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22 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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10.1 timer totalt (2.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Honestly, an amazing game that deserves a lot more love then it is currently getting. I loved the 8-bit series, and 9-bit adds everything that was missing from 8 bit, base expansion and naval warfare. I highly recommend this game(even in EA) to anyone that's into C&C style RTS. The game is also really well optimized, playing on a 10 year old laptop, I locked the game to 30 FPS and had zero frame drops in a 4 player FFA skirmish.

9-Bit also continues 8-bits simplification of well-known RTS mechanics, which is honestly absolutely amazing and is doing wonders for the genre. It does does in 2 ways:

Limited Building Speed: There are no upgrades to increase your base building speed. This is by design and is a great choice. This means that everyone is limited to expansion to that speed, and very experienced players cannot build a base in 2 minutes, because there is a hard-cap.

Building Hive mind/Multiplication: There is only one building "active" of any time at any time, however building multiple copies of that building will double the buildings unit creation speed. So Building 3 barracks means I can make infantry 3x Faster, but all of the infantry created will still be created at a single barracks, making unit management a lot easier.

- Low-Spec friendly, runs well even on old machines
- Linux Friendly(Am on Linux Mint) Works great via proton(Though, would love a native version).
- C&C style RTS, Base Building, Base expansion and LOTS of units.
- Simplified System makes this one of the best ways to get into RTSes
- Super Weapons(yeah baby) AND the ability to switch them off(BIG plus too!)
- Good AI. This game is really fun in skirmish mode, and even the easy AI will give you a semi decent challenge.
- No unit cap means big giant crazy battles.
- UNIT VOICES. It seems a lot more effort has been made to give the units more voices, this was severely lacking in the 8-bit series and I'm glad its been fixed!
- Steamworkshop support and a (apperently, haven't tried it) really good map editor means you wont have any lack of maps to play.
- Graphics are nothing to write home about, but the simplistic graphics means the game runs smooth as butter, and they still look very good!

- There currently are only 2 factions, and they are very samey with no unique features. They are both fun, but IMO they really should be merged into one faction and removing a few very similar units, and make a unique 2nd faction.
- The story is extremely generic and boring, if you're only interested in playing campaign mode I'd skip this for now.
- The music is GOOD, but very limited. I would love for a more expanded soundtrack, even if it's a DLC. It gets old very quickly listening to the same 2-4 songs.
- While this can be tied to the lack of a story, I want to add it as it's own con, the game lacks an "Identity" the factions are "generic military army 1" vs "generic military army 2". 8-bit army while also generic had a lot more flavor to it, with 6 factions total it was extremely fun.

Overall, for the asking price, even if no more updates come, I'd reommend this game as-is if you're into playing multiplayer or skimishes vs AI(Not so much for the campaign so far).

Things I'd like to see in future updates:
- More flavour accross the 2 factions. Make them a bit more unique and interesting. 8-bit was a lot better at this, 9-bit, in terms of flavour, is a step back.
- More factions(Even as DLC), I think an RTS needs at least 3 fully unique factions, and you can add sub-factions for a bit more flavor.
- Better sound. It's a huge upgrade from 8-bit, and I am glad it has been upgraded, but Id still don't think it's not quite there yet. Some more voice lines to the units would help.
- Formations. I think Formations are a must in every RTS, especially when you have fast units combined with slow units, a "Move as formation" function where the group attempts to move as a group and fast units slow down to match the speed of slower units would be great.
- Garrisionable buildings. We already have buildable garrisonable buildings within the factions, I'd like to see buildings where infantry can garrision within the map.
- Adding to the above, more map features, bridges are great but it feels like they're heavilty over-used. I'd like capturable buildings that give unique effects.
-More rule Settings for unique games, stuff like "No naval units, no flying units, No attacking for the first 30 miuntes" etc.
- More map tilesets. Right now all the maps look the same(Though they play differently), I'd like some more varied tilesets such as snow, dessert, city, etc.

TLDR: Great game as-is, but loads of room for improvment. Recommended for any RTS fans both vets and newbies.
Publisert 29. mars.
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19.6 timer totalt (4.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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A super fun and Super Simple game - Similar to the " Vampire Survivor" genre, but a bit less insane, with wave-based runs.

