games are meant to be fun, right?
fun may or may not be turring complete.
Screenshot Showcase
what a relief to see a puzzle room. the previous segments in the dark got me holding my breath for a bit too long.
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
89 Hours played
It really is something.
I leave my character in the shower or listening to the radio while going AFK to avoid CyberPsychosis as an immersive part of being a cybermonkey.
I'm trying to play this on HARD for the start, and it is really something. 6 hours in, my character looks like a total bum with a shotgun and a pocket full of grenades and crafting materials.
30 hours in and I am expecting to lose another side character because this game just kills off every npc that acts like a bestfriend. still on hard.
planning to do every little sidequest before diving deeper into the main plotline and I think my sweetheart cybermonkey character will inevitably go insane.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - Zhnigo
150 ratings
A list of known secrets, easter eggs, hidden places and various other optional things in the game, as well as a couple general tips.