get a good understanding of everything. Like most COD games, it is easy to pick up, and hard to master. If there is any advice I could give to someone who's new to the COD franchise, I'd pick up an SMG and one of Ruin's specialistics, Gravity Spikes, or Overdrive. Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Specialistics are new to the COD world, and fairly easy to understand. Think of it kind of like different classes to choose from, each of them with two devastating "abilities" to choose from. In Ruin's Overdrive's case, you essentially wait until your meter fills up, click the magic button, and BAM! You're running sonic speed! It's a very unique and interesting addition to BO3, and as annoying it can be, I think it deserves a place in the COD universe. It's simple, efficient, and doesn't completely take away from the gameplay. In short, the gameplay is very fun, and my only complaint is how fast people die, but hey, that's a COD thing.


So I run on a craptop at like 50% render scale so it's best I don't give my two cents on this one...


Well, it's a COD game. However, people were generally less rude than I've seen them be on console, but this could also just be me. Who knows? All I'm saying is, the community shouldn't be the deciding factor when you're buying a game, as muting is always an option.


Playing COD BO3 is a lot like masturbating. It's not too fun, and even sometimes uncomfortable when you first start, but if you keep going, it'll get better, and better, and better! Until it gets so much better and feels so great, and then you finish and feel guilty afterwards. Okay I apologize for that.


7/10; people die too fast.
Verfasst am 10. September 2016.
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Ergebnisse 1–5 von 5