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19.8 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
This one was a disappointment for me and I have enjoyed every most main Battlefield titles except for ones I haven't played but out of all of them this one is my least favorite. Changes were made to the core concept of the game:

With the introduction of the specialist with abilities and opening of the "classes" to be able to use any weapon/gadgets/equipment. The specialist being my biggest grip as I only looked forward to the class system and loved specific role focused classes with their limitations. Specialist uniqueness with personalities the looks kills the ability for me to put myself into the soldiers shoes(essentially what some games are for). Now it feels like I am just playing someone else.

Introduction of the specialist and unrestricted "classes" makes teamwork impossible and provides no incentive as you have no limitations now and the other team mates are not able to tell what kit you have.

Maps. I would spend so much time running with nothing happening due to the map sizes and no way to get any sort of vehicle even with the vehicle drop system. Also the way the points are laid out in All Out Warfare and the lack of objects/buildings in most of the environment there is a huge lack of cover and the flow of the game is drastically different from previous games, you kind of feel like you are running around with no impact or cooperative team push. Maps just end up feeling empty.

Movement: Movement has been reworked from previous games and the introduction of the tactical run with increased movement speed(probably to help run across the larger maps) reminded me of warzone instantly which is not a good as than it doesn't start to feel like a battlefield game and just a weird mix of other games and also including armor plates as equipment help made me think of that.

Personally not having a singleplayer campaign is not a big deal to me as many great BF games didn't have a campaign and most were bad anyway. What I would want them to bring back is the ability to play local matches on the maps with bots like 1942 and to some extent BF2 as once the online population is low you can continue with that.

Vehicles: This complaint kind of carries over from previous battlefields but sometimes feels more and more difficult to get a vehicle at all when they switched over to choosing vehicles in the deployment menu rather than having them on the map. Kind of miss the old HQ area from Battlefield 2 and 1942.

No server browser for the standard game only portal mode and just a general lack of game modes from previous games(rush, operations).

no continuity between games, you have to search for a new server every game.

lack of customization for your gun and just the number of guns.
Minor complaint is the bugs and state it was released in.

Weapon effects do not really add anything most of the time, maybe the sandstorm since it obscures your vision but the tornado itself I have played multiple games and didn't even realize sometimes it was there. You have to actively seek it out it just feels almost like background stuff.

No more controlled chaos just chaos with no purpose.

The increase in map size feels pointless as the previous 64 player maps I had a good balance of downtime and action. I had more action before than I do now.

I do really think Portal mode is a positive but it doesn't seem like they are giving it the support it needs to have longevity. If I play the standard portal mode maps not the custom servers it just makes me want to play the original games since I have access to all the maps instead of just two.

There has been an improvement in details/effects with vehicles.

Originally thought the specialist were going to be an optional choice like a "hero" from battlefront but not completely integrated. Hopefully they can turn it around but personally my problems are game design problems and they are doubling down currently on those choices.
Posted January 8, 2022.
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1.5 hrs on record
Great Army Men style multiplayer game but not enough people playing online to play online, only if you have friends to play with. Fun if you can get a few people to play with.
Posted June 29, 2019.
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2.2 hrs on record
I liked the concept and the music but its just way too shallow in the amount of things you can do and doesnt feel worth the 10 dollars that they're charging, feels more like a 3 dollar game.
Posted February 1, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
10.8 hrs on record
Revelations being my first Resident Evil game, didnt find this one too enjoyable. The graphics being good considering it being a port of the 3DS version, some locations in game were nice but I found them most to be too similar looking.

What annoyed me about this game were the constant game mechanics and design choices that are just there to waste your time in order to lengthen the game such as no running, segments when talking on the radio having to put your hand on the ear and walking slow while doing it, ALOT of backtracking and turret sections.

Everything else too me just seemed meh, the feeling and choice of the weapons, and action and horror of the game which didnt do either well.
Posted January 24, 2017.
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14.4 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
A train management game that your job is to send trains that spawn from certain color stations to other color stations by building the track for the trains to get to the stations. Things get pretty hectic as more stations pop up while managing the other trains. From the technical side I had no issues with it and it ran fine. Really had a good time playing it and the art and scenery I thought was nice.
Posted January 11, 2017. Last edited January 11, 2017.
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11.6 hrs on record
A nice WW2 FIrst Person Shooter with some tactical elements of ordering members of your squad around. The graphics are a bit dated now but I enjoyed the story elements of this game. Gives character and personality to the people that your fighting with and not just random nameless soldiers and makes me care whether they live or die . Didn't have much issue with the game besides maybe one glitch later in the game where a character got stuck and couldn't initiate a cut scene but a reload fixed it. Giving orders while simultaneously shooting the controls I felt were pretty smooth and easy to learn. So I recommend this game
Posted January 11, 2017.
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27.0 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty great single player campaign that doesn't push the story in your face that often although there were some parts where you were locked in a room doing nothing listening to the npc talk. The game is fast and intense just how it should be if they were taking from the first game and I feel it has amazing progression in a sense that it is always introducing something new such as weapons and new demons and building up difficulty. There is plenty of cool secrets too find too. A little criticism would be the levels are a bit samey but not too much. So far I'm enjoying it, the whole game just makes you feel badass.

As for multiplayer I'm not a big fan. It is not bad its just feels like your playing a completely different game. The key bindings are completely different from the single player and just feels slower in terms of movement and the two weapon limit with loadouts just kills it for me. Also the lack of weapon pickups around the map. Map design is good in multiplayer and the warpath gamemode was interesting. Also the multiplayer is solid and that it works.

The snapmap mode I also feel isn't a good replacement for modding and just feels limited. It may be easier to use but that also means there is going to be alot of low quality content that is uploaded onto the server. Maybe it will improve as more maps are uploaded.

Game is worth the price if your going to be playing the single and multiplayer since I feel that amounts to alot of content. If not then pick it up on a sale for just the singleplayer
Posted June 3, 2016.
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12 people found this review helpful
51.5 hrs on record (45.5 hrs at review time)
Haven't had much trouble with U-Play as everyone else. Works just fine for me. As for the game I finally just beat the campaign and it opens up a ton after the campaign. Its amazing if you would like a strategy game about trading and maintaining your populations happiness with food and other stuff like technology. massive chains of trade. economic strategy simulator. The quests in the campaign sometimes were not to clear as what i had to do which kind of annoyed me. Once i beat the campaign this game became pretty awesome rather than ok. So i would reccomend it and graphics and the detail of the enviroment and cities is really nice.
Posted July 19, 2015. Last edited July 19, 2015.
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119.6 hrs on record (93.5 hrs at review time)
A WW2 FPS with amazing sound design and an emphasis on teamwork and just feeling like a badass when you help your team complete your objective. You may die alot at first but when you succeed in the game it's really satisfying. Only complaint I really have is the cover system can be glitchy at times. People with low patience should not play this game cause you will die alot and need to get use to slower tactical gameplay compared to many other shooters out there.
Posted June 17, 2015.
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21.9 hrs on record (12.3 hrs at review time)
Kind of transport management game where you will create lines of different transportation such as buses, trams and subways to meet the cities demands. Events happen to the cities that will effect traffic and your company also which is pretty nice makes you think about your placement of certain lines. Nice detail in the cities and pretty fun if you are into management games. One con for me would have to be not having the ability to manage the time schedules of each vehicles so what you have is sometimes a backup of vehicles at the same stop, but it was added in the sequel which i havent tried out yet. Still a great game
Posted March 11, 2015.
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