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Posted: Feb 5, 2020 @ 9:02am
Product received for free

Early Access Review
After getting this game by my best friend Fred, i can say that this is a game that, at first glance, is confusionary, but as long as you follow what the speaker on the phone says in the first chapter, you get the hand on it.
A game where basically you control the cameras, the censors and the ads of a TV studio, this game has a good story of a nation that seems on the brink of a civil war, and of a corporation with a secret to hide at all costs.
The game, I can say, is good. The three levels released so far are good quality content, and the challenges seem hard at first, but then you understand what and how to do it. What caught me off guard was on level 3, but I won't spoil.

This is like, a Papers Please but instead of being a checkpoint checker you are a worker on a TV station. Your choices, your editings, and your timing are essential on making the news and entertain the watchers.

Kudos to you, devs. It entertained me a lot and I hope to see more content.
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pulliamjesse959 Dec 24, 2022 @ 4:54pm 
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