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Recenzii recente de Jae.

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Postat 21 iulie 2022.
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Ready or Not is the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time. It's not without it's issues: AI could use some improvements. The reaction times they have is sometimes just way too fast to reasonably respond to. A few of the voice-lines feel a bit out of place for the setting / situations (also just not enough voice-lines in general), with some of the hostages behaving somewhat strangely in response to arrests, etc. Some of the civilian clothing also feels slighly misplaced at times, with some civs wearing body armor, things like that. More maps and content is needed, though what we have so far is totally serviceable. All of this however can likely be easily fixed as more updates come through.

Overall though, the gun-play and game-play in general is absolutely amazing. The maps are well designed and reasonably sized, would definitely love for slightly smaller maps in the future though. There is a good selection of weapons, tools, and options that will keep you into it for a while. In general the game plays really well, especially considering it was just released on Early Access. The performance is great. I've seen zero crashes or frame-rate dips since playing. There is impressive support and communication from the developers, plus there's already a fair bit from the modding community coming out. There are already various new guns, uniform skins, voice-lines, and AI mods from the modding community out after just barely a week from this game's launch. Most of the issues with this game that I mentioned can at the moment be solved with two mods or so right now.

For anyone interested in a tactical FPS with PvE (& eventually PvP in the future), I do highly recommend getting this game. Sale or not it's worth it.
Postat 29 decembrie 2021. Editat ultima dată 30 decembrie 2021.
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65.0 ore înregistrate (54.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
One of the best games I've ever played, and the level of care that the dev team has put into this game truly shows. For anyone who hasn't played this, I highly recommend it.
Postat 25 august 2021.
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135.5 ore înregistrate (42.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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Incredibly well made game, especially considering it was just released in early access. The mechanics are simple and straightforward, the world is incredibly good given it's procedural generation, and there always seems to be new things to do and places to explore. The game is surprisingly stable as well given how recently it was released. While there are some minor issues I have with the game, they are fairly small, mainly server-side or rare physics issues that occur every once in a while. Overall it is unbelievably good. Haven't gotten into a game to the extent I have with this game in years.
Postat 17 februarie 2021. Editat ultima dată 22 februarie 2021.
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