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Pubblicazione: 16 giu 2020, ore 21:35
Aggiornata: 27 nov 2022, ore 10:57

TL;DR at the end

Dearest Tess,

You keep asking me about life far away from Earth, but would you believe me if I told you about the tediousness of it all? Don't get me wrong, the tales I told you as a child, tales of violence and of seeing dear life hang by a thread while struggling in the deep, deep caverns of the world; tales of monsters twice the size of The Tower itself and of god-slaying feats... Those stories are all true, and yet...

Would you believe, my child, if I told you I spend most of the day holding back the most trivial of threats, keeping them at bay over and over again. All these armaments that left you in awe whenever I returned home to your warmth, most of these are used to run over almost helpless enemies; poor, poor souls whose only blame is having being born in a planet different than mine. They get blasted into oblivion endlessly so we, guardians, can grow powerful enough to face the real threats.

And what threats these are! You'd be amazed, child, because as much as you wish to know, I wouldn't want the memory of these enemies on you, my dearest Tess: Remember the tales of Crota, Son of Oryx, Monster of Luna, the titanic god-Knight who walked the regolith? What if I told you about a wish-granting dragon with the power to enslave whole civilizations? Yes, I know what you are thinking but, please, don't say their name out loud, as it is forbidden, lest you call their horrors upon The Tower.

But what are these nightmares I’ve just dared conjure into your mind? Please, forget about my words up to this point. Please, Tess, forgive me and keep being that beautiful, innocent child I remember.

And, please, do keep telling me about the events of the tower, as trivial as they may seem to the vibrant soul I know you to be: Guardians (as powerful as gods) complaining about the smallest things, Zavala's penchant for the dramatic, Ikora's parsimonious platitudes, Lord Shaxx's enthusiastic complaints... You bring a smile to this old man's face, my child. At this date and age, a present smile seems much more valuable than all the lessons learned from history.

You ask me when I shall return. To that I say: Forgive me, Tess, for not being around, and be merciful while I try to find the words to explain myself. When I first found you, when I saw our matching coins and realized we might be related... That moment, for the first time in centuries, I felt as if I belonged somewhere, as if this and all of my previous lives were actually meaningful and had led to that instant. But the truth is... Loving like this... I’ve come to realize there can't be love without the fear of losing, and that is a pain I didn't expect.

You see, for the first time ever, I felt afraid of dying for good. Even if I knew Neville would bring me back, what if it couldn’t? What if I got lost forever and eventually there was no one left to think of me? Worse still, no one left to think of you? The thought of a universe where no one would say your name lovingly is just... unbearable.

I wonder if The Traveler hides in its shell to avoid such pain. Are we the offsprings of a desperate attempt at never feel at a loss again? These are the things I ponder as I look upon the distant stars hanging from Phobos’ sky and think of you.

I bear my heart to you, Tess, because you are all I have left. Do you not see? In this infinite universe, we have only the smallest and yet the richest asset: we have each other. So, to you I offer my greatest treasure: Yourself. Be happy, be content, be alive, my child, and, when you manage to do that, let me know, because only then I will feel it was all worth it.

Most lovingly,

Fenchurch Everis


Destiny 2 is a beautiful achievement of gameplay: Gunplay is crisp, environments and music are the stuff dreams are made of and its visual world-building is hardly ever matched (you just know there’s a story behind that Phoenix Protocol chest piece, and that you should wear it proudly). This makes for a truly unique and addictive experience and many unforgettable moments that are, however, intertwined with endless, mindless grinding. Storytelling has improved sharply as the late, but the grind and FOMO are real.

Having said that, it offers a huge amount of content for free, so try it for yourself. Beware, though, it may turn you into a life-long convert (yeah, I've played many more hours than Steam will let you know).
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2 commenti
Godsden 22 nov 2021, ore 23:26 
pretty sure this is the dude from that vog clear using t2s but youre chill af hope life treats you well guardian to guardian its hard af

~See you star side
Caleb O.:steamhappy:
JackOfTropes 16 giu 2020, ore 21:38 
Also posted on Reddit :lifehope: