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Nedávné recenze uživatele Mellow_Online1

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93 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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5.0 hodin celkem
The game was recently caught to have employed the use of a third party website to employ people to write positive reviews for the game. The website requested users not to disclose these reviews were paid.

Odesláno 1. května.
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20 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
7.9 hodin celkem
The game was recently caught to have employed the use of a third party website to employ people to write positive reviews for the game. The website requested users not to disclose these reviews were paid.

Odesláno 1. května.
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231 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.1 hodin celkem
The game was recently caught to have employed the use of a third party website to employ people to write positive reviews for the game. The website requested users not to disclose these reviews were paid.

Odesláno 17. dubna.
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121 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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0.1 hodin celkem
The game was recently caught to have employed the use of a third party website to employ people to write positive reviews for the game. The website requested users not to disclose these reviews were paid.

Odesláno 17. dubna.
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16 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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0.8 hodin celkem
Recenze předběžného přístupu
The game developers have manipulated reviews by bribing members of their community to write positive reviews. More information here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Sentinels_of_the_Store/announcements/detail/3736358345124041458

As for the game itself, as someone that's relatively new to the TCG genre, the game does an awful job of introducing the mechanics to me and is very un-user friendly. There's a tutorial that explains battles to you, but then everything else in terms of heroes, the marketplace etc. goes unexplained as to what the benefits are and is even unclear as to what you actually end up purchasing in the in-game store.
Odesláno 26. října 2023.
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32 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.9 hodin celkem
The game is terrible. One of the worst I've played in quite some time. The streets are awfully glossed like Vaseline has been wiped across them, the text to speech voice acting compliments that badly written Engrish perfectly, the performance is inconsistent, starting at 60fps and dipping to as low as 5fps at times. Bugs galore as well varying from AI silliness of zombies failing to climb the stairs, models glitching in and out of existence, guns disappearing from your inventory and having a chance of spawning under the map if you die and getting caught in a loop of falling under the map and dying.

The game also lifts a scene from the 2015 film Blackhat in its opening, which I went into more detail about over on Sentinels of the Store.

Scene in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28ewBHiWQzY&t=14s

Scene from the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyplbIYB0aY

Do not buy this game.
Odesláno 13. září 2023.
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148 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
33 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
2.6 hodin celkem (1.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
Do not, do not and I repeat do not waste your time on this game.

The gameplay is genuinely headache inducing, the recoil on your gun makes the game nigh unplayable and awful to play and handle. Better off using your grenades to get kills.

The game is in early access but already has a functioning microtransaction store which it isn't tagged with on the store.

The game has an embarrassing 2 maps and 1 game mode. These 2 maps feel the same really so technically, it has 1 map.

You can't practice to get better, you can only get a private server if you pay a subscription to the game in order to do this, and again, in-app purchases aren't disclosed on the store page.

The 1 game mode is domination, which gets boring quick across these unnecessarily large maps that are probably just large because the developers found whatever they could first on the Unreal asset store.

The graphics are pretty good, but this is no work of the dev and instead I feel credit should go to Synty Studios whose made the maps and models.


The 2 teams are both in camouflage, 1 is just slightly darker meaning that you can barely distinguish whose on your team, because the developers haven't bothered to colour the models from Synty Studios so players could distinguish between team players.

The game is also incorporating pay to win elements as with the afformentioned subscriptions that the game has, these subscriptions offer XP boosts in the game allowing quicker progression for players who pay.

The trailer is just almost a blatant lie. There are no tanks in the game, there are no planes in the game, there are no bombs in the game, most of the maps shown in the trailer aren't in the game (I think the diner one is the only one that's in the current game.)

The game also ended for me by crashing.

Do not play this at all. Please just stay away.
Odesláno 28. dubna 2020. Naposledy upraveno 29. dubna 2020.
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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
2.2 hodin celkem (1.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Disclosure: Game was provided for free by the developer for review purposes

Wildbus is wacky, zany and weird in all of the right ways. It takes full advantage of it's zany setting to full effect! A wasteland riddled with pandas, ninjas, skateboarders and more is just a slither of some of the crazy stuff going on in the game.

I definitely enjoyed Wildbus a lot more than what I was expecting. Looking at the store page I thought it looked decent as an indie game and was expecting to write it off as something that was decent but nothing too much more except maybe to recommend it to others who might be the slightest bit interested. The game did pleasantly surprise me in many ways varying from its content, gameplay, story and many more factors.

You play as a cool sunglasses wearing wasteland stroller who travels the unforgiving deserts in a bus. This bus also acts as the main form of offence and defence towards the enemies that plague it. One major compliment that I'll give is with regards to weapon variety, there's a lot of bizarre and creative weapons that can be attached to the top of your bus, like a freezer, a champagne gun, a fire breathing dragon and many more.

