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Favorite Guide
23 ratings
You feel like you get a bit too tilted while getting clapped by 10yo cheaters in cs2? Then this guide is for you!
Recent Activity
5,615 hrs on record
last played on May 20
3,320 hrs on record
last played on May 19
78 hrs on record
last played on May 2
Johdude May 18 @ 11:01am 
Why did you leave the game?
KRIS May 8 @ 2:22am 
If my life is my pc, then i cant feed my children, i work 12 hours a day, sapator santuri, i dont have enough time to play at pc all day, my children are starving. Life is rough in desert village where electricity is cheaper than food. :(
HS | xBabybearx May 8 @ 1:27am 
that is right, with your 5500 hrs, you havent a life. But dont talk about a wife you dont get one of it because your life is your pc
KRIS May 8 @ 1:11am 
You are correct, idk how to play game, i play with library keyboard and mouse on 60hz 4:3 monitor and i pay 80 eur for 2.5mb internet. I selled my wife on black market to afford this and feed my 10 children 2 slices of bread and a cup of water a day. I work as sapator de santuri in desert village in africa for 12 hours every day for 15$/month. Sorry for paying bad :(
HS | xBabybearx May 7 @ 11:55pm 
one of the worst dbd player. Dont understand the game.
KRIS Apr 2 @ 11:55am 
yes it was, wished i played better and not feel pushed into chasing you out the match. ggwp!