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Neue Rezensionen von Eucalyptus

Ergebnisse 1–3 von 3
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175.1 Std. insgesamt (121.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Pickle ahead. Therefore, jumping required.
Verfasst am 12. März 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
8.0 Std. insgesamt (2.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
As an asthmatic, this game is pretty fun
Verfasst am 2. Oktober 2020.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
539.5 Std. insgesamt (282.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Just like many others before me, I have not played GTA online in half a year. I have been playing GTA online since its first release and I decided to log back in a day or two ago. Little did I know that I would be faced with a, "your account has been suspended until June 25" statement, along with a reset of my online account. I have tried sending a request ticket, but I do not have any hope that they will help me resolve my issue, let alone reply back to me, and it honestly ruined the positive experience I had with GTA from now on. Do not get me wrong however. The game itself is great in my opinion. The have had very fun experiences with my friends, but I do find their customer service and their approach on anti-cheating really unfair, as I think that those who have been playing innocently have been paying more of the price for what the hackers and modders are doing. This game has so much potential and I really hope to buy GTA 6 if it ever comes out, but they really need to improve on their customer services for the sake of those, like myself, have been playing this game for nearly 5 years just to see their hardwork get deleted in a day.

Also, while I did have fun with the game and have been a fan of the franchise, it has been quite unsettling to see how much of a grind culture the GTA online setting has been progressing towards, but other than that and the need to tremendously improve on their customer support, the game has been really fun for me while it lasted.
Verfasst am 26. Juni 2018.
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Ergebnisse 1–3 von 3