The game describes it's self as a beat-em-up and while there are definitely beat-em-up elements in the game I feel like they take more of a back seat towards the game's RPG elements, which for those of you that follow or know me will know I like RPGs which pleasantly surprised me entering since I was expecting something that was a lot more beat-em-up centered with just maybe the odd one or two pieces of RPG elements dotted about. There are bounties that you can pick up from bartenders throughout the wasteland which involves you tracking down enemies that are a little bit harder to beat than the normal (well as normal as this game gets) enemy variety but typically easier than a lot of the bosses you fight before being able to gain access to a new town. The combat is fun for the most part however it is at times frustrating which probably leads to my biggest problem with the game, the controls. This might be intentional due to the fact that you're in a bus but the controls seem pretty slippy and can be hard to navigate the bus towards where you want it to go. On top of that there isn't much method in determining if you're lined up with an enemy correctly as the game doesn't really do a good job in telling you if you're level with your enemy. The game tries to make up for this with firing 3 bullets at a time where one goes dead centre, and there's one above it and below it to give your gun a little bit of a bullet spread, but I still did find it frustrating at times especially in some of the fights that required some specific timing and I waited patiently only to find out I wasn't lined up correctly.

I love the amount of gameplay variety in the game. I don't think I ever came across more than 2 of each enemy type in the wasteland. Each enemy comes with its own method of combat and in some cases some require specific guns to take them out. For example there's an enemy maybe about half way across the world map that is flying and you can only take it out with a laser gun that you can buy from one of the stores, otherwise you'll just have to bolt it. As a result, no fight that you enter will ever be the same, you'll continuously have to fight off certain enemies with a different method to what you used to the last and in some cases you'll have to use the environment to your advantage with some great level design that the game has.

Overall, despite some issues with the controls and handling, I did enjoy my time with Wildbus and do recommend it to you if you're an RPG fan or if you're just remotely interested by what it is that you see on the store page. It won't disappoint.

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Odesláno 5. září 2019. Naposledy upraveno 5. září 2019.
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17 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
7.7 hodin celkem
12 is Better Than 6 is a very neat game that plasters a Western theme over the existing foundation that previously existed in games like Hotline Miami. It's very easy to say the best way to describe 12 is Better Than 6 is to imagine Hotline Miami but with a Western theme, however 12 is Better Than 6 is also far more serious in its execution than Hotline Miami where you're treated to the tale of an escaped Mexican slave who desires to flee to America for freedom in the gritty 1870s which serves as the game's backdrop towards all the carnage that the player will be causing.

One element of the game that I really liked was how the game rewards players for having to carefully map out and plan their next move in levels. Levels are filled with enemies and for everyone it's a one hit kill, but this also applies to you. So if you get shot in a stage, you'll have to restart until you can get a fully perfect run. So naturally you're not necessarily going to complete a level on the first try (there were a couple of occasions where I did purely down to luck and panicking.) What the game has the player do is see where all enemies go in their natural paths, as these never change. So you can see where an enemy moves to so you can then get an understanding of what your next move in a lesson will be. You can of course go either stealthy with a knife or go guns blazing which makes noise alerting all the enemies to your location, but if you get skilled with a gun and have plenty of cover, then this may prove to be a more beneficial method. As a result of this, the gameplay always has the player on edge and anticipating the enemy's next move which leads to a large part of the game's enjoyment factor.

The story execution in my opinion was pretty meh and sub par. It opens up pretty well but I feel the story gets somewhat lost amongst everything else. I don't necessarily think this hinders the game too much, but I was partly disappointed with how well the game presents the story to the player at the start only for it to take a far heavier back seat towards the gameplay. Not that the gameplay was bad, as I've said I really enjoyed it, it's just that the story felt very lackluster in sacrifice. But of course if you aren't buying it for the promise of a gritty story about 1870s Mexico/America then you won't be disappointed by this.

The graphics originally when looking at the game myself didn't look too good. I've never been a fan of the pen/paper style of graphics that some games use, they're put together so crisply that I wasn't being attentive or felt that the game's enjoyment was being hindered as a result of something I thought would be unappealing to look at. The game's graphics are so crisp, it makes the world feel alive and the game puts the style to great use to create a vibrant environment. Of course it also makes the gore more noticeable on top of the white backgrounds for you fanatics out there.

Overall, 12 is Better Than 6 is well worth the asking price and if you still aren't sold, pick it up on sale and give it a go, but it is a very niche game that may not be for everyone, but those that it's targeting will surely enjoy it!

My Steam curator
Odesláno 7. července 2019.
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19 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
10 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.2 hodin celkem
There is no content.

You're put in a small area with zombies, you kill them all and that's it. There's no final scene, once you've killed all the zombies, there's nothing. The game is very lazily put together and has been made in less than an hour. The AI is the typical broken GameGuru AI that just have either one chase pattern or none at all and zombies just stand in place waiting for you to just run around them, grab the RPG and then explode them.

Even though it's free, it doesn't excuse the incredibly low quality and it's best you don't waste your time with it.

My Steam curator
Odesláno 18. dubna 2019.
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