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Recenzii recente de GameCharmer

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9.2 ore înregistrate (5.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Yes, it's officially launched! Congrats Sunless Sea!

Love this unique, dark game. Definitely worth a few play throughs. :)
Postat 6 februarie 2015.
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Wow, I wish I knew what this was really trying to be. It's definitely not Sacred. If I'd have been paying attention, I'd have seen it's made by a different developer. I can't believe I wasted money on this poorly executed knockoff. The game mechanics are terrible. The game play is awful. Everything about this screams "Aa ha ha, we used a popular name and are totally going to screw people over! Now how fast can we crank this thing out and how much can we charge? Can we get some DLC's too?"

Don't even bother.
Postat 1 februarie 2015.
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Wow, good thing I got this on the Humble Bundle. Game lags to all hell, and the menu is somehow stuck in the middle of the screen and is completely useless. Had to alt-tab out to close the game. Have fun with whatever this is supposed to be.
Postat 18 decembrie 2014.
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Tried a dozen different settings, can't manage to get it to run on my PC. Didn't realize I even owned this game till I spent some time reviewing my steam library.
Postat 25 august 2014.
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Wow, just absolutely wow. I've seen alpha games that rock compared to this BS. Stay as far away as possible.
Postat 18 august 2014.
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5.7 ore înregistrate (5.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Amazing game! Very reminiscient of Bastion, with a modern feel. Epic storyline worth replaying.
Postat 21 iunie 2014.
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Se afișează 31-36 din 36 intrări