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Reseñas recientes de Jhare

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A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
38.6 h registradas (32.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Episode 1 is a masterpiece.
Episode 2 and Episode 3 are mediocre episodes that kill the entire game for me, due to scavenging for ammo, and having terrible level design which makes the game a slog to play.
However, I do think this game is such a milestone, that everyone should experience it as some point.
Publicada el 24 de julio de 2020.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
121.8 h registradas (66.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Alright, I'm not gonna lie. This game is a VERY experimental, but unique experience that everyone MUST try at some point, as there are very few games like it.

That being said, when the game is good, IT'S REALLY GOOD. When the game is poor, IT'S REALLY POOR. Everytime I'm outside on the streets, I enjoy trying to maintain constant skill-based momentum. But when I'm inside doing puzzels, sometimes I'm bored out of my mind.

The combat is also garbage, so I would recommend trying to practice disarming enemies to get it over with as soon as possible, instead of actually fighting them.

This game doesn't know what it really wants to be, however the parkour, and the unique experience, makes it fresh. If you don't like the first 3 levels, AFTER PRACTICE, just refund, or don't play the game.
Publicada el 25 de abril de 2020.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
74.8 h registradas (46.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
You like stealth?
Publicada el 25 de marzo de 2020.
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19.3 h registradas (16.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you like sonic, whether you're new or you're a life-long fan.

Play this game...
Publicada el 23 de febrero de 2020.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
11.9 h registradas (10.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
...It's a boring, bland game compared to the previous serious sam games like serious sam the first encounter and serious sam 2 in my experience....I mean i heard this game gets better at the end, but for the majority of the campaign it's just boring....but the terrible pacing, the overall boring campaign, the mediocre survival mode...OBVIOUS RIP OFFS FROM DOOM (which aren't even fun), some mechanics like reloading the majority of your weapons (nitpick) which doesn't work in this type of game, WORSE LEVEL DESIGN THAN PREVIOUS TITLES, HORRIBLE UNDERGROUND LEVELS when you're not even killing enemies but wondering where to go, and you spend so much time fighting enemies in section, that you just wan't to move on to the next section as soon as possible from boredom, EVEN MORE ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY, Minigun Ammo and Rocket Launcher Ammo, rare in the campaign, TAKING WEAPONS AWAY AFTER YOU'VE BEEN PLAYING FOR AROUND 8-9 HOURS IN THE CAMPAIGN and the enviroments are EXTREMLY BORING TOO...

-ummm the graphics r better?
-There are some fun mechanics
-The engine is optimised for low-end PC's in my experience
-Melee is more fun than previous
-The Game gets better towards the end...

I really wanted to like this game; i even come back to it time to time, but if you want A TRUE Serious Sam experience, play Serious Sam The First Encounter (Or even Serious Sam 2)...If you are a serious sam fan you'll probably be disappointed. If you're going to buy this game regardless, GET A FRIEND TO PLAY WITH YOU. It will be much less tedious, TRUST ME...
Overall Serious Sam 3 BFE is a mediocre, boring game... :(
Publicada el 2 de agosto de 2018.
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1,185.8 h registradas (980.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Story: I don't care...like honestly... An event did make it somewhat interesting for some people, but for me I just never cared...(maybe future events can change my opinion and if that happens I will be sure to edit this section, but for now it's lackluster).

Loud Gameplay:
The gameplay MOSTLY consists of you killing an abundance of cops constantly to stay alive, while waiting for a drill (or some sort of timer to increase the time of the level). With the amount of weapons at your disposal and the amount of enemies that spawn, things can get pretty crazy. There are alot of playstyles, but with EXTREME OVERSIMPLIFICATION, there are two playstyles which are dodge and armour. Dodge is more about chance consists of the player running and moving constantly trying to avoid damage, but can get increased damage with crits and abilities to HAVE A CHANCE of running through enemies to survive while armour consists of you using more cover, but soaking up more damage being more reliable and not having to use concealed weapons. Loud Gameplay, overall is pretty fun.

Stealth Gameplay: In my opinion, stealth is REALLY, REALLY BAD. one of the worst stealth systems I've seen in a video game. For example you can get seen through walls at times, and to hid hostages you can stick and enemies head thorugh a wall, guards coming out of nowhere, and to get past guards, YOU CAN JUMP AND CROUCH IN THE AIR RIGHT INFRONT OF THEM. While stealth can be fun at times, it's still extremely be flawed. There are some stealth enthusiasts, however I personally dislike stealth, NOT HATE, but dislike.

Weapons (And Balance): The majority of the guns in this game are extremly fun. Sniper Rifles Can kill an amazing amount of enemies in one single shot. Shotguns have pellets that can do around 200 damage. Rifles are all-round reliable in almost every situation and still fun, HOWEVER, with how this game functions, the weapons usually have one REALLY GOOD WEAPON of it's calibur. While this game is JAM PACKED WITH WEAPONS, some of them are duplicates (and by some I mean quite a lot). While the majority of them are pretty fun, having a weapon that makes the rest of it's kind outclassed is a problem.

Maps: While some maps have good cover, and be extremely fun (examples of this being resovoir dogs), some maps have no cover and the concept of some of these maps make you wan't to die (*cough* *cough* goat simulator). Nowadays, the maps they release mostly lack in cover, and objectives that vary. Maps to stay away from if you don't want a spiralling hole of misery are: Biker Heist (Day 1), Goat Simulator, Alesso Heist, Cursed Kill Room, Lab Rats, Bomb Forest.

Community: Just One Of the worst communities out there. You will get kicked out of lobbies for no reason, meet a ton of hackers, and loads of toxic people, however there is some hope with some people making custom maps, custom weapons and loads of external content and mods at your disposal, to make your game better. Don't use mods that affect how the AI or overall game functions though. *cough *cough* Silent Killer *cough* *cough*

Difficulty: I hate it; everything about payday 2's difficulty is utter garbage. This game literally (no I'm not using literally wrong, it's always been an intensifier) just screams artifical difficulty. overflowing cop Spawns, bullet Sponges, requiring to go out into open spaces (WITH NO COVER) where cops are in order to progress leaving into your inevitable death etc. I mean sure as you go up in difficulty, enemy variants but apart from that it's just increasing bullet sponge, cop spawns and damage. While it's WAY better now than it was before, it's still a problem.

Graphics/Artstyle: Outdated...(What really bugs me about the visuals are the reflection mapping and the colour of black looking just like an endless void)

Replay Value:
Payday 2 has amazing replayability value and a massive amount of content; evidence of this is with over 50+ heists in the game. an unimaginable amount of weapons along with weapons modifications that change how it ultimately functions, alot of characters of your choice, different perk decks, a massive skill tree giving you even MORE WAYS to play the game AND MORE!

Summary: This game is on it's last legs...it's still generally fun...but the updates from what I see now are lackluster and they seem to be running out of ideas, however I would still recommend this game if you want to have a good time killing tons of cops. It's still said to be one of the best Co-op heisting games out there. I'd give this game (ON A SCALE OF ENJOYMENT, NOT HOW GOOD IT IS), 7/10
yes...i do realise I wrote a half-assed essay about Payday 2
Publicada el 8 de abril de 2017. Última edición: 31 de julio de 2018.
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