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650.4 timer registreret i alt (634.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game keeps surprising me over and over with mechanics that i didn't know it had.

I remember once running into a group of bandits getting their ass kicked by the Holy Nation guards, and because I don't like the Holy Nation I rescue anyone that fights them. I decided to pick up an unconscious bandit that was particularly messed up and set up a camp nearby, I bandage them and set them down on a sleeping bag, and just wait til they're healed.

I musta done that like 50 times before, usually they just get up and leave with no words. But that one time they thanked me and joined me. I didn't know that was a thing and this was way before i started using mods.

After that i learned that people may join you if you rescue them from cannibals, or if you free them from slavery.

It's kinda nice that even in a terribly bleak world like Kenshi, people still can show gratitude.
Skrevet: 18. september.
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463.7 timer registreret i alt (35.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
After playing Monster Hunter World, this one is a massive improvement.

I feel like i'm playing someone who can actually hunt monsters rather than a cancer patient who can barely function.
Skrevet: 21. februar.
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557.4 timer registreret i alt (352.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
TL;DR: The only reason anyone should play this instead of the vastly superior Dragon's Dogma is the multiplayer.


I've never experienced a game that felt so malicious, not even a souls game.

This is a mostly joyless experience. 500 hours in I might had enjoyed like, 3 hours tops. I keep thinking "maybe it'll get good later on" and now I'm in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ endgame and it's just getting worse.

Gameplay is garbage, and I'm fairly sure it's because the community complains that the game would be too easy otherwise. I know capcom could make this way better, because they did and it's called "Dragon's Dogma" which is basically is the same game, except it plays really well.

The hitboxes are just terrible, as in "getting hit by a ground pound while being 15 meters above it" kind of terrible. The dodge is worse than the dark souls 2 one with absolutely no points in adaptability. You CAN improve it, but there's 5 levels to it and that's way too many.

The devs need to figure out how physics should work, because when I grab to a tail, and the thing dashes forward, at most I should lose grip, not lose over half my health and have the character act like they got hit by a truck.

It's a game where the majority of enemies fly, and combat is given almost no tools to deal with flying enemies. I honestly don't know how this game has a problem that Dragon's Dogma solved 6 years prior.

The story is atrocious, not having one would had massively improved the game.

I only play this to play with friends, both having played monster hunter games before, and I feel like they lose patience with the game more than I do.

I guess the only positive is that the cats are super cute.
Skrevet: 3. januar. Sidst redigeret: 13. februar.
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63.3 timer registreret i alt (55.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game caused me to get my man card got revoked.

Waifu/10, would simp again.
Skrevet: 21. november 2023.
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37.9 timer registreret i alt (19.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ November it's the same ♥♥♥♥, gotta write a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ review just to get some exp on a steam badge.

P.S: the game is actually good though.
Skrevet: 22. november 2022.
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12.8 timer registreret i alt (8.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game is so good gameplay wise that it ruined all other brawlers for me.

Looks damn good too.
Skrevet: 24. november 2021.
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108.1 timer registreret i alt (106.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It's ok.
Skrevet: 25. november 2020.
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26.3 timer registreret i alt (15.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
As something that just 1 guy made, it's really impressive, yet, there's still a lot that needs to be done.

The game needs more graphical options, it's heavily unoptimized and a resource hog. Aside from that, I'd say it's worth checking out once in a while.
Skrevet: 26. november 2019.
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2.1 timer registreret i alt
I tried playing this as a thing that me and my friend might buy to play together.

Did a bunch of solo missions and was enjoying it til someone joined my game. I then realized that all players are boxed in together in the same screen, and got killed 5 times in a row because of it.

As such, I stopped considering it as a thing to play with friends.

Might be fine game solo, but I don't care to find out.
Skrevet: 27. oktober 2019.
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11 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
244.7 timer registreret i alt (19.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
TL;DR: As a new player, my perspective of this game is that in quickplay, 99% of the time, there's at least 1 person in the team that's not playing the class they want to play.

If the class you like is on a popular character, you may spend an entire day on quickplay never playing it.

I elaborate bellow if you care to read why i arrived to this conclusion, but that's really my biggest issue with it right now.


I've started playing this game recently, and I'm having quite a bit of fun, and even though I want to recommend it, because of this dumb issue, i can't..

There's 15 classes in the game, but they're tied to the 5 characters. So here's what happens:

  • You want to play foot knight. but someone picked huntsman, which uses the same character, so you can't play huntsman, foot knight or mercenary.

  • Worse still, you're the last one to join, and the other players picked the dwarf and the elf. That means you can't play: huntsman, foot knight, mercenary, ranger veteran, ironbreaker, slayer, waystalker, handmaiden or shade.

  • 9 classes can't be used because 3 of them were picked by other players.

  • You will very often... wait, let me rephrase that. You will EXTREMELY often not be able to play as the class you want to play.

I've only been playing for a couple of days, but I can see myself getting frustrated very soon.

I've seen people defend this online, and it's astonishingly asinine arguments like "2 people can't play as the same character, even if it's different classes because it makes no sense!". like I'm supposed to accept that as a valid reason for not picking the same character but in a different class in a video game.

They're trying to do that thing payday 2 does where each character is unique and has unique voice lines, but the difference is in PAYDAY 2 the abilities aren't locked to the character, any character can take on any "class" (role would be a better word though). Borderlands 1 and 2 are also coop 4 player games, and they allow the same character to be picked, because even if 2 people pick the same character, they can build it to have a drastically different role, much like in this game, and yes, there's lore, and yes they're meant to be unique characters as well.

They can limit 1 player per class, but limiting 1 player per character is just the dumbest thing I've seen in this genre.

As a practical example, this is what my day playing this was yesterday:

I like Huntsman, Mercenary, and Waystalker. so whenever I queued up for I would be one of those, and I think every single match I played had a Kruber or Elf. I wouldn't mind playing Foot Knight or Shade, but Since their classes tied to those character as well, I can't. So i'm down to my 6th and 7th "fav" classes, ranger veteran and ironbreaker, both are classes for the dwarf. I don't even care for the dwarf that much, but i ended up leveling him a bunch just from not being able to pick what i wanted to play. even at this point, over 50% of the time I couldn't pick those because someone picked the dwarf.

That leaves me to play 2 classes from 2 characters i just don't like. Wow, so much fun.

FFS, this is a videogame. Even in the early 90s people though it was dumb that the original Street Fighter 2 wouldn't allow you to play as the same character.

The only valid reason I've seen to not allow different classes from the same character is the chatting the characters do.

As much as I like the chat, it's not worth playing a character i don't enjoy. It really isn't worth it at all.

Make it a setting ingame where you can allow classes from the same character to be picked, and if that setting is on, it disables the chat. I mean FFS, how hard can it be?

I'm trying to get 3 friends to get this game, but because of this, none of them want to commit to it. and I can't blame them, we all just know there's gonna be overlap and it's gonna be awkward.
Skrevet: 28. august 2019. Sidst redigeret: 28. august 2019.
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