< flashbanged helen keller
#19853845, Jupiter

Fallout is my favorite game franchise.

"Pain or damage don’t end the world, or despair or f*ckin’ beatin’s. The world ends when you’re dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man — and give some back."

My Film Rankings: https://letterboxd.com/Joltzz/lists/

Top Games of All-Time:

-System Shock 2
-The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt
-Dishonored 1/2
-Mass Effect Trilogy
-Cyberpunk 2077
-Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
-Half-Life 1/2
-The Last of Us pt 1/2
-Fallout: New Vegas
-Red Dead Redemption 2
1 1
~Those little demons ain't the reasons for the bruises on your soul you've been neglecting
You'll never lose your mind as long as your heart always reminds you where you left it
And don't ever let them make you feel like saying what you want is unbecoming
If you were supposed to watch your mouth all the time I doubt your eyes would be above it~

"An epoch is but a swing of the pendulum; and each generation thinks the world is progressing because it is always moving" - George Bernard Shaw

"If you're having second thoughts, you're two ahead of most people."

"All great things are created in the space between Method and Madness"

"How could something that's popular suck? How could it not? In order for something to be a success, lots of people have to like it. And people suck. Lots of people, doubly so. There aren't enough qualified connoisseurs of music or art or literature to make something a hit. In order to be huge, morons must necessarily get on board too. Does that mean that anything that's popular, must suck? Of course, not. You can be great and popular. But popularity itself is not the test of greatness."

"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness"

The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open." - Frank Zappa

"He's f*cked in the head, the world's f*cked in the head - and you're f*cked in the head 'cause MY f*cked up head is inside it. Guess if you want to save the world, that's the first step - get f*cked in the head" -Johnny Silverhand
記録時間: 447 時間
5月28日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 74 時間
5月28日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 51 時間
5月18日 に最後にプレイ
< solo 1月14日 11時38分 
Commend: a great video game enjoyer
< Nomad 2023年8月9日 15時42分 
< Nomad 2023年7月12日 14時25分 
The Spellmonger 2023年2月7日 8時55分 
update - the settlement just wanted my Jet and Mentats in exchange for juicy fortunes
< Nomad 2022年3月17日 13時45分 
.... 2021年11月26日 0時19分 
My comment is the top comment.