Welcome to a world where the air I breathe is mine
Nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind
Be anyone, do anything I'd ever want to try
Time doesn't exist here

Slip into a world where the air I breathe is mine
Nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind
Come with me into it and you know what you will find
Time doesn't exist here, we will never die
Er i øjeblikket offline
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699 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 9. juni
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sidst spillet d. 7. juni
7,8 timer registreret i alt
sidst spillet d. 3. juni
Kiruha1337 20. dec. 2023 kl. 12:06 
Kiruha1337 23. feb. 2022 kl. 3:05 
⢸⣿⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢙⠿⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⠟⢠ very cool
Cookie 30. dec. 2020 kl. 2:36 
this gym
nukleone 14. okt. 2015 kl. 6:05 
..............„-~''-,::::::::::::::::::: ''-„
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.....'....''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'
...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
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;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;|. .\:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|
Katya 28. mar. 2015 kl. 13:54 
Завидки завидные значку по shadowrun :(
erkeshka1993 7. dec. 2014 kl. 13:23 
Чувак, я это пишу просто ради badge'a =) можешь сразу удалить)))