sleepy boi from   Norway

Workshop Showcase
Adds Wimble, the Kid With Naught, into the Constant. He is weak on his own, but has the ability to bring plushies to life and help him survive in this unforgiving world. Comes with custom voices (a music box that changes tune with his health), custom visua
207 ratings
Created by - miz and Kabrido
Workshop Showcase
Let's Mosey! Adds Cloud Strife, the Ex-SOLDIER, into the world of DST. He is a combat-based character that comes equipped with numerous items and abilities that will help him and his fellow survivors survive in the Constant. Comes with a unique voice (an e
345 ratings
Created by - miz and Kabrido
Recent Activity
4,016 hrs on record
last played on May 27
2,022 hrs on record
last played on May 27
364 hrs on record
last played on May 11