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Nedávné recenze uživatele Bondage

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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
128.3 hodin celkem (4.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
A very good addition to the Civ styled 4x genre- with exceptions.
This game has a very solid base. Most the issues I have with the game (balancing and additional content) is stuff that can be fixed with due time.
Firstly, the neolithic era idea is genius. Starting from hunter-gather societies and scouting your surroundings for a good place to settle is fun- at first. Currently, there is a very easy way to cheese the start and it makes the neolithic era tedious while you hope that you find enough food or science collectibles to get your first star and get the ancient era culture you desire (if you want meta, that'd be the Harrapans) All you got to do is set your hunting party to auto-explore and spam the enter key and split your units when you get new ones. I'm hoping this issue will be resolved in the future (tbh I'd be fine if they disable auto-explore from the neolithic all together as long as they nerf the AI's searching abilities as well)
Now combat- this is the part that truly shines in this game. When I first looked at the combat a year ago on a first peek, I figured I wouldn't enjoy it. Endless Legend's combat felt tedious for me, and this is where it came from. However I have to say I am surprised to say that this is actually my favorite part of the game. I do auto-resolve combat that is far in my or the opponents favor or the very early ones with animals, but when you actually have to go to war and the battle sides are rather even and huge, it's very fun and rewarding to think out your moves like it's some type of chess game. My most successful game I was in constant warfare with my continental neighbors. In Civ VI, I'd fine this extremely tedious and annoying as war exhaustion would plummet my cities into deep negative amenities and things would get very grim. In this game, I revel in the idea and enjoy playing both defense and offense.
Now, for other qualms I have, the pacing. The pacing needs some serious look into, as it can be immersive breaking and just makes games weird. In the last few dozen games I've played, I'd typically have enough stars to reach the industrial era but my tech tree would be lagging behind at the late medieval, early modern. It is also strange to start the medieval era at ~400, 300 BCE (It was even worse at the start, with some people filling the tech tree at 3500 BCE). This is something I feel is for certain going to get fixed within due time.
The map sizes and game sizes are also too small for me but I have to admit, this is because I am very used to playing massive sized games on Civ (much to the dismay of my rig). I do still wish that "huge" will be larger in the future and that you can add more than 10 players in lobby (understandably, this is because there is only 10 culture per era but when more come out I hope they will allow the lobby sizes to be increased)
And for very minor minor things? A minimap will be nice and so would the player name changes. Some wishlist things are stuff like being able to change your emblem mid-game to match that of your current culture and cities getting renamed automatically to fit said culture; just things to make the game feel more...alive and immersive.
Overall, Humankind is a game is for sure going to be amazing in the next year, hell maybe even the next 3 months given how contributed the devs are. Players of the Endless series that also enjoy Civ will fill right at home with it. And when they enable modding support? Oh boy.
Odesláno 2. září 2021.
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388.6 hodin celkem (185.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
It's great but wished they allowed you to bind your steam and wargaming account, you have to do a workaround otherwise
Odesláno 5. července 2019.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
5,251.9 hodin celkem (455.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Odesláno 22. listopadu 2018. Naposledy upraveno 10. června 2022.
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91.1 hodin celkem (81.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
reaction to every update (order from memory)
-nano heal turrets
Long awaited and fun
-Mega bots/boss battles
-Being able to respawn in battles
-Removal of tiers
-Removal of tech tree
-Removal of Armor
-Making everything really exspensive to compensate with tech tree and armor removal
-Making parts level locked
-Ruining a very fun and competitive game
Odesláno 5. února 2016. Naposledy upraveno 5. února 2016.
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217.6 hodin celkem (17.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I built a dam and flooded my City of 15,000.
10/10 would dam again.
Odesláno 20. března 2015.
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358.7 hodin celkem (64.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
You can shoot naked people.
Odesláno 21. června 2014.
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