Runs feel longer as well, though I'm not sure(I've yet to beat a run yet)

Still, exccellent game, feels like a full release even though in EA.
Publisert 1. mai 2023.
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11.9 timer totalt (10.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The dev who made this game:
- Really likes vampire survivors
- REALLY likes necromancers
- Hate *the grind*
- Has a god awful(in a good way) sense of humour.

Cheezy Jokes seen from a mile away, MINIONS, oh my god so many minions, in so many different shapes and forms.

If you like the "Survivors" genre, hell yeah get this. If you like necromancy and the undead, hell yeah get this.
If you hate both, nah. If you like both, it's an INSTA BUY.
Publisert 11. april 2023.
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27 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.8 timer totalt
Ehhhh, it;s *OK*, but honestly, it's just another generic card game rogue like.

From the makers of Thronebreaker, I expected so so so so much better.
A lot of the content is reused from the gwent, multiplayer game, and thronebreaker.

I find it difficult to recommend this to anyone. Go play slay the spire, or monster train.

A lot of fights are brain dead easy, then you'll encounter a fight that's insanely difficult that drains the majority of your resources. Balance is all over the place, and it uses a system called magic to keep it in check. (You can cast spells during the game, but your mana doesn't recharge between fights, only at special rest loations. So you end up not using your spells at all until you hit one of those dumb-hard fights).

Maybe it will get better with updates, but I doubt it honestly.

The over the top CGI means this game runs poorly on cheap non-gaming builds, which is often the target audience for these type of games. Lot of pointless smoke effects in the menu screen that can't be switched off drag fps to hell on weak machines. You don't need this crap in a card game.
Publisert 15. august 2022.
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34.0 timer totalt (24.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Simple but fun. Well worth it's price.

Even if it is in EA, has plenty of content, and well worth it as-is.
Publisert 29. juni 2022.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
23.7 timer totalt (3.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Amazing FPS game.

If you like shooters, this is a diamond, do yourself a favour and try the demo(Yes there is a freaking demo, try it)
Publisert 2. april 2022.
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39.4 timer totalt (22.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
simple yet thinky. Highly recommended.
Publisert 19. mars 2022.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
8.7 timer totalt (4.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Ok so, I LOVE this game, and I think it's a hidden masterpiece of a gem. But it is not for everyone, and let me explain way.

First of all, Ziggurat 2 is just a big, big, big impruvment from 1. If you liked one, I am sure you'll fall in love with 2. It's Ziggurat 1, but better in every single way imaginable.

Ziggurat 2 is a rouge like shooter, but at the same time, it really isnt. It TECHNICALLY is a rouge like game, has randomly generated levels, works by doing "runs", in 2, you can even choose between "Rougelite" mode with upgrades between runs or classic "Rougelike" mode where you start from 0 every time.

But, that's the thing. it TECHNICALLY is a roguelike. Fans of rougelike games aren't going to like Ziggurat 2, because it's an FPS shooter first and foremost, and I LOVE that about it?

Who would love this game? Fans of Quake 3, Painkiller, Doom, Left 4 dead, Pure FPS games, because Ziggurat 2 is an FPS game FIRST, the rouge like elements are there, yes, but they take a backseat to the "run-and-gun" iness.

You can pick all of the upgrades randomly and you'll still be fine.(Well, at least on lower difficulties), There are no "Bad" or "OP" Builds in Ziggurat, skills and upgrades are tiny boosts (+5% damage, +5% ammo, etc) which accumilate along the run.

If you're good enough, you can go straight for the boss(Assuming you can find the key), and take him out without getting a single upgrade, it's that kind of game. The upgrades are there, yes, but they take a backseat, they're not going to carry you.

So, fans of FPS games who want to just shoot stuff until it dies, I HIGHLY recommend Zigguart 2

But fans of rouge likes who want to experiment with new builds and explore the RNG content....I don't recommend Ziggurat 2. The rouge like elements are very simplified, and you will be dissapointed.

Ziggurat 2 is a game about blasting everything with spells until it dies. It's not a game about tweaking and perfecting your build. With that in mind, if that doesn't bother you, worth every penny.
Publisert 1. mars 2022.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
41.4 timer totalt (18.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I don't know why all of the hate...I really love this one.

Borderlands in space with the guns pumped up to 11. Just excellent all round.
Publisert 12. februar 2022.
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10.5 timer totalt (3.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Still the best game in the series IMO - the humor is there but subtle, not in your face, and the guns are just way way better.
Publisert 8. februar 2022.
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