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Recenzii recente de Lelensko

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Getting around is kind of annoying due to how vertical the map is and the limited amount of stamina you have early on, but other than that it's a fun game
Postat 14 iunie. Editat ultima dată 14 iunie.
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Very undemocratic behaviour by Sony.
Postat 5 mai.
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€40 is quite a high price for an early access title with a lot of features being unavailable and marked as "locked in EA", however almost everything that's available is very good.

It's a very slow-paced, chill game. If you want to build some houses, you'll have to wait for some villagers to physically bring an ox to your logging camp, attach a log it, and guide the ox back to the place of construction so it can be used to build the house. And that's how all resources work, including crafting. Wheat will have to be transfered to your farmhouse to turn it into grain, then transfered to your mill to turn it into flour, and then to your oven to turn it into bread. It's slow, but it's fun.

It doesn't do a very good job at explaining how things work, so there are some negative reviews saying certain things are "bugged" or "obvious missing features", even though those things are in-game and working.
There's a pinned message by the dev in the manor lords discord that explains how some of the features work (like how to keep your market supplied, how to pause weapon production, how to quickly see who works in which building, etc.).

That's not to say that bugs don't exist in this game. They are there, but none of the ones I encountered have been game breaking. And I'm still not sure if they are actual bugs, or if it's just a skill issue on my part.

I do recommend this game, but don't expect total war. Don't expect battles every 10 minutes. It's a medieval city builder in early access.
Postat 28 aprilie. Editat ultima dată 28 aprilie.
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Currently waiting for the next frame to render. I think the optimization guy is on vacation or something.
Postat 31 martie.
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123.6 ore înregistrate (36.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Another settlement needs your help
Postat 26 septembrie 2023.
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It's overwatch 1 with pve, but they forgot to add the pve
Postat 13 august 2023.
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154.0 ore înregistrate (31.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Horrid performance. "The game was designed with upscaling in mind", but the game still stutters and freezes even with upscaling enabled.
Postat 25 iulie 2023. Editat ultima dată 25 iulie 2023.
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43.0 ore înregistrate
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It's super fun, but the cannibal population is about the same size as china's population.
Postat 18 iulie 2023.
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It's light on content, but super fun.
Postat 1 decembrie 2022.
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1.2 ore înregistrate
Horrendous gameplay, don't bother. 70 euro for this is a joke.
Postat 23 noiembrie 2022.
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